Tuesday, November 18, 2014

December Meeting ~ Christmas Brunch

Sat., December 6th

Please join us for our annual Christmas Brunch.

In the High Mountain Church cafe:
681 High Mountain Rd.
No. Haledon, NJ 

At our last meeting and through email, a few people stated what they are bringing (listed below). Please rsvp if you can come and what you are bringing.  
RSVP to this email or njcwgroup@gmail.com.   
  • Elaine: quiche
  • Maude: salmon spread  
  • Barbara H: paper goods
  • Susan P: winter salad
  • Chris S: chocolate meltaway cake
  • Sr. Jane: fruit salad

Our focus will be Fun with Words. Using Christmas objects, we'll practice the use of literary devices such as simile/metaphor, personification and alliteration.  

​Hope to see you all there!! 

ps - Leslie, John, Karen, Barbara R: we'll miss you! Wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Search is On

Thoughts to ponder
from our November meeting

 The Search is On
Do you ever fixate on a word? You’re writers - I know you do this. I was thinking about the word search, realizing how active it is. You can’t be a passive searcher. Then I thought about the fact that God likes us to search. He commends a searching heart and promises in Jeremiah 29:13 that if we search for Him, we will find God when we seek Him with all our heart.
The Bible also tells us to search for wisdom, search for the lost, search our hearts, and search the Word. It says a searching heart will not be disappointed, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Matt 7:7).
As a writer, my least favorite aspect of writing is the search
·                     Searching for the right words
·                     Searching for answers - research
·                     Searching for publishers
·                     Searching for platforms, illustrations, anecdotes, pictures for blogs, opportunities…
It can be tedious and, for me, at least, it’s the number one cause for procrastination.
But think about it - without the search, there’s no joy of discovery. There's no aha moment. Be encouraged. Searching, researching is part of the writing package.
Take Away Thought: Searching is part of the journey and, without it, there’s no joy of discovery.
Do you play with words? How about letters? I recently had fun with the letter P. I invite you to take the P challenge on my blog, barbarahigbyhope.com

Our next meeting will be a Christmas Brunch on December 6th. Details will follow.