Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Our next meeting is APRIL 5 at 10am

Last month's meeting's success warrants a repeat performance in April. Come prepared to share an update of your writing/publishing journey and bring five copies of two pages for small group critiquing. Be mindful that we will meet at our regular time, 10am to noon. 

Write for yourself or write for others but, above all, write for Him.

March's Thoughts to Ponder

Discovery's Responsibility
In February we talked about the joy of discovery. Our Take Home Thought was “Stir the anticipation of discovery; still the angst of the unknown.” Discovery, or revelation, is a joy, but it also raises our level of responsibility. Every new nugget is a treasure for which we are responsible.
It may be something we need to tend to personally - an action or attitude that needs our attention.
It may be something we're to pray about - something between us & God.
It may be something we’re given to share - a nugget that will help someone else. (Isn’t that true of all discoveries, in one way or at one time or another?)
As writers, we need to be sensitive to God’s nudges to share the revelation of grace and truth He shows us. We are responsible for our discoveries, just as we are responsible for our gift. 
1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.” 
                Gift - given by God 
                Faithfully - loyally, devotedly, dependably 
                Various forms - How many venues & genres are available for us?
Why do we use these gifts? Verse 11 tell us why - “… so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.” 
Take Home Thought: When the nugget and the nudge collide, we must respond with our gift. Pray for the courage to follow through.

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