Saturday, March 04, 2006

Writing Op - Victory in Grace

Victory In Grace exists to clearly share the message of God’s grace to those who do not believe and to draw believers into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ by encouraging a daily walk and involvement in their local church. Victory In Grace is a ministry of the radio and television broadcasts of Dr. James A. Scudder.
To read their writers guidelines go to:

Writing Articles

Are you looking for a place where you can read dozens and dozens of articles on writing for every market and genre? Check some of these out on

Thursday, March 02, 2006

National Read Across America Day

Today is Read Across America Day
sponsored by the National Education Association

Originally created as a one-day event to celebrate the joy of reading on March 2, Dr. Seuss's birthday, NEA's Read Across America has grown into a nationwide initiative that promotes reading every day of the year.
For more information go to:

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

ISBN to EAN???

Have you ever wondered about ISBN numbers?
Well, wonder no more. I've attached a link to a great article about both ISBN numbers and the new Bookland EAN numbers. For those of you who don't know about this yet, the ISBN is moving to the EAN numbering system.

When get to the link below, scroll down to Article #10.

Monday, February 27, 2006




Monday, February 27, 2006


Begins at 6:00 pm
Ends at 9:00 pm

Write, critqiue, rewrite, critique sessions

To get the most out of these session, be sure to review the handouts from the last two meetings - located in previous blog posts.

BRING: Paper, Writing Implements (pens/pencils/etc) and Every Ounce of Creativity You Can Muster

Friday, February 24, 2006

Cec Murphey's Classes-May 13

The North Jersey Christian Writers Group
is pleased to sponsor a
one day
2006 A Reason to Write Conference
May 13, 2006.

Guest Speaker Cecil "Cec" Murphey

About Cecil Murphey
Cecil Murphey ( is one of the most noted ghost writers of inspirational nonfiction in the CBA. One of Cec's latest books, 90 Minutes in Heaven (by Don Piper w/Cecil Murphey) sold over 400,000 copies and is listed on the Barnes and Nobel Top 100 list. It is also #5 on the WalMart Book List. Cec also wrote I Choose to Stay: A Black Teacher Refuses To Desert the Inner City (by Salome Thomas-EL with Cecil Murphey) which is being made into a Disney movie tentatively titled The Great Bishops.

Cecil Murphey is an award-winning author ( who will be teaching a full-day of classes in North Jersey. The majority of the costs for this conference are being covered by generous benefactors.
May 13, 2006
A Reason To Write Conference
Conference Location: Ringwood Baptist Church,
30 Carletondale Road, Ringwood, NJ
Cost per attendee -- ONLY $30.00
(This includes four classes & lunch)

For more information contact the NJCWG Facilitator, Louise Bergmann DuMont at

(taught by Cec Murphey)
1. Six Professional Secrets. These six factors mark the difference between want-to-publish and those who become professional writers. Follow them and move out of the amateur level.

2. Sell the Truth—Write Nonfiction. Nonfiction books outsell fiction and usually have a longer shelf life. You’ll learn the two absolutes of good nonfiction, how to incorporate fiction techniques, where to get ideas, how to grab readers’ attention, help on outlining your manuscript. Murphey offers inside information on editors, agents, and the publishing industry today. You’ll learn how to sell your book and what you need to do to promote your book.

3. The Interview: Asking and Active Listening. How do you prepare for the interview? How do you start an interview? What is active listening? What are the three crucial questions to ask? How important is empathy? What’s the one question not to ask?

4. The Self-disciplined Writer. How does individual personality affect self-discipline? How do you get more disciplined? Most important, how to link self-discipline with your personality type.

If you live in the NewYork/New Jersey/Pennsylvania area,
this is one conference you won't want to miss!

7th Annual Photo, Art & Poetry Exhibition

7th Annual Photo, Art & Poetry Exhibition
March 10, 11 & 12, 2006
Sponsored by the St. Catherine of Bologna - Patron of the Arts Assoc.Place: St. Catherine of Bologna Parish Center, 112 Erskine Road, Ringwood, NJ
For information, go to: or call David J. Nocera, exhibition coordinator at (973) 962-0563



Monday, February 27, 2006


Begins at 6:00 pm
Ends at 9:00 pm

Write, critqiue, rewrite, critique sessions

To get the most out of these session, be sure to review the handouts from the last two meetings - located in previous blog posts.

BRING: Paper, Writing Implements (pens/pencils/etc) and Every Ounce of Creativity You Can Muster

FREE Business Cards - One More Time

Vista Print is once again offering 250 FREE business cards. The quality is excellent and your choice of artwork for the free cards is also very good (obviously if you pay for the cards you get even more options).

Yes, there is a catch. On the back of your FREE cards (in a very small font) Vista Print offers their website. You must also pay shipping charges to have the cards delivered, but shipping isn't much.

Go to the following website to see their options. You can create your business card and place your order right on line. No, I don't get anything for letting you know about this. If you have any questions though, you can drop me an email. I buy my card through Vista Print and I've also purchased postcards, bussiness card magnets, calendars, and note cards from them.
My email:

Vista Print "special" link to get FREEE business cards.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Writing Op - Guideposts for Teens

(Guideposts for Teens... is no more...)
Guideposts Sweet 16
1050 Broadway
Suite 6
Chesterton, IN 46304
Submission Email:
Magazine Website:

For Writers' Guidelines go to:

Writing Op - Brave Hearts Mag

Brave Hearts Editorial
1503 SW 42nd St.
Topeka, KS 66609

Description: BRAVE HEARTS is a quarterly magazine from Ogden Publications. The magazine is written by and for ordinary people who have an inspirational message to share. BRAVE HEARTS seeks short manuscripts (up to 900 words), photographs, prayers, and related material on special inspirational subjects for each issue. A nominal payment of $5 to $12 is made upon publication. An additional payment of $2 is made for each item used on our Web site.

Frequency: Quarterly
Circulation: 2,000
Queries: Does Not Accept Queries
Manuscripts: DOES Accept Unsolicited Manuscript Submissions
Submission formats: Hard copy Only - no email, no fax.
Material should be submitted at least six months in advance of publication. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made within approximately six months of receipt.
Response: 3-6 months.
Freelance content: 100%
Rights: Purchases All Rights to the items used. No simultaneous submissions are accepted. No e-mail submissions accepted.
Payment: On publication

Tips: “Our magazine is geared to inspire people each time they open it, to make them smile. We’re looking for articles that tug at the heart, that have a message to impart, that are inspiring and inspirational. Avoid sappy, maudlin or overly religious pieces, or illness-of-the week type of stories.”

Writing Op - A Cup of Comfort for SPIRITUALITY

Adams Media Corp.
57 Littlefield
St.Avon, MA 02322
Description: Submit creative nonfiction anecdotal stories; 1,000-2,000 words. Soulful true stories about positive spiritual experiences and relationships--such as gifts/lessons of spiritual teachers/mentors; discovering a spiritual path, divine truth, or kindred spirit; receiving and actualizing (putting into positive action) a spiritual lession; miracles; epiphanies; divine intervention and direction; evidence of a higher spirit; awakening/deepening one’s inner spirit; enlightening, life-defining, life-changing spiritual experiences. All benevolent spiritual paths and religions welcome.
Deadline: December 31, 2006
Prize: Publication; $500; $100; complimentary copy of book

Writing Op - A Cup of Comfort for LOVE

Adams Media Corp.
57 Littlefield St.
Avon, MA 02322
Description: Submit creative nonfiction anecdotal stories; 1,000-2,000 words. Real-life romantic “love stories” for/about couples, lovers, soul mates--including puppy love; true love; new love; enduring love; first love; unrequited love; the love of one’s life; mature love; rekindled love; friends become lovers; unique engagement, wedding, anniversary experiences; turning points and milestones in a marriage/partnership; defining moments and “aha” moments that spark, shape, or strengthen a love relationship
Deadline: August 1, 2006
Prize: Publication; $500; $100; complimentary copy of book

Writing Op - Cup of Comfort for FAITH

Adams Media Corp.
57 Littlefield St.
Avon, MA 02322
Description: Submit creative nonfiction anecdotal stories; 1,000-2,000 words. Inspirational true stories and testimonials of the power of faith, such as answers to prayers; evidence of God’s holy grace; miracles; divine intervention; affirmation of religious teachings/scriptures in daily life; finding or reclaiming one’s faith. Traditional religions only.
Deadline: July 1, 2006
Prize: Publication; $500; $100; complimentary copy of book
Entry: November 1-March 17

Friday, February 17, 2006

Writing Op - New Jersey Monthly

The Magazine of the Garden State
New Jersey Monthly, LLC
55 Park Place
P.O. Box 920
Morristown NJ 07963-0920
Phone: (973)539-8230
Fax: (973)538-2953

Contact: Christopher Hann, senior editor
About NEW JERSEY MONTHLY: Magazine covering "just about anything to do with New Jersey, from news, politics, and sports to decorating trends and lifestyle issues. Our readership is well-educated, affluent, and on average our readers have lived in New Jersey 20 years or more."
Frequency: Monthly
Editor's Note: This magazine continues to look for strong investigative reporters with novelistic style and solid knowledge of New Jersey issues.

Freelance Facts:
75-80% freelance written
Established: 1976
Circulation: 95,000
Pays on completion of fact-checking.
Publishes manuscript 3 months after acceptance.
Byline given.
Offers 20% kill fee.
Rights purchased:
 First North American serial rights
Editorial lead time 3 months.
Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance.
Accepts queries by: Mail, E-mail, Fax, Phone
Accepts simultaneous submissions
Responds in 2 months to queries.

Needs: Book excerpts, Essays, Exposé, General Interest, Historical, Humor, Interview/Profile, Personal Experience, Photo Feature, Travel (within New Jersey), arts, sports, politics
Does Not Want: "No experience pieces from people who used to live in New Jersey or general pieces that have no New Jersey angle."
Buys 90-100 manuscripts/year.
Submission method: Query with published magazine clips and SASE.
Length: 800–3,000 words.
Pays $750-2,500.
Pays reasonable expenses of writers on assignment with prior approval.

Columns & Departments:
Columns open to freelancers: Exit Ramp (back page essay usually originating from personal experience but written in a way that tells a broader story of statewide interest), 1,200 words.
Buys 12 columns/year.
Submission method: Query with published clips
Pays $400.

Needs: Anecdotes (for front-of-book)
Buys 12-15 fillers/year.
Length: 200–250 words.
Pays: $100

Tips: "The best approach: Do your homework! Read the past year's issues to get an understanding of our well-written, well-researched articles that tell a tale from a well-established point of view.

Writing Op - Modernism Magazine

333 N. Main St.
Lambertville NJ 08530
Phone: (609)397-4104
Fax: (609)397-4409

Publisher: David Rago
Andrea Truppin, editor-in-chief
About MODERNISM MAGAZINE: Magazine covering 20th century art and design.
Frequency: Quarterly

"We are interested in objects and the people who created them. Our coverage begins in the 1920s with Art Deco and related movements, and ends with 1980s Post-Modernism, leaving contemporary design to other magazines. Our emphasis is on the decorative arts--furniture, pottery, glass, textiles, metalwork, and so on--but we're moving toward more coverage of interiors."

Freelance Facts:
70% freelance written
Established: 1998
Circulation: 20,000
Pays on publication
Publishes manuscript 4 months after acceptance.
Byline given.
Offers 25% kill fee.
All rights
Editorial lead time 6 months.
Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance.
Accepts queries by: Mail, E-mail, Fax
Accepts simultaneous submissions
Accepts previously published submissions
Responds in 1 month to queries.
Sample copy for $6.95.
Writer's guidelines free

Book excerpts
New Product
Photo Feature
"No first-person."
Buys 20 manuscripts/year.
Submission method: Query with published clips
Length: 2,000–2,500 words.
Pays $400.
Does not pay the expenses of writers on assignment.
Reprints: Accepts previously published submissions.

State availability of or send photos with submission.
Reviews: Contact sheets, Transparencies, prints
Photos Require: Captions, Identification of subjects
Buys one-time rights
Negotiates payment individually

"Articles should be well researched, carefully reported, and directed at a popular audience with a special interest in the Modernist movement. Please don't assume readers have prior familiarity with your subject; be sure to tell us the who, what, why, when, and how of whatever you're discussing."

Industry News

On Monday Simon and Schuster acquired Howard Publishing. You can read the official release at:

Simon & Shuster is one of the six largest publishers in the world.

Industry News

Hallmark has announced that it is planning to launch its own magazine later in 2006. "The as-yet-unnamed magazine is expected to focus on topics including food, home, and relationships."


Writing Op - Katrina Stories

A fellow Christian writer was devestated by Hurricane Katrinia. He's putting together a book proposal of stories about how God helped those who survived this disaster. If you or someone you know was affected by this event, consider submitting a story. Guidelines below:

The Lord Is My Shepherd...
"Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you..." -- Mark 5:19

If you want to share your story of survival and healing from Hurricane Katrina, don't hesitate! Write it up and send it in! In submitting your story, please adhere to the following guidelines:

Length: Stories should be between ten and twenty pages in length, single spaced, typed in 12 point Times New Roman or Courier New font.
Format: In addition to the length requirements, please submit your story in either MS Word "DOC" or Adobe Acrobat "PDF" file format. Please make sure file is scanned for viruses before you send it. If any viruses are detected on our end, the file and e-mail will be deleted. Thank you for understanding!
Originality: All work must be your original work. If any other sources are used, they must be quoted and disclosed.
Copyright: It pains us to have to include this, but we must. Since this book is not for the profit of any individual or group, in submitting your story you waive any copyright, fees, licenses, and entitlements to your work. However we agree not to use your work in any other form or fashion other than the stated purpose of "The Lord Is My Shepherd," nor will any of your information be released to any party without your explicit, written permission.
Pray! This may seem silly as a submission guideline, but we very much want this book to help others and be of benefit to them. Before submitting your story please pray over what you wrote and pray for the project as a whole. May God use this book to bring healing to those in need.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Show Vs. Tell Practice Exercises

Now Its Your Turn
Here are a few phrases for you to practice your "Showing Technique." If you aren't sure if you've got it yet, drop me an email and I'll be happy to help you throught it.
Louise Bergmann DuMont -

Show Vs. Tell Practice Sentences
Workshop Preparation
by Louise Bergmann DuMont
  1. At first glance, the wrinkled paper seemed worthless.
  2. The girl cried and cried, believing that she would never again be happy.
  3. The button on the jacket popped off as he tried to button it.
  4. The file folders were stuffed with papers and the file cabinet was stuffed with folders.
  5. The garden was filled with flowers that contained every color of the rainbow.
  6. The men laughed and joked like teenage boys.
  7. The snow fell for nearly forty-eight hours.
  8. The book’s pages were brown and smelled musty.