Monday, July 25, 2005

Lesson for Tonight's Meeting

Tonight's agenda is packed.

The topic of tonight's lesson will be: Description, Narration & Exposition
What are the differences between these three types of writing? When should each be used? What are some techniques that will make each stand out as superior writing?

The NJCWG Sampler
I'll have copies of the guidelines for the NJCWG Sampler Book we are creating. Ideally every member of the group will submit at least one piece to this book.

Chat Time
Come to spend a few minutes chatting with other writers in a social setting. Bring your dinner or nice cold beverage and relax in the company of your friends and writing colleagues.

A Reason To Write - October 8, 2005
Update on our October conference, what still needs to be done, etc.

We'll also spend a few minutes tonight talking about what we've accomplished in the first half of this year and where we'd like our writing to go for the remainder of 2005.

Hope to see our NJCWG Members tonight!

Louise Bergmann DuMont
Facilitator, NJCWG

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