Saturday, December 01, 2007
Promised Links - Merry Christmas
The December meeting of the NJCWG was a real blessing to me! Every single member of this group has been a blessing to me this past year.
Now, here are two things I promised to send the group via the blog.
1) a link to my latest column at the
2) You can read back issues of my column at my personal blog
3) a link to vista print's free (250) business cards.
I pray that each of you will have a most blessed Christmas!
Louise Bergmann DuMont
Facilitator, NJCWG
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Christian Market Guide Order
Sally Stuart's 2008 Christian Market Guide hits the books shelves in January. If you are a Christian writer you really MUST have a copy of this book AND it now with a CD-ROM!
This book contains complete information on book publishers, periodicals, specialty and foreign markets, newspapers, writing contests, editorial services, conferences, literary agents, and more. 640 pages, softcover with CD-ROM. Publisher - Waterbrook.
"An essential reference for anyone seeking to be published in the Christian community,"---Midwest Book Review.
A Note From Louise: Those of you who have been members of the NJCWG for a while know that I have a standing order with Sally (Stewart) for a dozen Christian Market Guides each year. Becuase my standing order was placed many years ago, I get an unbelieveable price. I sell these books to members of our group for a mere $21.00. That covers the cost of the book and bulk shipping. Please note that I do not make any money on these books. I pay for the dozen books and try to sell them at cost so that any new writer will have the wonderful market information that this book supplies.
The retail price of the 2008 Christian Market Guide is $34.99 (you can probably get a copy online for about $26.00 but then you'd still have to pay for shipping. That means that buying this book from me would save you around $10.00.
Since our group is small, I'm a little concerned that I will once again end up with copies that I must pay for but can't sell. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of this book please let me know as soon as possible. If you have writing friends who want a copy, please feel free to ask for more than one copy. If I don't get enough people to request copies, I'm going to have to cancel my standing order. Unforntunately, I can no longer afford to pay for the books only to donate them to various libraries. Agian, let me know as soon as possible if you would like a copy.
Monday, November 26, 2007
NJCWG December Meeting
Wishing you all a most blessed celebration
of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
YES - The NJCWG will be hosting a December Meeting.
In the past, our December meeting has been a time fellowship and we did not have an actual "meeting". The financial constraints of the membership as well as timing did not allow us to host this year's event at a resturant as we have in the past. I will, however, bring some refreshments to our meeting and if anyone would like to contribute to the festivities, please feel free to do so (email me to let me know what you are bringing - ).
I am putting our usual teaching session on hold for one month. The topic of this month's teaching will be: Holiday Articles and Stories -- How to Get Seasonal Materials Published.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Ringwood Baptist Church
30 Carletondale Road
Ringwood, NJ 07456
Our teaching session will continue with the "secrets" offered by Janet Orr in her book, No More Rejections. This Saturday's we will continue studying Passage 3 (Secrets 11-15). This includes information about supporting characters. It will help you portray your supporting cast in ways that enliven the overall plot and enhance the portrayal of your protagonist.
Out of Business
FYI - The following periodicals have gone out of business:
Christian Library Journal
Church Educator
Home-Based Mom: Audiozine
Hope for Women
Horizons (Canada)
Writing Op - Vista
James Watkins, Editor, Vista
Jim Watkins is new editor at Vista, and is looking for submissions of nonfiction and fiction (500-550 words), and humor pieces (250-300 words). Submissions can be on any subject related to Christian growth. In the past this publication was not open to freelance submissions.
Vista, PO Box 50434, Indianapolis IN 46250. Jim's e-mail is
Poetry - Writers Digest Poetry Contest
December 20, 2007 is the deadline for the Writer's Digest Poetry Awards! If your poem is less than 32 lines it is eligible.
First Place: $500
Second Place: $250
Third Place: $100
Fourth - Tenth Place: $25
Eleventh - Twenty-Fifth Place: $50 gift certificate to Writer's Digest Books
First- Tenth-Place winners will have their names and the title of their poem printed in an upcoming issue of Writer's Digest.
All winners will receive a copy of the 2008 Poet's Market.
Details on Website:
Poetry - Writers Digest Poetry Contest
December 20, 2007 is the deadline for the Writer's Digest Poetry Awards! If your poem is less than 32 lines it is eligible.
First Place: $500
Second Place: $250
Third Place: $100
Fourth - Tenth Place: $25
Eleventh - Twenty-Fifth Place: $50 gift certificate to Writer's Digest Books
First- Tenth-Place winners will have their names and the title of their poem printed in an upcoming issue of Writer's Digest.
All winners will receive a copy of the 2008 Poet's Market.
Details on Website:
December 20, 2007 is the deadline for the Writer's Digest Poetry Awards! If your poem is less than 32 lines it is eligible.
First Place: $500
Second Place: $250
Third Place: $100
Fourth - Tenth Place: $25
Eleventh - Twenty-Fifth Place: $50 gift certificate to Writer's Digest Books
First- Tenth-Place winners will have their names and the title of their poem printed in an upcoming issue of Writer's Digest.
All winners will receive a copy of the 2008 Poet's Market.
Details on Website:
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
November MEETING of the NJCWG
November 3, 2007
Our teaching session will continue with the "secrets" offered by Janet Orr in her book, No More Rejections.
This Saturday's we will review Passage 3 (Secrets 11-15)
This includes information about supporting characters. It will help you portray your supporting cast in ways that enliven the overall plot and enhance the portrayal of your protagonist.
Ringwood Baptist Church
30 Carletondale Road
Ringwood, NJ 07456
Louise Bergmann DuMont
Facilitator of the NJCWG
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Writing Op - Seeds in Season
A writing colleague of mine, April Boyer, is looking for "kitchen" and "autumn" stories for her Seeds in Season online magazine. Check out this writing opportunity and tell April "Louise sent you."
Sunday, October 07, 2007
48 Hours Mystery - Date Change
October 20, 2007
10:00 p.m. EST
A message from Kent,
Well... 48 Hours Mystery! featuring our family's story has been moved once more, and will now be aired on Saturday, October 20 at 10:00 eastern time, and NOT on the 13th, as previously reported. Please correct your calendars to reflect this change. Sorry about the confusion, but they are trying for the largest potential audience, and there was a conflict with a local election in New Orleans which caused the first change, but that has been cleared up. Since the 20th was always the best option, now that the conflict with the election has been cleared up (the coverage will be over by the time the program aired) they are going back to it. Again, the program will be on CBS. Check your local listings.
This means that I will be out of town for the showing, but hopefully I will get a chance to see it while in New Mexico. This may be best. It will be hard to watch, but the Christian message of forgiveness is still the center piece. If it isn't too much trouble for somebody to record it I would appreciate it.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Writer Conferences
Here are a few upcoming Writer Conferences. Most are Christian conferences - I've indicated those that are not.
October 19-20, 2007. American Christian Writers Anaheim Conference (Jim Bell and
Steve Laube among the workshop instructors).
October 17-21, 2007, Glorieta Christian Writers Conference, (Near Santa Fe, NM).
More info:
October 20, 2007. Oregon Christian Writers Fall One-Day Conference at Multnomah
Bible College, Portland, Oregon. More info:
October 29-November 1, 2007. 2007 Fall Mentoring Clinic for Christian Writers at
Mt Hermon. More info:
March 14-18, 2008. Spring Christian Writers Conference at Mount Hermon. Debbie
Macomber and Jerry B Jenkins. More info:
April 3-5, 2008. 2008 Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop in Dayton, Ohio.
More info: (Secular)
April 17-19, 2008. Delaware Christian Writers Conference. Newark, Delaware. More
May 2-3, 2008. Northwest Christian Writers Renewal (formerly SPU Writers
Renewal). Northshore Baptist Church in Bothell, Washington. Cec Murphey will
keynote. Editorial reps include Mick Silva, Waterbrook; Don Pape, Cook; and
Jesse Florea, Focus on the Family magazines.
May 2-3, 2008. Antelope Valley Christian Writers' Conference. More info:
May 14-17, 2008. Colorado Christian Writer's Conference. More info coming soon
July 13-17, 2008. International Christian Retail Show. Orange County Convention
Center, Orlando, FL. More info:
October 19-20, 2007. American Christian Writers Anaheim Conference (Jim Bell and
Steve Laube among the workshop instructors).
October 17-21, 2007, Glorieta Christian Writers Conference, (Near Santa Fe, NM).
More info:
October 20, 2007. Oregon Christian Writers Fall One-Day Conference at Multnomah
Bible College, Portland, Oregon. More info:
October 29-November 1, 2007. 2007 Fall Mentoring Clinic for Christian Writers at
Mt Hermon. More info:
March 14-18, 2008. Spring Christian Writers Conference at Mount Hermon. Debbie
Macomber and Jerry B Jenkins. More info:
April 3-5, 2008. 2008 Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop in Dayton, Ohio.
More info: (Secular)
April 17-19, 2008. Delaware Christian Writers Conference. Newark, Delaware. More
May 2-3, 2008. Northwest Christian Writers Renewal (formerly SPU Writers
Renewal). Northshore Baptist Church in Bothell, Washington. Cec Murphey will
keynote. Editorial reps include Mick Silva, Waterbrook; Don Pape, Cook; and
Jesse Florea, Focus on the Family magazines.
May 2-3, 2008. Antelope Valley Christian Writers' Conference. More info:
May 14-17, 2008. Colorado Christian Writer's Conference. More info coming soon
July 13-17, 2008. International Christian Retail Show. Orange County Convention
Center, Orlando, FL. More info:
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Next Meeting of the NJCWG
Our teaching session will continue with the "Secrets" offered by Janet Orr in her book, No More Rejections.
October 6, 2007
This week we will be working on characterization!
Ringwood Baptist Church
30 Carletondale Road
Ringwood, NJ 07456
Louise Bergmann DuMont
Facilitator of the NJCWG
Special Important Message
A friend who I met at Glorieta last year will be on 48 Hours Mystery! It is a story that Satan wanted to use to destroy but God used to His glory.
Here is the info. I beg your prayers for this man full of grace and mercy. This is one show you don't want to miss.
Louise Bergmann DuMont
Message from Kent
Just got the word. The CBS show 48 Hours Mystery! which features the story of my wife and son's murder, and my other son's subsequent trial - and how God used this tragedy to bring about great good - will be aired a week earlier than expected. It will now be shown Saturday, October 13. Check your listings for the airing time - 10:00 p.m. eastern, 9:00 central.
Please pray every day that this program would reach millions with the story of God's grace.
Please pray that this program be a powerful a message for God's promises of forgiveness, unconditional love, and how He gives us the strength to do hard things when we trust him. I have a great hope that it will be used by God for this. They have titled it "Faith of a Father", so that is a good sign. Before agreeing to let them interview me their producer agreed in writing that the final, as-aired program would include the Christian message of salvation (why a relationship with Jesus was necessary to get into heaven), and the amazing story of how He gave me the ability to forgive everyone as I lay in the hospital that first night with my own near fatal wound. This forgiveness was given to a faceless stranger, long before I found out that my son was who I was actually forgiving.
While I don't trust the news media at all, and am aware that they could bend what I have said to whatever agenda they might have, I don't believe that is what this producer has in mind, and besides, God doesn't want us to stay safely on the sidelines of life. I don't think that is what the armor of God is for. So if they choose to twist things to make the silly Christian dad look like a fool, they can do it, but at least I will have been faithful. I believe we are in a culture war for our country, and wars are not won without taking risks and boldly entering the fight. So I am again asking for everyone's prayers, specifically that the program would be used in a great way to spread God's messages across America. And, yes, I hope that the national exposure will benefit my hopes for a book, but Janet will tell you that I have already been blessed financially and that I wrote it for the right reasons, so my request isn't as self serving as it may look.
Hope everyone will watch it, and that we will all be pleased with the results.
Yours and His,
Kent Whitaker
ps I just thought of something else. I am going to include a link to a story that came out last Thursday about a hearing for the young man who actually shot us all. He had pleaded guilty to a reduced sentence (from Capital Murder Life in Prison to First Degree Murder), and I was given the opportunity of making a victim impact statement once the proceedings were complete. Although there were 5 television camera crews in the room, and still photographers, the judge would not let them film my statement. This link takes you to the ABC Houston affiliate, Channel 13, and one of their reports. There is a link inside the story which takes you to my full statement, if you care to read it.
New Column Posted
To read my latest column (Cafe Chocolate) you can go to
Louise Bergmann DuMont
Author of Faith Dipped Chocolate: Rich Encouragement to Sweeten Your Day
Writing Op - Woman's World
Bauer Publishing Co.
270 Sylvan Ave.
Englewood Cliffs NJ 07632
Phone: (201)569-6699
Fax: (201)569-3584
Contact: Kathleen Fitzpatrick, senior editor
Johnene Granger, fiction editor
Tips: "The whole story should be sent when submitting fiction. Stories slanted for a particular holiday should be sent at least 6 months in advance."
Format: Magazine covering "human interest and service pieces of interest to family-oriented women across the nation. Woman's World is a women's service magazine. It offers a blend of fashion, food, parenting, beauty, and relationship features coupled with the true-life human interest stories."
Frequency: Weekly
"We publish short romances and mini-mysteries for all women, ages 18-68."
Editor's Note: Woman's World is not looking for freelancers to take assigments generated by the staff, but it will assign stories to writers who have made a successful pitch.
Freelance Facts
* Established: 1980
* Circulation: 1,625,779
* Pays on acceptance.
* Publishes manuscript 4 months after acceptance.
Rights purchased:
* for First North American Serial rights for 6 months.
Accepts queries by: Mail
* Responds in 6 weeks to queries.
* Responds in 2 months to manuscripts.
* Sample copy not available.
* Writer's guidelines for #10 SASE.
Dramatic personal women's stories and articles on self-improvement, medicine, and health topics. Please specify "Real-Life Story" on envelope. Features include Emergency (real-life drama); My Story; Medical Miracle; Triumph; Courage; My Guardian Angel; Happy Ending (queries to Kathy Fitzpatrick). Also service stories on parenting, marriage, and work (queries to Irene Daria).
* Pays $500/1,000 words
* Does not pay the expenses of writers on assignment.
Short story, romance, and mainstream of 1,100 words and mini-mysteries of 1,000 words. "Each of our stories has a light romantic theme and can be written from either a masculine or feminine point of view. Women characters may be single, married, or divorced. Plots must be fast moving with vivid dialogue and action. The problems and dilemmas inherent in them should be contemporary and realistic, handled with warmth and feeling. The stories must have a positive resolution." Specify "Fiction" on envelope. Always enclose SASE. Responds in 4 months. No phone or fax queries. Pays $1,000 for romances on acceptance for North American serial rights for 6 months. "The 1,000 word mini-mysteries may feature either a `whodunnit' or `howdunnit' theme. The mystery may revolve around anything from a theft to murder. However, we are not interested in sordid or grotesque crimes. Emphasis should be on intricacies of plot rather than gratuitous violence. The story must include a resolution that clearly states the villain is getting his or her come-uppance." Submit complete mss. Specify "Mini-Mystery" on envelope. Enclose SASE. No phone queries.
Contact: Johnene Granger, fiction editor
* Mystery
* Romance (contemporary)
Does Not Want: Not interested in science fiction, fantasy, historical romance, or foreign locales. No explicit sex, graphic language, or seamy settings.
* Submission method: Send complete manuscript.
* Length: Romances--1,100 words; mysteries--1,000 words.
* Pays $1,000/romances; $500/mysteries
Writing Op - Women Alive
Women Alive, Inc.
Encouraging Excellence in Holy Living
P.O. Box 480052
Kansas City MO 64145
Phone: Phone/Fax: (913)402-1369
Web site:
Contact: Aletha Hinthorn, editor
Format: Magazine covering Christian living.
Frequency: Bimonthly
"Women Alive encourages and equips women to live holy lives through teaching them to live out Scripture."
Freelance Facts
* 50% freelance written
* Established: 1984
* Circulation: 4,000
* Pays on publication.
* Publishes manuscript 6 months after acceptance.
* Byline given.
Rights purchased:
* First North American serial rights
* First rights
* One-time rights
* Second serial (reprint) rights
* Simultaneous rights
* Editorial lead time 4 months.
* Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance.
Accepts queries by: Mail & E-mail
* Accepts simultaneous submissions
* Responds in 6 weeks to manuscripts.
* Sample copy for 9 X 12 envelope and 3 first-class stamps.
* Writer's guidelines for 9 X 12 envelope and 3 first-class stamps.
* Inspirational
* Opinion
* Personal Experience
* Religious
* Buys 30 manuscripts/year.
* Submission method: Send complete manuscript.
* Length: 500–1,500 words.
* State availability of photos with submission.
Wrting Op - Today's Christian Mag
Christianity Today
Stories of Faith, Hope and God's Love
465 Gundersen Dr.
Carol Stream IL 60188
Phone: (630)260-6200
Fax: (630)480-2004
Web site:
Contact: Cynthia Thomas, editorial coordinator
Format: Magazine for adult evangelical Christian audience.
Frequency: Bimonthly
Tips: "Most of our articles are reprints or staff written. Freelance competition is keen, so tailor submissions to meet our needs by observing the following: Today's Christian audience is truly a general interest one, including men and women, urban professionals and rural homemakers, adults of every age and marital status, and Christians of every church affiliation. We seek to publish a magazine that people from the variety of ethnic groups in North America will find interesting and relevant."
Freelance Facts
* 25% freelance written
* Established: 1963
* Circulation: 125,000
* Pays on acceptance; on publication for humor pieces.
* Byline given.
* Editorial lead time 5 months.
* Submit seasonal material 8 months in advance.
Accepts queries by:
* Accepts simultaneous submissions
* Responds in 1 month to queries.
* Sample copy for 5×8 envelope and 4 first-class stamps.
* Click here for manuscript guidelines
* Book excerpts
* General Interest
* Historical
* Humor
* Inspirational
* Interview/Profile
* Personal Experience
* Photo Feature
* Religious
* Buys 100-125 manuscripts/year.
* Submission method: Query with or without published clips or send complete manuscript.
* Length: 250–1,500 words.
* Pays $125-600 depending on length
* Pays the expenses of writers on assignment.
* Accepts previously published submissions.
* Send tearsheet, photocopy or typed manuscript
* Rights for sale
* Information about when and where the material previously appeared
* Pays 35-50% of amount paid for an original article
* Send photos with submission.
* Transparencies
* prints
Photos Require:
* Identification of subjects
* Buys one-time rights
* Negotiates payment individually.
Columns & Departments
* Contact: Cynthia Thomas, editorial coordinator
* Columns open to freelancers: Humor Us (adult church humor, kids say and do funny things, and humorous wedding tales), 50-200 words.
* Pays $35.
* Anecdotes
* short fillers
* Buys 10-20 fillers/year.
* Length: 100–250 words.
* Pays: $35.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
September Meeting of the NJCWG
The North Jersey Christian Writers Group (NJCWG) IS meeting this Saturday for our September meeting (despite Labor Day Weekend).
Our teaching session will continue with the "Secrets" offered by Janet Orr in her book, No More Rejections.
September 1, 2007
Ringwood Baptist Church
30 Carletondale Road
Ringwood, NJ
Louise Bergmann DuMont
Facilitator of the NJCWG
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