Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Dec & Jan Meetings Canceled
Hi everyone
The November meeting of the NJCWG was a blessing - as always - but because of the upcoming holidays, we will not meet again until February 6, 2010.
There will be NO meetings in December (12/5) or January (1/2).
I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and a most blessed Christmas.
See you in February!
NJCWG Facilitator
Louise Bergmann DuMont
Monday, November 02, 2009
November Meeting
***Please also read the post listed previous to this one for important notes regarding upcoming meetings.***
At our November meeting we will be working on story structure. The lesson portion of our meeting will be run as an interactive workshop. Please bring paper and writing implements.
Nov Meeting of the NJCWG
Dear NJCWG Members
The next meeting of the North Jersey Christian Writers Group will be...
Saturday November 7, 2009
Ringwood Baptist Church
Ringwood, NJ 07456
For our December Meeting...
On Saturday December 5, 2009
We will hold a Christmas Social. More information will be posted about this shortly.
You will need to bring a "Christmas" piece written by you (one page please).
You will need to bring some Christmas "goodies" to share with the group (sweet or savory - but keep it on the lighter side)
Regarding January....
There will be no January meeting (1/2/10) of the NJCWG.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Next Meeting
NO meeting in September due to Labor Day Weekend
Next meeting of the NJCWG:
Saturday, 2:30, October 3, 2009
Ringwood Baptist Church
30 Carletondale Road
Ringwood, NJ 07456
Praying you all had a great summer. I may have a special treat for you this fall. I've been in contact with a writing husband and wife team who want to come speak to our group. It will be something you won't soon forget. Keep your eyes on the blog to find out the date.
Also note that if there is an interest, we will be having a Christmas party this December. Right now I'd like to schedule it for the first week in December - possibly Dec 5. Please email me if you are available and if you want to attend. I will need a commitment of 20 people within the next few weeks in order to book the room. The cost will likely be around $30.00 per person. Spouses are not only welcome but are encouraged to join us.
See you again soon!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Next Meeting
Please check previous posts for some interesting writing ops and other writing information...
Next meeting of the NJCWG: Saturday, 2:30, August 1, 2009
Ringwood Baptist Church
30 Carletondale Road
Ringwood, NJ 07456
Looking forward to seeing you all again after our brief summer hiatus.
Those of you who are interested in comedy might enjoy The American Bridget Jones's Diary blog published by an up and coming comic - Chris Falcon:
AuthorizeMe Seminar
Dear Writers:
The AuthorizeMe Seminar is ready to launch you into your publishing future for the fourth year in a row at Sandy Cove Christian Conference Center. Immediately following the new Arts & Communicators Spiritual Retreat, you’ll have 9 hours of coaching instruction helping you get your book idea out of your head, down onto paper, completely outlined, and into a professional book proposal format.
Please e-mail Sharon Elliott, AuthorizeMe founder and CEO, with your intention to attend at AuthorizeMe@sbcglobal.net. We need a minimum number of attendees, so I need to hear from you right away. Please let me know you’re coming by August 6th.
(Send your intention to attend. Registration for the seminar is handled directly through http://www.authorizeme.net/ and will begin in late August.)
Here are the AuthorizeMe particulars:
Price includes an overnight stay, 3 meals, and seminar tuition.
Dates: October 1 – 2, 2010
¨ Single occupancy = $375 per person
¨ Double occupancy = $325 per person (must have your own roommate)
¨ Triple occupancy = $295 per person ( “ “ “ “ roommates)
¨ Quad occupancy = $275 per person ( “ “ “ “ “ )
And don’t forget the new Arts & Communicators Spiritual Retreat - Ignite the Passion of your heart September 28-30, 2009 - A Unique Writer’s Retreat
New affordable two day format
with the option of adding a third day for additional content.
Retreat rates begin at $258 per person (quad occupancy) and include 2 nights lodging, all meals, sessions, specialty tracks and activities. ($269 triple, $289 double, $299 single)
Three night package: Single $449 / Double $434 / Triple $404 / Quad $387
Register for the retreat directly with Sandy Cove.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Contracts & Writing Ops
Hi everyone. Hope you are having a great summer. I sure am.
1) Please check out the last few posts on this blog if you are looking for some interesting writing opportunities.
2) I would like to extend my sincerest congratuations to Susan Panzica who has won a full scholarship to the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference - August 6-8, 2009. (http://www.writehisanswer.com/Philadelphia/)
The next meeting of NJCWG is on Saturday, August 1, 2008, 2:30 p.m. Hope to see you there!
Ringwood Baptist Church
30 Carletondale Road
Ringwood, NJ 07456
Facilitator, NJCWG
Louise Bergmann DuMont
Writers Digest Fiction Contest
Writer's Digest Popular Fiction Awards
A Short Story Competition from Writer's Digest
Compete and Win in All 5 Categories!
* Romance
* Mystery/Crime Fiction
* Science Fiction/Fantasy
* Thriller/Suspense
* Horror
The Grand Prize-Winner will receive $2,500 cash, $100 worth of Writer's Digest Books and the 2010 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market.
Entry Deadline: Monday, November 02, 2009.
For entrants paying with a credit card, we will accept manuscripts submitted online.
Entry Fee: All entries are $15.00 each
Writing Op
Writing Op From Guideposts
Seeking Manuscripts
Dear Valued Writer,
We are now in phase two of the Incredible Power of Prayer series and I welcome you to join us. Guideposts is launching a series of 12 books on various aspects of prayer and how people from every walk of life have been transformed through God's response to their prayers. These books will be available by mail only, sent monthly as part of a book series promotion.
You may have contributed to the first three titles in this series (Praying from the Heart, The Healing Touch, and Expecting Miracles) or perhaps to my Cup of Comfort, Life Savors, or Love Is a Verb brands. Or perhaps I'm contacting you for the first time. Whatever the case, I eagerly seek your participation in this next phase of prayer volumes.
Book four, From Tragedy to Triumph, deals with the pervasive issues related to our trials, hardships, and suffering in life, whether physical, emotional, relational, financial, etc. The focus should not be so much on the trials or the stress they cause, but on how the power of prayer eliminated or helped you deal with these trials. What lessons did prayer teach you through these ordeals and how did God use them for good for your life or others?
Book five, Refreshed by the Spirit, focuses on prayers we send to God when we are spiritually dry; when situations might be okay but we don't feel His presence; or during a dark night of the soul when life is difficult. The fault may be our own because we're not walking with the Lord, or He may seem distant because of struggles in our lives. As we continually pray for His presence, suddenly things change and we are refreshed and filled with his reassurance, peace, and joy. How did God visit you in a new way that caused praise and thanksgiving and may have even changed your life?
Book six, Love and Forgiveness, deals with relationships that have been strained or broken due to offenses against us, or our own faults. When we pray for love for those who mistreat us and pray for the willingness to seek restitution and restoration we regain our families and friends and change the hearts of our enemies. How was prayer the determining factor in a renewed love, forgiveness, and eventual restoration of relationships?
We would be pleased to consider as many stories for these three volumes as you wish to submit. We'll look at stories of up to 2,000 words and prefer that they be at least 1,000 words. The stories should have a creative title, an attention-grabbing introduction, main body with a conflict or challenge, and a clear, satisfying resolution. They need to be descriptive, rooted in time and place, compelling personal experience stories with a realistic portrayal of the people involved. They need to be stories rather than testimonies, Christian living articles, and shouldn't focus on mere feelings or mental states.
Most important, they need to revolve around prayer itself and not the circumstances of the story. These are themed books but the purpose is to convince the reader of the power of prayer in these situations.
We prefer original stories but you may also submit previously published stories that you have full rights for and are not currently in print with a major publisher. We pay $25 fo stories under 1200 words, and $50 for stories over 1200 words. You may retain the right to publish the stories in magazines and in books with less than national distribution and not carried in nationwide bookstores.
We are accepting manuscripts for all three volumes until December 15, but the sooner you submit the better your chance of acceptance. We will notify you by February and send you a permission form if your story is a finalist for any of these volumes.
Please send your manuscript attached to the e-mail rather than pasting text in the email
Window. Feel free to send your manuscript in normal manuscript formatting, with your full contact information—name, address, phone number, email address—and whether you're offering First Rights or Reprint Rights at the top of each manuscript. Please include a biography of 30 words or less at the end of each manuscript.
Please direct all inquiries and manuscript submissions to my colleague, Jeanette Littleton, at incredibleprayers@earthlink.
Blessing to you and yours,
James Stuart Bell
Compiler, Guideposts Incredible Prayer series
Incredible Prayers
A Guideposts Series
with James Stuart Bell
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
NOTE: This picnic is on RAIN OR SHINE... Inside or Out. Don't miss it! Hope to see you there.
The June (6/6/09) meeting of the North Jersey Christian Writers Group will take place at Marilyn Gardullo's home. Instead of the usual agenda we will be hosting our Annual NJCWG Picnic. A special thanks to Marilyn for offering her beautiful home for this event.
Where: Due to limited parking around Marilyn's house, meet in the Ringwood Baptist Church parking lot cnd car pool over (only minutes away).
When: June 4, 2009 - Rain or Shine -- 2:30 at the church - we'll head over no later than 2:45. If you find you'll be late, call me for directions - Louise DuMont, Cell: 551-427-3794.
What to Bring: Bring a covered dish to share with the group.
ALSO Bring: A short story to be read out loud to the group.
Story Topic: The Best Summer Vacation -- EVER!!! I know you may be tempted to write about something else (or use an old piece you've already written) - but please don't. Take this opportunity to write something fresh and creative. Your story can be fiction, nonfiction, or anything in between. BUT, keep the story to ONE side, ONE page. It isn't that we don't enjoy longer pieces, but time is limited and everyone should to get a chance to read.
Hope that all of you can make it. I know I'm looking forward to some great fun and fellowship.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
May Meeting of the NJCWG
Yes, the NJCWG is meeting this Saturday
May 2, 2009
Ringwood Baptist Church
30 Carletondale Rd
Ringwood, NJ 07456
... and YES, I am a grandmother
Jocelyn Grace DuMont
Born 3/8/09, 5:17 p.m.
7 lbs 4 oz
20 inches long
Monday, March 16, 2009
Writing Opportunity
James Scott Bell
James Scott Bell is looking for freelance contributions for his new books. Wouldn't it be great if a number of our members were selected for publication in these books? Why don't YOU give it a try? See below
Louise DuMont
Facilitator, NJCWG
Dear Writer,
I’d like to invite you to be part of an exciting new series that Guideposts is sponsoring: The Incredible Power of Prayer.
You may have contributed to one or more of my story volumes in A Cup of Comfort, Life Savors, or Love is a Verb. Great! I’d love to hear from you whether you’re a previous associate or have not yet submitted anything to my projects.
Prayer is the heartbeat of the Christian life and is an amazing gift from God to us. A prayer in faith can spur God’s heart to “move mountains” on our behalf. The incredible power of prayer can accomplish miracles that go far beyond anything we humans can accomplish on our own.
Guideposts reaches millions of Americans with their upbeat message of God empowering us. And now, Guideposts is launching a series of 12 books on various aspects of prayer and how people from every walk of life have been transformed through God’s responses. These books will be mailed monthly as part of a book club promotion, and will be exclusive to this readership.
I am now collecting submissions for the first three books in the series and would welcome as many stories as you wish to submit. The first volume is Praying from the Heart and covers God answering our deeply felt prayers of great passion, sincerity, and trust. These prayers may be repentant, express deep gratitude, or describe desperate cries that lay bare a person’s deepest needs.
The second volume, The Healing Touch, deals with stories about prayers that lead to physical, spiritual, relational, or emotional healing. They may involve relationships that don’t resolve perfectly, but bring a closer relationship with God and a new sense of purpose and greater ability.
The third volume, Expecting Miracles, includes personal experience stories about audacious prayers with powerful answers. This is where the need is great and God responds extraordinarily. The answers don’t need to be purely supernatural; God can work in mysterious ways using all kinds of means.
Submissions can be up to 2000 words. Each story should have a creative title, an attention-grabbing lead, main body explaining a conflict or challenge, and a resolution. These need to be descriptive and compelling personal experience stories—not simply testimonies. We prefer original stories but you may also submit previously published stories. The payment is $25 for stories under 1000 words, and $50 for longer stories. You may retain the rights to publish the stories in magazines and books with smaller distribution sources.
We are accepting manuscripts from now until at least June 15 for the first three volumes. We’ll announce the finalists for the first volume around October 15.
Please include on each manuscript—not in headers or simply in the e-mail—your name, contact information (address, phone, e-mail, rights offered) and a bio of up to 30 words. Please attach to the e-mail rather than pasting text in the body.
Please direct all inquiries and manuscript submissions to my colleague, Jeanette Littleton at IncrediblePrayers@earthlink.net. And please feel free to let others know about this project. If this e-mail has been forwarded to you, and you can’t submit to this call, but would like to be notified about other editorial needs as they arise, please send us your e-mail address and we’ll add you to our notification list (we do not sell or distribute these e-mail addresses).
Blessings to you and yours,
James Stuart Bell
Compiler, Guideposts Prayer series
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Guest Speaker - Chris Sagona
Hi everyone. I have GREAT treat for you. Our own Chris Sagona will teach a class on writing news at our next meeting. You will NOT want to miss this.
Bio - Chris Sagona
Chris Sagona is an American journalist and the winner of the 2005 Society of Professional Journalists' Award for Best Feature Writing. She also won the 2004 Awbery Award for Excellence in Journalism for Distinguished Public Service and the New Jersey Press Association Awards for First Amendment Writing. She also won the 2006 Deadline Reporting Award from the NJ Press Association.
Author of the book, Park Ridge, by Arcadia Publishing Sagona is also a Board Member of the Pascack History Project.
She was Managing Editor of Community Life for two years, crime beat reporter and Religion Editor at The Montclair Times, and a journalist for North Jersey Media Group, with her work appearing in the Herald News and The Record. She also did photography for publications including the Herald News.
Sagona moved to television in 2006, as Associate Producer, then Assignment Editor, for News 12. She is currently Foreign News Assignment Editor for Fox News Channel and does online reporting for FoxNews.com out of New York City.
The next meeting of NJCWG is on Saturday, March 7, 2008, 2:30 p.m.
Ringwood Baptist Church
30 Carletondale Road
Ringwood, NJ 07456
Note: I have a few copies of Sally Stuart's 2009 Christian Market Guide left. This year they retail for $34.99 per copy. Your copy, if purchased through me, will cost $21.00. If you want one, bring your money to the meeting. They will be sold on a first come, first serve basis.
Louise DuMont
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Gifted Hands 2/8/09
Ben Carson
A Message From Cecil Murphey
Greetings friends,
Don't forget to watch GIFTED HANDS tomorrow night at 8 p.m (Eastern time) on TNT
Here's a blurb from the movie Web site ---
A frustrated young boy with problems in school overcomes the obstacles in his life to become a world-renowned neurosurgeon in the new TNT Original movie GIFTED HANDS: THE BEN CARSON STORY. This uplifting and inspirational JOHNSON & JOHNSON SPOTLIGHT PRESENTATION® stars Oscar® winner Cuba Gooding Jr. (Jerry Maguire) and two-time NAACP Image Award winner Kimberly Elise (The Great Debaters, The Manchurian Candidate). It is based on the true story of Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, whose lifelong journey led him to become director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, a best-selling author and a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The movie premieres Feb. 7 at 8 p.m. (ET/PT), exclusively on TNT.
More information about the movie can be found at this link: http://www.tnt.tv/movies/
Books are available for purchase through your local bookstores, online, or by contacting Twila Belk at twilabelk@mchsi.com.
Twila Belk (for Cec Murphey)
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Next Meeting & Market Guide
Hi everyone. The next meeting of NJCWG is on Saturday, February 7, 2008, 2:30 p.m.
Ringwood Baptist Church
30 Carletondale Road
Ringwood, NJ 07456
AND my ten copies of the Sally Stuart's 2009 Christian Market Guide have arrived. This year they retail for $34.99. Your copy, if purchased through me, will cost $21.00. I have only ten copies, so bring your money to the meeting if you want one. They will be given out on a first come, first serve basis. I'll do a quick run down on how to use the guide at the meeting.
Questions? Call Louise 551-427-3794 or 973-926-9267.