Friday, October 06, 2006

Note From NJCWG Faciliator

Glorieta Conference Center, Albuquerque, NM

Well, I've once again neglected the blog for a short time. This was due to preparation for the upcoming Glorieta conference in Albuquerque New Mexico. I will be teaching Writing Devotions: 101 and Know Your Audience / Write To Market

Please keep me in your prayers for the following:
1) That I might have a good flight - without incident and on time
2) That my teaching might be of benefit to those taking my classes
3) That my conduct might glorify Christ
4) That my pitches might fall on receptive ears
5) That someone needing encouragement might find it in my words
6) That God's direction for my writing might be made clear
7) That I might bring back loads of information and writing opportunities for the NJCWG
8) That I might sell a few copies of my books in the bookstore
9) That I won't be totallly exhausted when I get back on Monday night (10/16) since I do have to go back to work on Tuesday (10/17)
10) That God would use all the speakers and teachers to raise up writers for His purpose
11) That editors and publishers would find the writers that they need and that writers would find a market for their work at Glorieta

Please note that the NJCWG is meeting on Monday, 10/9/06. Hope to see many of you there.


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