Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Meeting this Saturday

May 4, 10 am - noon

Cornerstone Christian Church, Wyckoff
In the Barn (2nd building on the right)

Join us on Saturday for 

An Open Conversation about Marketing

Image by narciso1 from Pixabay 
Bring your opinions, research, tips & experience with FB, Twitter, Instagram, blogs, surveys, video, guest blogging, and audio presentations.
Be prepared to add to the discussion and build your platform.

All are welcome - visit to see if NJCWG is a fit for you. 
Last month's Focus Point is below.

Take Advantage of Counsel
Proverbs 15:22 says, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.”

I admire confident people who have a humble spirit. Humility is the difference between being confident and being cocky. Hopefully, one’s confidence stems from careful thought, thorough research, and wise input, which is the kind of confidence I want each of us to have as writers.

We give careful thought to our words. We research endless resources and comb through the truths of the Bible. We seek wise input through trusted advisers (such as in this group) and submit our work for critique.

We are well aware that the labor we exert in writing is not for ourselves but for our readers. We are not journaling—we’re writing to be read by others. This is why today’s topic is of value—it will teach us how to understand the needs of our readers. Their opinions will not to compromise our convictions, but hone the effectiveness of our presentation.

Proverbs 11:14 compliments the verse we just read—"For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure.” Our victory in writing is not measured by words on the page or hours at our computers. We are successful when others are encouraged, directed, informed—when we enable them to become more by reading our words.

We write for an audience of One… and also for those He draws to our writing.

Takeaway: Improving our listening skills will improve our writing skills.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Next Meeting: April 6

Let's try this again...

The Value of Surveys & How to Conduct Them
Presented by Shirley Blankson

How can a survey tune us in to our readers? 
How can we learn from the opinions of others? 
How can this positively affect our writing and our audience?

All writers are invited, regardless of writing experience. 

April 6, 10 am - noon
Cornerstone Christian Church, Wyckoff
In the Barn (2nd building on the right)

Our last meeting was canceled due to snow, but we don't expect a repeat performance! Please join us this Saturday,

Friday, March 01, 2019


Due to the weather forecast tomorrow's meeting, March 2, is cancelled.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Meeting this Saturday

March 2, 10 am-noon

Cornerstone Christian Church, Wyckoff

In the Barn (2nd building on the right)

The Value of Surveys & How to Conduct Them
Presented by Shirley Blankson

How can a survey tune us in to our readers? 
How can we learn from the opinions of others? 
How can this positively affect our writing?

All writers are invited, regardless of writing experience. 

Join us this Saturday.

February's Focus Point

Identifying Your Theme
I love themes. When my children were young they chose a theme for their birthday parties and I'd run with it—Holly Hobby, Big Bird, baseball… When I participate in planning a church event, I’m all about the theme. I blog best when I’m working with a theme.

Years ago I had a pastor whose preaching theme was grace—every sermon boiled down to grace. Coming from a reformed background, that was great! Currently, our pastor is preaching from Galatians and the recurring theme throughout the book is found in a Tim Keller quote, “You are more sinful…than you ever dared believe, but more…loved than you ever dared hope.” 

David, it is commonly believed, authored Psalm 119, the longest psalm in the Bible. It is written as an acrostic poem using the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, with each stanza containing eight lines, and there’s a theme—all 176 verses extol the merits of the Word. 

Verse 54 inspired today’s focus point, “Your statutes are [Word is] the theme of my song during my earthly life.” (HCSB) His life theme was the Word of God—its preciousness, its power, its beauty, its comfort, its reassurance, its truth. 

What is the theme of your song "during your earthly life"?

At one of our meetings in 2018 we considered if our writing had a recurring theme and many discovered it did. Identifying that theme proved enlightening and sharpened our focus. Today I pose two questions I think are worth pondering:
  • If your life was a story, what would be its unifying theme? 
  • The piece you’re writing is a story, what is its unifying theme? 
Takeaway: Discover your theme, embrace it, and run with it.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Meeting this Saturday

February 2, 10-noon

Cornerstone Christian Church, Wyckoff

All writers are invited, regardless of writing experience.

  • Prepare to share: What are your writing goals for the next six months?  They don't have to be lofty but they do need to be distinct - goals you've weighed and prayed over. 
  • Also, bring questions & comments from our last session about creating video presentations. If time allows, we will discuss any writing related questions.
  • Members (those who have attended more than one meeting) are invited to bring work for critique. Please adhere to the guidelines on our web page.
Hope to see you Saturday,

January's Focus Point

Memories, Goals & Vision
My first blog post of the year addressed making memories. I wrote that even though we chose to make good memories (of course), bad memories will also be made. The bad memories come uninvited, but the good memories come from intentional effort. I want to apply this to our 2019 writing goals since we will share them in February.
When we mesh memories and goals, my default memories are of failed goals—everything I didn’t accomplish. My memory doesn’t readily recall the vision and good intentions that inspired the setting of those goals. Rather than considering an unmet goal as failure, let’s regard it as a pause.
We mustn't allow the discouragement of unmet goals to hinder us from setting new ones or from pulling out last year's unmet goals and refreshing them. Maybe our timing was off. Maybe our circumstances were prohibitive. Perhaps our goal needs tweaking or prioritizing. Or maybe (grimace) we need to let go of a goal and move on. Could an old ambition be standing in the way of fresh vision?
It’s a new year. There is no scarcity of vision—there is always more to discover from the God who is infinite in creativity and wonder, and eager to share with us. What will He show us this year? A new process, genre, format, opportunity? We may step into an area that’s new to us, or dabble in writing something we’ve not tried before, or research an unfamiliar topic or genre—perhaps today’s presentation on Creating & Posting Video will become a 2019 goal.
Next month we’ll share our writing goals for the first half of 2019. Let’s talk to God about them with an open heart and ask what aspirations He has for us. We know from the book of John that the Holy Spirit is our Counselor—He will teach us, direct us, supply us—and surprise us.
Takeaway: My 2019 goal is not to make good memories, but God memories. I will seek His wisdom, inspiration, and direction.

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Don't miss Saturday's meeting!

Creating & Posting Video

presented by Phil Brainerd

All are invited to learn about the popular blogging option: vlogging. 
Come and be inspired!

Saturday, January 5, 10 a.m. - noon
Cornerstone Christian Church, Wyckoff
Meeting in the Barn (2nd building on the right)

Seasoned writers and novices, bloggers and blogger wannabes, we welcome you. 
I hope to see you Saturday,

Thursday, December 06, 2018

December's Focus Point

Since there are Christmas references in December's Focus Point, I'm posting it now. Our plans for the first three months of the new year are listed below.
No Excuses
My blog this week was about Joseph and Mary’s trek to Bethlehem and the disagreeable conditions they met when they arrived. I pointed out that God was in it all—the donkey ride, their sub-par housing, the timing. Not only was He in it, He had orchestrated it.
The struggle I had in writing the post and the topic itself, helped me realize how particular I can be about having the right circumstances. Many pressures and concerns were pressing in on me. My addled brain wasn’t cooperating and I craved a quiet space to write, with no interrupting calls, demanding emails, or weighty obligations. Instead, I was given a stable—and God was there.
In spite of everything screaming for my attention, I put my fingers to the keyboard and found that, even in my relatively mundane writing task, God’s grace was sufficient. I wrote the blog, engaged in the conference call, responded to the complicated email, and prepared for today’s meeting. I was amazed that although my thoughts were still scattered amid the demands, I satisfactorily completed what I needed to do.
When our hearts yield to God’s nudge to extend ourselves, 1 Cor. 9:8 says He “is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
Takeaway: When we press on in spite of our limitations and insufficiency, we experience the sweetness of God’s presence and all sufficiency.

2019 meetings:
  • January 5 – Creating & Posting YouTube Videos – Phil Brainerd
  • February 2 – The Value of Surveys & How to Conduct Them – Shirley 
  • March 2 – Social Media – Elyse & Nyah

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Meeting this Saturday

Come Saturday, December 1, 10 to noon. 

Members & visitors are invited to our monthly meeting and Christmas Non-Brunch.

Photo compliments of Pixabay.

Breaking from our traditional Christmas Brunch, we will have a non-brunch with coffee, tea and any finger-food items you bring - crackers, nuts, mini-muffins, etc.

Please be prepared for a writing exercise. Members are invited to bring two pages for critique, but please follow the guidelines on our website. Below is November's Focus Point.

I hope to see you Saturday,

The Inception and Birth of Brilliance

The verses I’m going to share are from a familiar Psalm. I’m sure you’ve read them, probably many times, but today we will see what they can teach us about writing. Psalm 139:13-16:
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
We were in the mind of God before we were created by Him. His knowledge of us is not like that of a parent or friend who learns about us by watching and conversing with us. He knew us before we said or did anything to indicate our personality, character, or potential. God knew us first, and then He created us.

We have previously acknowledged that being made in Creator God’s image is the source of our creativity. These verses give insight to God’s creative process and affirm what we already know—creativity begins in the mind. Before we lived and breathed we existed in the mind of God. So too, our books, poems, and blog posts live in our minds before they are birthed.

This raises three issues:
  • Am I allowing, honoring time for creative thinking? Do I make space for solitude and reflection?
  • Do my activities inspire or hinder creativity? Am I reading, watching, listening to venues that expand my mind, fuel my interests, and feed my creativity?
  • Do I overthink and thereby procrastinate productivity? Does fear or perfectionism get in my way? 
Takeaway: The creative process begins in my mind—how am I nurturing that aspect of creativity?

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Story Callout - Women's Devotional

Abba's Heart

Cross River Media

Many of us struggle with grasping God’s unconditional love. This thirty-day devotional offers the freedom that comes with accepting God’s infinite love, igniting a woman’s relationship with Christ and opening the door to a deeper more fulfilling relationship with Him.

We are looking for first-person, true stories of how God has demonstrated His love for you. In other words, how did you come to fully grasp God’s unconditional love?

Abba’s Heart: the Love of the Father is a compilation project contracted with CrossRiver Media and has a tentative release date of February 2020.


  • Deadline for submissions is February 1, 2019.
  • Devotions must include a verse along with the true story, practical application commentary, and suggested prayer topic.
  • Please include a brief bio and professional photo to be included with the devotional.
  • Word count should be between 750 and 1000 words.
  • You may submit original or reprinted work; however if it is a reprint, please tell us where and when it was published and assure us you own the reprint rights.
  • We will edit selected stories for clarity, consistency, and style. We will not change factual information. If you are unwilling to allow edits, please do not submit.
  • If your story is selected, we will notify you by email by March 2019.
  • Contributors will receive a contributor credit along with one free copy of Abba’s Heart (working title). Author will also be able to order additional copies at a significantly discounted rate.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Meeting this Saturday

November 3, 10 am - noon

In the Barn at
Cornerstone Christian Church, Wyckoff

We welcome seasoned writers and novices.

Focus: The Inception and Birth of Brilliance

(Hint: It's all in the mind!)

Please note, our previously scheduled guest will speak 
about conducting surveys at a future meeting.

Members are invited to bring pages for critique, please see website for specifics.

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

See you Saturday!

October 13, 10 am - noon

In the Barn at
Cornerstone Christian Church, Wyckoff

We welcome seasoned writers and novices.

Be prepared to share your current writing goals, hopes or projects 
and participate in a writing exercise. 

If you attended September's workshop,
 we would love to hear one bit of inspiration you took away.

Members, we welcome your pages for critique. 

Wednesday, October 03, 2018


Dear Writers, Please be reminded our October meeting is the second Saturday this month.

October 13, 10 am - noon

In the Barn at
Cornerstone Christian Church, Wyckoff

We welcome seasoned writers and novices.

Be prepared to share your current writing goals, hopes or projects 
and participate in a writing exercise. 

If you attended September's workshop,
 we would love to hear one bit of inspiration you took away.

Members, we welcome your pages for critique. 

Friday, September 14, 2018

Workshop: September Focus Point

Where did that idea come from... and where will it go?

You know what it’s like—a thought takes hold. Sometimes an idea pops into your mind, other times it takes shape slowly, and sometimes it branches off something you heard or read. Some are viable, some are crazy, some are impossible. And sometimes it’s hard to determine if it’s a good idea or a God idea.

Each one of us is made in the image of God. We’ve been made in His likeness, created to rule. We know this from Genesis 1:26 when God said,

"Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
We were not created like the earth which, once set in motion, still rotates on its axis and orbits the sun. We were not created like vegetation that replenishes itself without care, or like the sun, moon and stars that thoughtlessly light our world. We were not even created like the animals, that reproduce and survive by instinct. We were created like God—image reflectors of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit—to feel, act and create like Him.

We know from John 1:3, that all things were made through God and nothing was made without Him. To me, this speaks of all that has been created from the beginning and of every creative endeavor since then.

A clear example of this was in the building of the tabernacle. Exodus 35 tells of those who were filled “with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts—to make artistic designs.” We read that God “filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as craftsmen.”

This is why we’re here today—we are filled with God’s Spirit, with skill, ability and knowledge to fulfill His calling to create with words.
John Piper wrote,If you are God, your work is to create out of nothing. If you are not God, but like God—that is, if you are human—your work is to take what God has made and shape it and use it to make him look great. (Don't Waste Your Life, p.139)
My hope for today is that each of us will find fresh ways to make God look great. That we will be inspired to consider different genres, explore new venues, respond to creative urges, develop dormant dreams, and be receptive to new ideas.

And in our heart of hearts, we want to get our ideas out there. We're not content to let them be ours alone, but want to share them. We want to impact our world.

So... what do you do with your ideas?

Please, don't dismiss them! Think outside your box. Capture your ideasmake a list. Over time you’ll dismiss many, but there may be one—or a few—that will develop wings and take flight. Your idea may grow into a beautiful endeavor that reflects the heart of our Creator.
Image credit: abcoach.es


Our October meeting is the second Saturday, 10/13/18.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Final Reminder - Register for Sept 8 Writers Workshop


Please register asap if you have not already done so

You can register online at: bit.ly/NJCWG

~ OR ~

Print this flyer and complete the bottom as indicated.

Please share with any writer you think might be interested. 

Many thanks to those of you who have already registered! 
We're looking forward to a great day. 


Sunday, August 19, 2018

WRITERS WORKSHOP - Sept. 8 meeting

Please Register asap if you have not already done so

You can register online at: bit.ly/NJCWG
~ OR ~
Print this flyer and complete the bottom as indicated. 

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Join us this Saturday

August 4, 10 am - noon

Cornerstone Christian Church,
in the Barn

At this informal summer meeting we will discuss any writing challenges, 
topics or questions you bring. As usual, there will be time for critiques. 

Monday, July 09, 2018

Are you joining us this Saturday?

We will have an informal meeting this Saturday, 

July 14, from 10-noon, 

upstairs in the Barn at Cornerstone Christian Church. 

Since this is our first attempt to meet during the summer, 
please RSVP at bhigby9323@gmail.com by Wednesday 
to let me know if you will or will not be attending. 

Come with your writing quandaries or questions. 
As usual, we will leave time for critiques. 

Our next meeting will be 8/4. 
Please note that the first two fall meetings will be on second Saturdays:
September 8 & October 13

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Yes, we're meeting over the summer!

Summer meetings

July 14 (upstairs) 

August 4 (regular room)

These informal meetings will be opportunities for encouragement and to discuss personal questions or concerns. There will no Focus Point or planned exercises but critique pieces are welcome. Regular members, please contact Barbara (bhigby9323@gmail.com) with your intentions. If we do not have a number of attendees and decide to cancel, we want to notify members who travel a distance. Also give me a heads up about questions or topics you want to discuss. The Focus Point from our June meeting is below.

Focus Point
Our Story

When E. B. White was 48 years old, he wrote, 
“I’m glad to report that even now, at this late day, a blank sheet of paper holds the greatest excitement there is for me—more promising than a silver cloud, prettier than a little red wagon. It holds all the hope there is, all fears. I can remember, really quite distinctly, looking a sheet of paper square in the eyes when I was seven or eight years old and thinking, ‘This is where I belong, this is it.’” Letter to Stanley Hart White, January 1947 
I can’t say I’ve ever thrilled over a blank sheet of paper (or a blank screen), but I love E.B. White’s sense of anticipation and his awareness of limitless possibilities. Our joy in writing should not falter under the shadow of staleness, the pressure of a deadline, or a feeling of obligation. 

As a Christian writer, my thrill is to be a blank sheet of paper. I love the joy of Creator God writing my story and using me to write His. I delight in discovering a creative thought, a twist of words, the perfect analogy, an original description, or inspired theme. 

As the bride spoke of the bridegroom in Song of Solomon (2:16), let us say, “I am His.” What will God write in us? What will He inspire us to write? Let’s rekindle the joy of our gift. As we share summer writing goals, let’s remain as a blank sheet, ready to receive from the Author of our faith. 
Take home thought: Lord, I am yours. As the author of my story, use me to write your story.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Writing Contests - 2018

From Reedsy
here is a curated list of writing contests for this year. 
Good luck!