Wednesday, April 29, 2015

May Meeting this Saturday

I blinked and it's the last week in April, which means our May meeting is here already.

Saturday, May 2
10 am - noon

We will meet as usual at High Mountain Church, but in the all-purpose room.
The entrance is at the back of the building.
Please see the website for directions.

Please bring work to critique (guidelines on website).

We will briefly discuss options for writing children's books.
If this is not a venue you're interested in, don't be deterred from attending.
I'm certain you will pick up tips and be inspired.   

Here are the Thoughts to Ponder from April's meeting.

Focus: Show, Don’t Tell, according to James the Apostle

Telling is the lazy writer’s way. It’s less creative, less costly, less inspiring than showing. This is true in writing and it is true in life.

     Easy: The cat contentedly sat on the old woman’s lap, both with closed eyes.

     Easy: I’m in the process of writing a book.

     Easy: I believe, I have faith in God and you should too.

     Hard, but better: She tucked a stray gray strand behind her ear and rested her hand on the purring        pet in her lap. Both closed their eyes, one in sleep, one in prayer.

     Hard, but better: Yesterday I wrote 500 words of chapter two. I plan to write 500 words, five days      a week… or 500 words a week… or… I sent a proposal to three publishers this week…

     Hard, but better: Walking, living, acting according to faith-based decisions. “Faith, by itself, if it is      not accompanied by action, is dead” James 2:17.   “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will        show you my faith by what I do” (2:18b). “Do not merely listen to the word… Do what it says”          (1:22).

Showing requires more thought and energy; more writing and rewriting; more doing, less talking.

The main goal of NJCWG is to write and to be read. Each month we encourage each other to write and persist and grow in excellence. So… keep on going on. Research, read, write, rewrite, submit, blog. You are a writer, write!

Take home thought: My writing, and my lifestyle, is best when I show, don’t tell.

Write for Him!
Barbara Higby

Thursday, April 09, 2015

Reminder: Meeting this Saturday, April 11

Our April meeting is the second Saturday, 4/11, due to Easter celebrations.
  • Please note our change in time: 9-11:00 am (this meeting only).
  • Bring paper, tablet or laptop for a creative writing exercise. 
  • If you have work for critique, please adhere to guidelines on our website. 
                                                                      Hope to see you on Saturday,