Wednesday, January 29, 2014

NJCWG Meeting this Saturday, February 1

Susan Panzica will maneuver us through The Christian Writers' Guide.

  • Learn what those mysterious symbols & abbreviations mean.
  • Search for a potential market for the piece you've been writing - you will be asked to share this with the group
  • Bring paper for notes or be willing to write in your market guide (Copies of previous Market Guides will be available to borrow if you don't own one.)
See details at right for location and time.

Thoughts from January's meeting
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” So reads Genesis 1:1. God spoke the word and the world came into being - day & night, land & sea, plants & trees, sun & moon, fish, birds & animals. Within each created thing was all that was necessary to sustain and/or multiply it. Talk about words being “pregnant” with meaning! 
Being created in God's image, our noblest desires mirror His. As writers we want  our words to go beyond their structure and definition to import truth and life and hope and beauty and sustenance.
We write from a desire to create - to express, to expand, to convey truth. Our ability to create is God-given. Without Him working through us we have nothing worth saying. When we weave words together to  create a picture or convey a thought, it is His creativity flowing through us.
Thought to ponder
If the simple truth is that all creativity is from the Creator God, what better way is there to equip ourselves for creative writing than to have an intimate, mentoring relationship with Him? 
Looking forward to seeing you Saturday,

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Happy New Year

The next NJCWG meeting will be
January 11, 2014
A guest presenter will offer a creative writing workshop to kick off a new year of writing.
In order to give ample time to our guest (Elise's husband and a college professor)
 we may not get to critiques at this meeting.

Last month our focus was Strong Beginnings and our take-home thought was this: 
The purpose of strong beginnings is to engage readers so that, as the story unfolds, they will experience the delight of discovery.

Our January meeting will give us a strong beginning for 2014 and, I believe, we will enjoy the delight of discovery through our able presenter.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

December Meeting

Saturday, Dec. 7
10:00 - 12:00

High Mountain Church
681 High Mountain Rd., No. Haledon, NJ 07508
We will share a light Christmas brunch 

We have one week to complete our assignment: Write the all-important opening paragraph of a Christmas piece, fiction or non. Read up on Cecil Murphy's posts about Beginnings at, scrolling back to October 15 for his first post. Be prepared to share your paragraph with the group.

November's Focus was Choose your Verb

During the meeting Susan encouraged us to use strong, descriptive verbs. Prior to that, our devotional challenged us to create writing habits that can be described with active, not passive verbs.
It is easy for us to substitute action with intention. Good intentions, careful lists and stated goals can make us feel as if we're actually doing something when, in reality, little is being accomplished.
James knew how readily we fall into this deception about our Christian life. He wrote, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says" (James 1:22). He knew that mental exercise is not enough in our Christian walk, physical effort is also required.
The same applies to our writing. Are we active or passive in our writing?
If you are active, what verb describes your writing activity since we last met? Did you type or edit? Stumble or soar? Research or outline? Submit or query? Limp or progress?
Whatever your writing verb is, let it be a powerful action verb.
Take-home thought: Don’t merely entertain good ideas or inspired thoughts. Act. Write. Research. Edit. Submit.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

December meeting preview

For any who missed the November meeting, here's heads-up for our December meeting: 

Barbara's assignment to us for next meeting (12/7/13) is to write the beginning paragraph of a Christmas story. 
We will have a casual brunch at the meeting and share our "beginnings". 

She mentioned Cecil Murphy's blog for writers as a highly recommended resource that we should all subscribe to. He's running a 9 part series on Questions About Beginnings. Here's the link to the blog: back to Tues 10/15 for the first post on BEGINNINGS


Happy writing! 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Strong, Stronger, Strongest

November Meeting
Saturday, Nov. 2
10:00 - 12:00

High Mountain Church
681 High Mountain Rd., No. Haledon, NJ 07508

Strong, Stronger, Strongest

Strong words, verbs in particular, pump your writing and propel the reader along. 

Come to the meeting prepared to get "pumped up!" 

We'll be exercising, but with paper and pen! 

For those interested in the critique group, 
please look for a separate email coming soon. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thoughts from October's meeting

The Well is Deeper than You Think

Are you dismissing writing options because you come up empty? 
Do you feel limited in the scope of your writing?
Are there topics that interest you but you dare not tackle them?
Most people have greater capacity than they realize. Often this is evidenced when they are challenged and, amazingly, rise to the occasion in a better way than they thought possible.
I believe that as writers we have a greater writing capacity that we can tap into if we rise to the challenge.
Writing is a God-given talent, but we need something more from God than talent. We need writing wisdom.

  • At what point in the story do I begin the telling? 
  • What slant should I give this article?
  • Is this the most powerful way I can word this sentence? 
  • Is this a significant point or am I only including it because I like it?

And then there are the publishing questions:

  • Which market is best to pursue?

  • Will I retain my rights? Does it matter?

  • E-publishing or paper? Do I self-publish or submit my piece… again?

Wisdom. You can probably anticipate the verse I’m going to refer to. James 1:5 assures us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God…” The Message Bible makes the point abundantly clear: “If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help...”
We know we can ask - we just read God’s invitation. But I know that often I walk away with a small portion of wisdom, content with just enough to get by. In life, but to our topic today, specifically in our writing, we need to learn to wait for God’s wisdom, His abundantly deep, rich wisdom (Romans 11:33). From the first keystroke of our manuscript, until we hit send, let’s ask, expect, and wait for greater wisdom from God in our writing.
Take-home thought: The well is deeper than you think - the well of our creativity and the well of God’s wisdom.
Next meeting: November 2.