Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Reminder - this Saturday!

Wishing you all a Happy New Year! 

At our next meeting on Jan. 7, 2017, we will hold our annual brunch 
(postponed from our usual December so that more people can attend). 

We look forward to breaking bread together as we continue along our writing journeys. 

For the brunch, here are the signups so far. If you aren't on the list and would like to bring something, please just hit reply or email: If you're new to the group or just not able to bring something, please come anyway! 

Quiche - Leslie
Sticky Buns - Ann
Bagels - Nancy
Salmon Spread - Maude
Fruit Salad - Brian
Winter Salad - Susan
Juice - Jack
Beverages & Paper Goods - Barbara

Come prepared to share writing goals for 2017!!
We will continue our focus on story (for both fiction & nonfiction writing),
and if there's interest, we'll talk about the possibility of creating a NJCWG anthology.


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