Comfort Café, a new online magazine devoted entirely to women, is looking for stories of God's comfort and provision in the midst of suffering or trials. Specifically, we are looking for stories on the following topics: addiction, abuse, depression, abortion, chronic illness, alcoholism, death, divorce, loss of a child, and disability. Additional topics will also be considered. A Comfort Café story should offer hope, help, and healing, allowing readers to see, and experience, the reality of God's love and provision in our lives. Along with your story, please include one or two resources where readers can find practical help, including books, Web sites, and other ministries.
Please visit http://www.comfortcafe.net before submitting your story.
Manuscripts should be 800-1,200 words and written in first-person narrative. Please include a short bio (100 words or less). We request one-time, electronic rights only. Send manuscripts electronically to mary@comfortcafe.net.
We are unable to pay for submissions at this time. However, your byline, along with a short bio and a link to your site will be posted.
Thank you.
Mary J. Yerkes