Friday, November 04, 2005

Glorieta - Maude's Story

GLORIETA...Maude's Story:

Louise Bergmann DuMont, Ann Lefevre and I spent an exciting, yet intense week high in the mountains of New Mexico with several hundred like-minded people, giving glory to God, pitching writing projects and learning to hone our craft. We had opportunities to network with writers of every genre, publishers, editors and agents. At the conclusion of the conference the three of us spent a few hours in Santa Fe, admiring the earthy adobe-like structures, enjoying spicy South-Western food, and exploring little shops that enticed us with their wares: turquoise, exquisite hand-made leather boots, Indian pottery, terra cotta folk-art storytellers, etc.

I wish I could tell you that an enthusiastic publisher snapped up my poetry manuscript and offered me a contract on the spot, but that didn't happen. Publisher after publisher said "no" to poetry. Some offered a few alternative suggestions, which I'll keep in mind. One young publisher did ask for my query letter and promised to get back to me after Christmas, so there is a faint glimmer of hope on the horizon. In the meantime, my next step will be to prayerfully send queries to publishers listed in the market guide. I know God has a plan.


During the conference, Heather Gemmen, author of "Startling Beauty," had the opportunity to share her testimony during one of the general sessions. It was the story of a young woman who became pregnant as the result of rape. She bore the child and she and her husband decided to raise her. Ten years later the marriage ended in divorce. Heather's story was one of anger, brokenness, healing and restoration. Heather eventually married again, this time to a man who loves her more than she has ever been loved. At the conclusion of the message she told us she had been injured as a child in an automobile accident. The car caught fire. She was burned, scarred and lost two fingers of her right hand. But God even worked something beautiful out of that. The next thing the author did was to leave the microphone, walk to the grand piano, sit down and play a beautiful contemporary hymn. Deeply moved, I bought her novel to read on the plane on the way home. This was highly unusual because since becoming Born Again, twenty-six years ago, I have not read a novel. Instead, I read my Bible, books about Christian living, poetry and books about poetry.

Well, aboard the plane, a very attractive woman, bound for her home in Germany, sat beside me. Surprisingly, we began to chat like close friends. A few minutes into the conversation she confided that she had been raped. I told her I had purchased a book for myself at Glorieta, but that it was absolutely clear that God had me buy it for her. I reached into my carry-on, pulled out the book and gave it to her. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She talked about her life, and diverse New Age experiences, such as sweat lodge, drumming and mountain-peak encounters with spirits of deceased loved ones. I, in turn, shared my story and personal awesome experiences that have resulted from walking closely with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. She said she could see I am happy, even though I, too, went through painful circumstances. My countenance was radiant, she said, with a faith that obviously works for me. My new friend asked me to write something personal in the book and to include a prayer for her, which I was glad to do. When the plane landed we hugged each other warmly and promised to keep in touch.

Maude Carolan

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