Thursday, March 24, 2005

Writing Contests

Here are a few the writing contests you can enter this spring.

2005 Pilgrimage Writing Award seeks true stories of hope in the midst of challenging times.
Cash prize
2,500 words max
$15 reading/entry fee
Deadline: July 1
For guidelines, go to:

Middle English Literary Group of Tennessee seeks novellas for their annual contest.
40,000 words max
Cash prizes
$35 entry fee
Deadline: October 31
For guidelines, go to:

Do you have an excellent story anguishing in your files begging to be noticed? Dust it off, smooth its wrinkles, give it a final tweak and send it to Long Story Short -it might be worth a chunk of change! The topic? We'll leave that to you, creative soul that you are. Fiction, non-fiction, funny, sad, romantic--we'll read them all. Brevity is a virtue, and we intend to reward the best of the briefs with $50! Make it your best! Knock our shorts off. The deadline is April 25, and getting closer every day. Don't miss out, don't be the only one in your neighborhood not to enter. Get that story in the e-mail today! You'd be amazed at the relatively small number of entries most contests receive-- yours just might win! Follow the submission guidelines on our web site and you could find your name and story published for all to see and revere. We'll also publish your bio and an interview with you. You'll be famous! Now who wouldn't want that?

The MFA Program in Creative Writing at California State University, Fresno, announces the 2005 Philip Levine Prize in Poetry. Winner receives $1500 prize and publication by Anhinga Press. Philip Levine will be the final judge.
Entry fee is $25.00
Deadline: September 15, 2005
For details go to for details,
or email .

Writing Op - Power of the Pen

Forwarded from Terri Pilcher

PowerPen Marketing

I am looking for personal essays of 800-1500 words for use on a website and in an upcoming self-published anthology. Payment is $20 for one-time rights, which covers use both on the website and/or ezine and in the anthology. Writers accepted for publication will also receive one free copy of the book and will be able to buy unlimited copies at 50% off the cover price. You may choose to remain anonymous (as long as I know who to send the check to).

I am looking for heartwarming first-person stories that show the power of God to overcome "impossible" circumstances in the defense of life. They may be heartwrenching, but must end with a positive tone. They may also be humorous, sweet, or miraculous.

Stories may fall in the following categories:

1. Mothers who almost aborted their children, and how God helped them to survive the "impossible" situation. For example, one woman almost aborted her second child, because she didn't think there was any way she could raise a second child alone and without any support. Instead kept her son and named him Phoenix, because God used him to save her life.

2. Mothers who did abort their children, and how God healed them from the pain and led them to grace.

3. Children who were almost aborted, and the difference they've made in the lives of others. For example, a seventh son was almost aborted by his Christian mother, because there was no money to support another child. She changed her mind, and he recently graduated medical school with an MD/PhD.

4. Fathers who chose to raise the children their girlfriends wanted to abort.

5. Other personal stories about the importance of unborn children.

Please submit stories to

Thank you for passing this on,
Terri Pilcher

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Contemporary Christian Poetry

You're Invited
to a Reading of
Contemporary Christian Inspirational Poetry

Saturday, May 21, 2005
1 to 3 pm

Christian Publications Bookstore
620 Route 23 North, Pompton Plains, NJ

Participating Poets:

Maude Carolan
Gloria Healey
Barbara Williams Hubbard
Ann Lefevre
Elizabeth Marchitti
Valerie Schermerhorn
Nancy Stoppelkamp

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Writing Op - The Heart of a Father Vol 2

The Heart of the Father, Volume 2

Wayne Holmes is looking for submissions for his newest book project for Bethany House Publishers. They must be true stories about earthly fathers who’ve done something that reflects the image of the heavenly father. Stories should be 500 to 2000 words in length.

Subjects for each chapter might include the following: Wisdom, Love, Discipline, Teaching, Forgiveness, Perspective, Provision, Comfort, and Fellowship

He will accept stories from March 1 until May 31. You may send E-mail submissions to (no hard copies). Word documents are preferred (attachments), but he will also accept WordPerfect files. You may also paste your story into the body of an e-mail.

Wayne Holmes:

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Quotes to Inspire a Writer

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
~ Albert Einstein

"In many ways, editing yourself is the most important part of being a novelist. ... For every page in a published novel, I wrote 10 that ended up in the trash."
~ Dan Brown from (29 million copies of Da Vinci Code in print worldwide; more than 1 million of The Da Vinci Code: Special Illustrated Edition in USA)

"The best advice I ever got was to write at least one page a day. Until you write a page, nothing is going to happen."
~ John Grisham (More than 100 million of his 18 books in print in 26 countries worldwide, in 23 languages)

"What I like in a good author is not what he says but what he whispers."
~ Logan Pearsall Smith

"There are a thousand thoughts lying within a man that he does not know till he takes up a pen to write."
~ William Makepeace Thackeray

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Author Maya Angelou to Speak

This press release was passed on to me by Chris Sagona.

Author Maya Angelou to speak at Bergen Community College

On Tuesday, April 19 at noon, author Maya Angelou will speak as part of the World Week celebration at Bergen Community College. The college is located at 400 Paramus Rd., Paramus.

As a poet, educator, historian, author, actress, playwright, civil-rights activist, producer and director, Angelou speak of matters of race and class throughout her books of poetry and her autobiographies. Angelou has authored 12 books including "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" and her most recent release, "A Song Flung Up to Heaven." The event is a lecture and will not include a question and answer session, nor will the author be available for book signing.

For further information call the office of student life at (201) 447-7215 or
visit the Web site

Writing Opp - MacroMoments

From: Bonnie Bruno, member of FCW

I've always felt that writing, photography, and life in general is best expressed through a macro lens. Often it's the seemingly "little" events that bring about significant change. Such events point to an extraordinary God who delights in using the ordinary to shape and enrich our lives.

I'm looking for personal stories--"Aha!" moments that made a
difference, for a new series: MacroMoments: Ordinary Events that Shape Our Days

The series will consist of 6-10 books, including:
MacroMoments for Moms
MacroMoments for Dads
MacroMoments for Grandparents
MacroMoments for Sons
MacroMoments for Daughters
MacroMoments for Teachers
MacroMoments for Students

Examples of the types of stories I'm looking for:
--a moment when you supported someone with your silence
--a moment when God clearly answered a desire of your heart
--a moment when you found a friend in the least-likely place
--a moment when you learned something profound from a child
--a moment when you conquered a long-standing fear
--a moment when you allowed yourself to start over
--a moment when you viewed an everyday task in a new light
--a moment when you set aside pride and accepted help
--a moment when you spoke up and made a difference

For details, including a complete list of series titles, please email me privately. Please type MACROMOMENTS in your subject line.

Thanks,everybody. I'll look forward to hearing from you!

Bonnie Bruno

DM Writes - Monthly E-Zine for Writers

Subscribe to DM Writes for a monthly e-zine full of writing markets, writing jobs, writing advice, never-before-seen articles and no-cost essay contests. Subscribe now and receive "Query Letters and Published Samples" absolutely free! Send a blank email to or visit the for more information.

Monday, March 14, 2005

March 14 Meeting

MARCH 14, 2005
6:15-7:00 Chat Time
7:00-8:00 Teaching (You Don't Want to Miss This!)
8:00-9:00 Critiques

You will have to enter the white double doors (as usual) and go UPSTAIRS (NOT as usual) to get to our meeting room tonight. A sign will be on the door.

I will have the NEW 2005 Market Guides with me. If haven't paid me and you want a copy, bring $20.00.

I will also have free copies of Writing Magazines.

ALSO, this is the review and prep night for our Workshop (March 28).

Note, I will come to the meeting right from work. If you need to get in touch with me, call my cell.

I'm really looking forward to our meeting tonight!

God Bless

Louise Bergmann DuMont
Cell 551-427-3794

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Online Writing Groups

There are numerous online writers' groups. They provide the latest industry information, networking opportunities, fellowship with writers at all levels, otherwise unlisted writing opportunities, inspiration and of course encouragement.

Below are a few of the lists I belong to, along with information about how you can join.

Fellowship of Christian Writers - FCW
600 plus members
To join, go to or send an email to
This list is moderated
You must fill out a questionnaire and be approved for this list
Weekly topics, daily interaction, markets, encouragement, tips, definitions, prayer, contests and more. Archived information can be easily accessed through yahoo groups.
Has online critique groups for fiction, nonfiction, children's lit and poetry which you can join after being approved for FCW

Christian Writers' Group - CWG
400 plus members
Discussion group and organization for published or aspiring writers.
Writing ideas, tips, conference/seminar information, encouragement, support, prayer. This is not a critique group. CWG does include editors, publishers and numerous well know authors. An excellent group for someone just getting started. Archived information can be easily accessed.
To join, send a blank email to:

Kingdom Writers
120 plus members
An email critique group. Not a discussion group.
To join, send a blank email to

Wordsmith Shoppe - WWS
500 plus members
Christian writers group that offers a weekly email newsletter, conference listings, contests and other writing opportunities.
Twice-weekly chat meets on Tue at 10:00 pm EST and Thur 2:00 pm EST
To view past issues of the newsletter, go to,

450 plus members
Qualified membership only.
A network of authors, editors, agents freelance writers journalists, publicists, and publishers. Offers focused panel discussions with 13 CBA professionals for intermediate, advanced and professional writers. Not for unpublished or "new" writers. Most discussions center on more advanced industry and author topics.

If you are interested in one of these groups but you'd like to know more before joining, drop me an email.

Louise Bergmann DuMont

Friday, March 11, 2005

Writer's Digest

Below are some of the articles featured in the latest issue of Writer's Digest. If you are serious about writing you should be honing your craft every day. This obviously means you should be writing. It also means you should be reading. Magazines like Writer's Digest and The Writer, books like Writing for Story: Craft Secrets of Dramatic Nonfiction by Jon Franklin, Writer's Book of Wisdom by Steven Goldsberry, Getting Into Character by Brandilyn Collins and many more, should all be on your book shelf. If you don't know where to find GOOD writing books, ask me.

*Staying on top of your story's details - how to make your article factually
*Writing Clinic - helping your children's story hero overcome obstacles within
himself instead of getting help from others
*Niches - Writing a Column

*A list of 21 Agents who are looking for new authors
*Fiction genres explained
*One of easiest marketing tools around

*An interview with Augusten Burroughs, who exposes his writing 'secrets'

*How to find the right writers conference for you
*When and how to promote your work
*Submitting on Spec

Louise Bergmann DuMont

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Behind the Scenes at a Pub Board Meeting

Posted with Permission - From Steve Laube, Literary Agent

Before becoming an agent I worked 11 years as an acquisitions editor and later as an editorial director for Bethany House Publishers. Most publishers have two physical "board" meetings to help make the decision whether or not to publish a book. This varies from publisher to publisher and each company names their board meeting differently. Thus many authors get confused when hearing different labels. Some rejections state that "the book did not get past the committee". This can mean a lot of things. It could even mean it didn't get past stage one below. So take a comment like that with a grain of salt, or at least get clarification if you wish to know how far your book actually went in the process.

Let's looks at the stages in the process:

The first stage is with the editor, one-on-one. This person must decide which book projects they want to sponsor to their colleagues. Most rejections happen at this desk. For some reason it didn't click. Rarely does anyone else in the company see the material rejected at this stage. Some junior editors may show it to a senior editor, but not in a formal presentation meeting.

The second stage is the editorial "board". This is where the editors gather together and pitch their discoveries to the other editors. The editors create consensus for the project and occasionally brainstorm a different direction for the project. If you get approval at this stage many editors will call the agent or author and tell them of the good news. But this is only a mid-level step.

The third stage is the pub board meeting. This is the biggie. Again, each company does it differently, so see this description as a generalization. In this meeting are the company executives, president's, vice-presidents, and is usually populated by sales and marketing folks in addition to editorial. I've heard of these meetings having as many as 20 people in attendance. Likely it is closer to 10 at the most.

Most editors have worked very hard prior to this meeting. They have put together pro-formas that show the projected sales and profitability of the project. Likely they have already gone to the sales department and received a sales projection. Some go as far as gather printing bids for the project prior to the meeting. Each member of the committee receives the proforma and a copy of the book proposal (can't emphasize enough the power of a top notch proposal!!!). The executives receive this info before the meeting but not all are able to read it prior to the actual meeting.

It is in this meeting that every objection possible is thrown at the book. They come up with reasons why this idea is a failure and why it should never be published. It can be brutal. The editor is the advocate and defends the book against objections. If it survives this gauntlet it will likely survive the general marketplace. In my time at Bethany House each project took a minimum of 15 minutes to present and receive rejection or approval. But some discussions lasted an hour.

There were some I went into the meeting expecting a slam dunk and got rejected. Other times I thought I'd get shot down but ended up with approval. An editor considers it a good day when 80% of what they present in the pub board meeting gets approved.

Reasons for approval can be everything from pure economics to personal agendas by an executive. If that executive loves the topic they can push the rest of the meeting toward approval. If everyone is tired and cranky then the meeting is rather doomed for publishing success. This is a VERY subjective business and nowhere is that more apparent than in the pub board meeting.

Now the editor has company approval of the book. Some publishers authorize the contractual parameters in that meeting. Others have to have a separate meeting with the finance folks. But now is usually when the editor calls the agent or author with the good news. Negotiations begin on the contract and you are on your way.

Hope that was somewhat helpful!

The Steve Laube Agency
5501 N. 7th Ave., # 502
Phoenix, AZ 85013
(office) 602-336-8910
(fax) 602-532-7123

Advanced Fiction Writing Ezine by Randy Ingermanson

To sign up for Randy Ingermanson's Advanced Fiction Writing Ezine go to:


Mom’s Choice Children’s Book Awards

The Just For Mom Foundation has announced their Annual 2005 Mom’s Choice Children’s Book Awards with the winners to be announced at Book Expo America in NY in June.

There will be multiple award categories. Published books, not yet published books, self-published books, and books written by international authors are all eligible to receive awards. Separate awards will be given for picture books and chapter books. A special International Award will be given to the non-US based author who’s work best supports global peace and love.

"Our main goal in supporting this contest is to bring new authors with positive messages to the world and to the real buyers of children‚s works which are moms," said Tara Paterson, a successful business-mom, and mother of two boys ages 7 and 3. Ms. Paterson is President and Founder of the Just For Mom Foundation, a not-for-profit work that is committed to assisting mothers around the world. Ms. Paterson has been seen on CBS' 48 Hours, the Today Show, the Early Show, and has been written about in the Washington Post.

Entries will be judged by writers, editors, and children industry professionals with extensive backgrounds in writing, teaching, and caring for children.

Submissions for not yet published works are accepted for pre-K through High School in all genres including fiction and non-fiction. Submissions for published books to receive the prestigious Mom’s Choice Award will be for all works that are for children, pre-K through high school as well as any parenting materials or books that will make a positive impact on children and their mothers’ lives. Submissions will be accepted from March 1st until May 1st. Submissions are accepted both electronically and by mail.

For more information go to:

Louise Bergmann DuMont

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Next Meeting - Please Note

Please note...
Our meetings are usually held in rear room on the first floor the church Ringwood Baptist Church. Our next meeting (Monday, March 14) will be held in an UPSTAIRS room because the Ringwood Christian school will be hosting their school open house the same night as our writers meeting. Rather than cancel (again), I'm going to move the meeting to another room. The parking lot may be more crowded than usual and there will be a number of people wandering around the church - so I wanted to warn you about this.

There will be sign on the doors (big, white double doors) indicating where the meeting will be held. When you enter those doors, you simply go UP the staircase (on your right). At the top of the stairs continue down the hall. We will be in the THIRD room on the left. Again, a sign will be on the door.

Looking forward to seeing you all again - I've missed our meetings. Copies of the 2005 Christian Market Guide will be available at this meeting.

Louise Bergmann DuMont
Author of Faith-Dipped Chocolate & Grace by the Cup

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Forensics & Faith Blog - Brandilyn Collins

Brandilyn Collins recently began a blog about her writing journey -- Forensics & Faith, A forum for readers and writers of Christian suspense. It is the story of a woman who began writing, failed, gave up writing, felt the "need" to write, accepted correction, learned from her mistakes and went on to become an exceptional contemporary fiction author. This year she was one of Zondervan's top selling authors. She now teaches fiction classes around the country at the best conferences.

To read her blog, you can go to the following website:

Note that as of today (March 3) the message on the top of Brandilyn's blog is #6. You would have to go to the bottom of the blog to read message #1.


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

New & Improved Blog - links/email

Our blog has TWO great new features. I think you will find them very helpful.

1. Links
On the left side of the blog page you will now find a "Links" section. I've included a number of writing related websites that you might find helpful:

Louise Bergmann DuMont Website (my chocolate/coffee)
The Writer Mag (The Writer Magazine Website)
Inkwell Newswatch (One of the Top 10 writers information sites)
RhymeZone (Anything and everything you need to rhyme right)
WordSmithShoppe (Word Smith Shoppe - one of the BEST market information sites)
Market Guide Pages (Sally Stuart's Webpage)
Christian Books (Christian Books galore)
Images-Google (millions of images you can use)
Writers Digest (Writers Digest Magazine's Website)
Quote Land (lots of great ways to look up quotations)
Agent-Janet Grant (my agent's website)
Google (Search Engine)

2. Emailing Me
You can now connect to my email address right from the blog. On the very top right you will see the names of four people - mine is the first name. Click on my name and it will take you to my bio. On the bottom left of the bio page you'll see the word EMAIL highlighted. Click on that email link and it will pull up your email program with my email address right in the TO section.

This should make sending me a message much easier. You also don't have to worry about which email address you'll get because the only one listed in the blog is my home email - the one you are supposed to use.

Hope these little additions make using our blog easier for you.


Writing Op - Vol 2 - Heart of a Father


Fellow Writers,

The Heart of a Father, Volume 2 is a new book project I am editing and compiling for Bethany House Publishers. I am looking for writers who are interested in contributing true stories about earthly fathers who’ve done something that reflects the image of the heavenly father. Stories should be 500 to 2000 words in length.

Subjects for each chapter might include the following: Wisdom, Love, Discipline, Teaching, Forgiveness, Perspective, Provision, Comfort, and Fellowship

Your story can be humorous, inspiring, eye-opening, or thoughtful, but must have a strong application without being preachy. Write from your heart and make me feel how this story affected you in a positive way. You are welcome to submit more than one story.

If your story is published you will receive a $75 honorarium and a free copy of the book when it is released. You retain the rights to your story. I also consider reprints. Contributors may purchase additional copies at 50% off the listed price plus shipping and handling charges. (Price is undetermined at this point but will probably be about $15.) Of course, your bio will be included with your story. This is a great chance to see your writing in a book with a host of other wonderful authors, just like yourself.

I will be accepting stories from March 1 until May 31, 2005. You may send E-mail submissions to (no hard copies). I prefer a Word document sent as an attachment, but I can also open WordPerfect files. You may also paste your story into the body of an e-mail. Send all submissions to:

Thanks in advance for helping to make this project a success. I look forward to reading your story.

Please feel free to pass these guidelines on to any interested party. For an online version of these guidelines visit: I also have a link to a sample story listed at this site.

God Bless,

Wayne Holmes

Wayne Holmes:
The Heart of a Father:
The Heart of a Mother:

ALA Link

Here is a link to the American Library Association with some addtional information about the Woman's Day library program. I plan to attend in Montclair and hope that each of you will consider attending as well. Thank you, Maude, for bringing this to our attention!!!

Woman's Day Sponsors - Put It In Writing @ Your Library

I was thumbing through a copy of "Woman's Day" and found something that may be of interest to our North Jersey writers, especially those interested in writing for a magazine. "Woman's Day" and the American Library Association will be sponsoring the 4th annual, "Put It in Writing @ Your Library" writers' workshops, and one will be conducted here in North Jersey on April 12 at:

50 South Fullerton Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042

This is a one-day, two-hour workshop, taught by WD writers and library staff. Other workshops will be held at various libraries across the country. The focus will be on crafting query letters, developing story ideas and doing research. For more information, call the library or log on to