Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Meeting - Sat. Feb. 7

Meeting this Saturday, Feb. 7  10:00 am - 12:00 noon
High Mountain Church
681 High Mountain Rd.
No. Haledon, NJ
Click here for the assignment for Saturday's meeting.
We'll be critiquing the devotions we've written according to the Judson Press guidelines. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Congratulations Clare!

Congratulations to Clare Cartagena!
Her "teacher short story" was accepted for publication at Write Integrity Press.
Kudos Clare, and keep pursuing that dream ;D 

Friday, December 09, 2011

Active vs. Passive Voice

One of my greatest struggles in writing is my bent toward Passive Voice. My husband says it's because I'm a passive person ;D Maybe that's it. Maybe it's because we're Christians, or just naturally polite, we'd rather say "I am loved by God." rather than "God loves me." OR "I was hoping that..." rather than "I hope that...." Just two quickie examples. I'm sure you can come up with many more. 

Here 2 posts from Grammar Girl to help us identify and overcome the Passive monster within. 

Active Voice:

Passive Voice:

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Query Letters

Jody Rein of Author Planet is writing a series about writing effective query letters for nonfiction books. She shares excellent information, and another post in the series is coming tomorrow. Be sure to check her blog at:

Query letters.  Yet again.
Holy smokes there’s a lot of query letter advice out here on the World Wide Web.   
And like everything in information-overload-land, that’s good and bad–it’s terrific for writers to have easy access to models and thoughtful counsel, but at the same time I’m a little concerned about the stressing out I see–the agony over each detail in each query; and the stridency of the dogma.  As in, “All query letters must start with x, end with y, and never, never include Popsicles.” 
Query letters are crucial, don’t get me wrong.  And yes, each book pitch does haveto include some standard elements, like, well, the title of the book. 
But ultimately each letter is as individual as the book that is being pitched and the author who is writing it.  So rather than trying to fit your query into someone else’s mold, I suggest you sit back, take a deep breath, scribble out a quick rough draft, andthen ask yourself if you’ve achieved the following goals.  I’ll elaborate on each in future posts.

To read the rest of the post including Jody's Seven Goals for Query Letters, click here:

Monday, June 06, 2011

Fear in Writing

Tosca Lee, award winning and critically acclaimed author, shares her thoughts on fear in writing. Grab yourself a cup of coffee for a very worthwhile 10 minutes: