Sunday, August 24, 2014

September meeting

Saturday, September 6, 10 am - noon

Seasoned writer? Beginning writer? Wannabe writer? All are welcome.

High Mountain Church
681 High Mountain Rd., No. Haledon, NJ
10:00 am - 12:00 noon

Our Fall Start-up Meeting

Come prepared to share your progress over the summer as well as new goals for the fall.

Leave ready to start - or restart - a writing project.

Start - to do the first part of something; to begin doing something
Restart - to make something start again after it has stopped

We are ready to encourage you, wherever you are in your writing journey.

In the second half of our meeting, we will break into small critique groups. If you bring work for critique, please remember these guidelines:
  • two pages, double-spaced, with your name on each page
  • it should be work you have already edited
  • if you have one, share the name of a prospective publisher, periodical or contest 
  • please note that we no longer email our work ahead, but bring it to the meeting
I'm looking forward to getting together with you on the sixth.

Write for Him,