Sunday, March 26, 2006

Wrting Op - Decision Magazine

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
1 Billy Graham Parkway
Charlotte NC 28201
Phone: (704)401-2432
Fax: (704)401-3009

Non Fiction Needs: Personal Experience & testimony
Buys approximately 8 manuscripts/year.
Submission method: Send complete manuscript
Length: 400–1,500 words.
Pays $200-400.
TIPS: "Articles should have some connection to the ministry of Billy Graham or Franklin Graham. For example, you may have volunteered in one of these ministries or been touched by them. The article does not need to be entirely about that connection, but it should at least mention the connection. Testimonies and personal experience articles should show how God intervened in your life and how you have been transformed by God. SASE required with submissions."

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