Tuesday, May 19, 2009


NOTE: This picnic is on RAIN OR SHINE... Inside or Out. Don't miss it! Hope to see you there.

The June (6/6/09) meeting of the North Jersey Christian Writers Group will take place at Marilyn Gardullo's home. Instead of the usual agenda we will be hosting our Annual NJCWG Picnic. A special thanks to Marilyn for offering her beautiful home for this event.

Where: Due to limited parking around Marilyn's house, meet in the Ringwood Baptist Church parking lot cnd car pool over (only minutes away).

When: June 4, 2009 - Rain or Shine -- 2:30 at the church - we'll head over no later than 2:45. If you find you'll be late, call me for directions - Louise DuMont, Cell: 551-427-3794.

What to Bring: Bring a covered dish to share with the group.

ALSO Bring: A short story to be read out loud to the group.

Story Topic: The Best Summer Vacation -- EVER!!! I know you may be tempted to write about something else (or use an old piece you've already written) - but please don't. Take this opportunity to write something fresh and creative. Your story can be fiction, nonfiction, or anything in between. BUT, keep the story to ONE side, ONE page. It isn't that we don't enjoy longer pieces, but time is limited and everyone should to get a chance to read.

Hope that all of you can make it. I know I'm looking forward to some great fun and fellowship.

SPECIAL NOTE: There will be NO July Meeting (7/5/09) of the NJCWG due to the Independance Day Holiday.

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