Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Faith-Dipped Chocolate Tour

The Faith-Dipped Chocolate Tour is finally behind me. I hardly know where to start telling the group all that happened. If you read the previous posts you'll see that I was pretty sick during the first week of my trip, but God used even that to teach me some very interesting things. Faith is more than just trusting that God will provide "good" things. It is trusting that ALL things are good when they come from God.

I am still amazed that God would send me three speaking engagements during my bout with laryngitis and that I would get my voice back, not once but three times, just minutes before my speaking engagements. God certainly has a sense of humor.

I ended the tour with a real bang. The last two signings went exceptionally well. I sold dozens of books at each and the stores were so pleased that they asked me to sign a few dozen more to keep on hand. What a blessing. I dated one more speaking engagement in Michigan and met some fascinating people at every turn. One fellow, a botanist and author of three books, shared some coffee facts that I did not know (amazing is - I know). Those coffee tidbits will appear in my next column and on my website in the near future .

I also met a number of great kids and teens who wanted to be writers. What a privilege to be able to encourage them in their writing!

Looking forward to seeing many of you at the next meeting. Lots planned!

God Bless
Louise Bergmann DuMont

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