Jars of ClayI am starting a parents' newsletter as a way to connect with the parents of our jr and sr high teens. It will be called:
T 'n T - Dynamite News for Parenting Tweeners and Teens. I am volunteering my time and talents so I can't pay you a dime, but if you contribute you'll get a byline.
I need some music and book reviews as follows...MUSIC
Needed now: A review of a CD offered by Jars of Clay, tobyMac or Tait.
Future reviews: Zoegirl, Superchic, Kutless, Switchfoot, Others (?)
BOOKSNeeded now: A review of a good parenting book for parents of pre-teens (tweeners). Prefer Christian authors, but not beat-them-over-the-head-with-the-gospel kinds.
Future reviews: YA novels or good adult fiction for teens.
Future reviews: Christian adult fiction and non-fiction for parents of teens.
Future reviews: Reviews of good parenting magazines, music, websites, blogs, or other resources.
Contact me with the
name of book/CD and
author/artist that you want to review. Reviews should be
approximately 300-400 wrds.
Positive reviews only. I'll
print one of each per quarter (total eight per year).
Author retains all rights to their work (you can sell it for money somewhere else because this isn't considered a big enough venue to matter).
Most recent releases will be given precedence.
ARTICLESI will also consider short articles (300-500 words) about parenting teens and keeping your sanity while parenting tweeners and teens. Humor is especially good but factual articles will also be consdered. Want lots of anecdotes, show (no tell), and fun stuff. No fiction (raising a teen is hard enough without throwing more unreal things into the mix).
Contact me with the name of book/CD and author/artist that you want to review. Reviews should be approximately 300-400 wrds. Positive reviews only. I'll be printing one per quarter. Author retains all rights. More current releases given precedence.
SHORTS/FILLERSNeed a few 50-100 word fillers or how-to's. Keep it light and positive.
CONTACT INFOPublication -
T 'n T: Dynamite News for Parenting Tweeners and TeensEditor:
Louise Bergmann DuMontEmail: