Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Next meeting: Annual Christmas Brunch

Please join us for our annual Christmas brunch. 
Sat. Dec. 5 ... 10am-12pm

Bring a Christmas reading to share 
along with something tasty to eat! 
(We have bagels, dessert and pasta salad so far.)

RSVP to Susan :: panzica.susan@gmail.com. 

Monday, November 02, 2015

Meeting this Saturday

Our next meeting

Saturday, November 7
10 am - noon

North Haledon Church of the Nazarene
(address on our website)

Saturday's focus: 
Tell me a story!

Bring your notebook (paper or electronic) along with your most colorful adjectives, strongest verbs, and greatest story lines.

If you have work for critique, 
please follow guidelines on our website.