Monday, February 22, 2016

Story Callout Opportunity

Quick reminder - our monthly meeting is THIS Sat. 2/27 @ 10 am. 
Our meeting is about "pitch":  
  • Please prepare a pitch for a current project (even if it's not a book), whether it's in progress or still a dream. Part of our discussion will include how a pitch can focus our writing and thereby help us in the process.
Here's an article that explains a little about "pitch" (vs. press release):

Below are two opportunities to publish for Moments from Grace Publishing:


Submissions should be sent to:
Yvonne Lehman

Story callout from Yvonne Lehman:
I'm now accepting submissions for two new Moments books to be released in 2016 and 2017. These are compilations of 50 stories by 40+ authors in each book, published by Grace Publishing

Already in print are Divine MomentsSpoken Moments, Precious, Precocious Moments,and Christmas Moments (2014 and 2015). The variety of approaches to the themes for past books has been really inspiring. Some long, some short, some humorous, others serious.

There is no compensation (except publication and joy!). Authors get one free copy and discount on orders. Royalties go to Samaritan's Purse. We always make a presentation of authors of Moments books at the May Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.

Submissions come in quickly, so you might want to hurry! First acceptable 50 will be accepted. These are true stories of events, experiences, lessons learned, etc. Articles range from 500-2000+ words. Content is the key!

Christmas Moments Book #3 - articles about the true meaning of Christmas - Christmas experiences, meaningful or touching stories about Christmas - similar to Christmas Moments Books #1 and 2. Deadline March 15, 2016.

Loving Moments - personal love stories; love for children, parents, animals, etc.; and/or love for God, His love for us, etc. Deadline May 31, 2016.

Contributors should put Loving Moments or Christmas Moments Book #3 in subject line and send to

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