Thursday, January 30, 2025


Looking forward to connecting with you this Saturday, Feb. 1st at 10a-12p. Please note we will now be meeting in the newly renovated conference room at High Mountain Church. When you enter the building, go straight past the cafe to the room behind it. Go to the far wall where the elevator is, and the conference room will be to your right. We're getting fancy! ðŸ˜‰

If you are bringing something for critique, please check and abide by the guidelines on our website. (right column)

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thess. 5:11

Friday, January 10, 2025

Writers Meeting - Jan. 11th


Meeting - Sat. Jan 11 @ 10a - 12p

High Mountain Church
681 High Mountain Rd., No. Haledon, NJ

Looking forward to gathering with you tomorrow. The Spanish church will be using the Cafe tomorrow all day, so our writers' meeting will be UPSTAIRS.  

Tomorrow, we will discuss goals to focus on for the year and then break down those goals into achievable segments on a shorter timeline. Here is a handy resource for writers to help with setting goals: Setting Writing Goals – The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Please check the critique guidelines on the right sidebar if you plan to bring your writing for critique. 

Thursday, October 31, 2024


Looking forward to seeing you this Saturday, Nov. 2nd 10a-12p.

As I mentioned at the last meeting, a friend and I are collaborating on a Self-Publishing Guidebook. We have a draft outline, but we are looking to YOU as a focus group to provide us with questions that you want answered. I'll be bringing the draft outline for our opening discussion. PLEASE THINK ABOUT WHAT QUESTIONS YOU HAVE REGARDING SELF-PUBLISHING FOR OUR DISCUSSION ON SATURDAY. 

See you then,

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Here we go again!

As our faithful members know, we've been corresponding via email (not the blog) these past 6-7 months or so. We haven't figured out the technology for the blogposts to be emailed, but we'll continue to work on it, and in the meantime, will send emails and update the blog for your reference. 

We had a great meeting on Sept. 7th - recapping our summers and setting goals for the upcoming year, as well as monthly. 

Welcome to our new members!! 

The next meeting is:

  • Sat. Oct. 5th
  • 10 am - 12 noon
  • High Mountain Church, 681 High Mountain Rd., No. Haledon, NJ

As you know, Barbara, our wonderful leader, is now leading a writers club at Calvary Temple in Wayne. It meets on Thursday evenings. Here is a link for more info:

For those who prefer Saturdays, we will continue to meet at High Mountain Church from 10 to 12 on the first Saturday of each month. 

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Prov. 27:17

Monday, January 29, 2024

Meeting February 3 CANCELLED

Meeting this Saturday

February 3, 10 am - noon

High Mountain Church, North Haledon 

Seasoned and novice 
writers are welcome!

Please come with specific writing goals for now thru spring,
as well as questions & suggestions for future meetings.

Members, don't forget to bring your work for critique.

See you Saturday,


Thursday, November 02, 2023

Our next meeting


November 11

Please note, this is the SECOND Saturday of the month.

High Mountain Church
681 High Mountain Rd, North Haledon, NJ

10 AM - Noon

Published authors and beginning writers are welcome.
Members are invited to bring two unpublished pages for critique
(Times New Roman, double-spaced).

Hope to see you there,

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

October's Meeting

 This Saturday,

October 7, 10-noon

Bring your paper, tablet, or laptop and 
come prepared for a simple writing exercise. 

Accomplished authors and fledgling writers are invited to meet others with a like passion for words. Join us for an encouraging two hours.

Members are invited to bring two unpublished pages for critique (Times New Roman, double-spaced).

Write for Him,