Wednesday, March 30, 2016

April Meeting

Our April meeting is this Saturday,

April 2, 10 a.m. til noon

Member Katie Sweeting will present the importance and methods of Research, drawing from her personal and professional experience.

Location and critique guidelines can be found at
The following is the Focus Point of our March meeting (which was actually February 27).


Pitch is a concise, nutshell description of a writing project. The benefit of a pitch is that it clarifies our project so others can understand what it's about, but there is a personal benefit as well - pitch clarifies our purpose.
Take a look at the word clarity. It is defined as the quality of being easily understood, of being clear. Synonyms include: apparent, understandable, comprehensible, plain.
I usually have a swirl of thoughts, feelings, ideas and plans spiraling through my heart and head. I need to calm myself and look deeply so I can clarify my purpose and focus. Just what are my goals, aspirations, intentions, dreams and objectives in this project? Most importantly, what is God’s purpose in inspiring me to write this piece?
Proverbs 20:5 reads, “The purposes of a man's heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out.” While this is speaking of someone drawing out the purposes of someone else’s heart, the same can be true of understanding what is in our own hearts. If we want clarity of direction and purpose we need to draw them out so we can chart a clear course.
Most Christian writers are familiar with Habakkuk 2:2: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.” Before a herald runs with it, it needs to be plain enough for me to run with it. According to Proverbs 14:8, “The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways….” Prudence to seek God's purpose and wisdom and draw out my thoughts and bring them into focus, frees me to run with my words.
Take away thought: I will seek clarity by taking time for reflection to understand God’s heart and my own heart in the piece I’m writing and in the life I’m living. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Story Callout Opportunity

Quick reminder - our monthly meeting is THIS Sat. 2/27 @ 10 am. 
Our meeting is about "pitch":  
  • Please prepare a pitch for a current project (even if it's not a book), whether it's in progress or still a dream. Part of our discussion will include how a pitch can focus our writing and thereby help us in the process.
Here's an article that explains a little about "pitch" (vs. press release):

Below are two opportunities to publish for Moments from Grace Publishing:


Submissions should be sent to:
Yvonne Lehman

Story callout from Yvonne Lehman:
I'm now accepting submissions for two new Moments books to be released in 2016 and 2017. These are compilations of 50 stories by 40+ authors in each book, published by Grace Publishing

Already in print are Divine MomentsSpoken Moments, Precious, Precocious Moments,and Christmas Moments (2014 and 2015). The variety of approaches to the themes for past books has been really inspiring. Some long, some short, some humorous, others serious.

There is no compensation (except publication and joy!). Authors get one free copy and discount on orders. Royalties go to Samaritan's Purse. We always make a presentation of authors of Moments books at the May Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.

Submissions come in quickly, so you might want to hurry! First acceptable 50 will be accepted. These are true stories of events, experiences, lessons learned, etc. Articles range from 500-2000+ words. Content is the key!

Christmas Moments Book #3 - articles about the true meaning of Christmas - Christmas experiences, meaningful or touching stories about Christmas - similar to Christmas Moments Books #1 and 2. Deadline March 15, 2016.

Loving Moments - personal love stories; love for children, parents, animals, etc.; and/or love for God, His love for us, etc. Deadline May 31, 2016.

Contributors should put Loving Moments or Christmas Moments Book #3 in subject line and send to

Saturday, February 13, 2016

New Meeting Date

Our next two meetings: February 27 and April 2

Due to several schedule conflicts in March, 
we will meet February 27, 10a - 12p. 
The topic: pitch
  • Please prepare a pitch for a current project (even if it's not a book), whether it's in progress or still a dream. Part of our discussion will include how a pitch can focus our writing and thereby help us in the process.
  • Time will be allotted for critiques. Please follow the guidelines at I encourage you to bring a sample of your work.
  • On April 2nd, Katie Sweeting will present on the topic of research. (And if you're thinking that research isn't doesn't apply to what you're writing, you're wrong :)
  • Below is the focus point of the February 6 meeting. 

Be blessed as you write for Him, Barbara

February Focus: Mindfulness
I just finished reading the book of Joshua. It was stimulating - inspiring - to read of challenges met and battles won. Who doesn’t like to hear about victory taken over an enemy? I gleaned a lot of warfare wisdom as I read through the book and now offer one of the nuggets as it relates to us as writers. It is the need for mindfulness.
A lack of productivity and discipline in our writing is rarely due to an outright refusal to work. We don't willfully resist writing, it's just that we’re not mindful of our craft. Mindful means: watchful, aware, alert, attentive, careful
In Joshua, the words “be careful” were spoken to or by him five times, often in conjunction with the admonition to be strong and courageous. They were spoken in an atmosphere of victory and success, which tells me that it is easy to become lax during times of accomplishment.
Last month I felt good about identifying and sharing my writing goals at our meeting - I suspect that you did too. But this month, I’m warning each of us to be mindful of the goals we set. Let’s not allow them to remain words on paper. Let’s be careful to intentionally work toward those goals, 
  • to be watchful of our time 
  • to be aware of creativity and time robbers
  • to be alert to opportunities
  • to be mindful of our intentions
  • to be attentive to our craft and calling.

Joshua’s closing words include these: “Be very strong; be careful to obey all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, without turning aside to the right or to the left”(Joshua 23:6). Let us be very strong and careful to do what God has put on our hearts, without turning to one side or the other, mindful of the task before us. 

Take away thought: Be careful. Live, and write, mindfully and intentionally.