Sat., December 6th
Please join us for our annual Christmas Brunch.
In the High Mountain Church cafe:
681 High Mountain Rd.
No. Haledon, NJ
At our last meeting and through email, a few people stated what they are bringing (listed below). Please rsvp if you can come and what you are bringing.
RSVP to this email or
RSVP to this email or
- Elaine: quiche
- Maude: salmon spread
- Barbara H: paper goods
- Susan P: winter salad
- Chris S: chocolate meltaway cake
- Sr. Jane: fruit salad
Our focus will be Fun with Words. Using Christmas objects, we'll practice the use of literary devices such as simile/metaphor, personification and alliteration.
Hope to see you all there!!
ps - Leslie, John, Karen, Barbara R: we'll miss you! Wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!