Thursday, February 17, 2005

Need Your Help

Do you know an extraordinary woman of God? Someone who feels she is ordinary but who you feel is an example of extreme faith and servitude? I am looking for SIX very SPECIAL women who are willing to share their lives and experiences with me. No payment is possible for these stories but the women will be blessed to know that God will use their experiences to move others to serve Him. I am looking specifically for women who feel called to the positions mentioned below but who do not necessarily seek or even want positions of honor or authority. They perform their tasks selflessly and for only one reason - because they love Jesus. It may not be easy for them to be what God called them to be - but they do it anyway.

*** If you know of a woman (or women) who fit the following descriptions, please contact me as soon as possible. You can write me at ***

A Teacher
This does not necessarily mean a school teacher, but she could be one. It may be a woman who is a social worker, a housewife or a corporate business woman. She teaches others how to be a Godly wife, mother, business woman or simply how to walk with Jesus.

A Giver
This would be a woman who has the gift of giving -- unselfishly and conditionally. Not simply a woman who helps out at her local soup kitchen but a woman called to give sacrificially.

A Servant
I believe that women have a natural tendency toward a servant's heart. I am looking for a woman who serves despite her human desire to serve herself. Someone who goes beyond running the VBS program every year or baking cookies for shut-ins. I'm looking for a woman to whom God has given a "special" gift.

A Woman of Exhortation
To exhort means to urge strongly or incite by argument or advice. I'm looking for a woman who incites other woman to Godly behavior using strong words and deeds. Someone who may not be a natural leader but who speaks up because God urges her to do so.

A Leader
Different denominations have different opinions on whether woman should preach or 'lead' both men and women in a congregation. I'm looking to get into this sort of discussion. I AM looking for a woman who is a leader among leaders because God placed her in authority - perhaps despite her own desire for anonymity.

A Woman Who Shows Mercy
This woman should exemplify mercy in its purest form. Someone who is able to show mercy when the world could not. A person who has been so touched by God that mercy leaches from heaven to others through their hands.

Book premise:
Every Christian’s life should be a study in enthusiastic anticipation. So why do some women climb out the side window, rather than walk through God's door? I've noticed that there are a few brave souls who strap on their gear and courageously plunge into the adventure that God sets before them. This book is about those women. It is about ordinary women who are called to do something beyond their own strength and outside of their realm of usual experience – a task that requires "radical faith." This book will not only illustrate the lives of six exemplary women; it will encourage the reader to examine her own life. The book will offer the reader innovative thoughts and concrete strategies that foster an ongoing life of service and leadership. Areas covered will include teaching, giving, service, exhortation, leadership, and the showing of mercy (based on Romans 12).

Time is of the essence. Please contact me as soon as possible, even if you just "think" you might have a match for these descriptions.

Thank you and may God bless you for this.

The Lord is My Righteousness
Jeremiah 23:1-6

Louise Bergmann DuMont
January, 2005

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