Friday, April 21, 2006

Writing Op - True

Got a TRUE God story?

If God has made himself evident through an experience in your teen or young adult life or that of someone you know, share that story!

Irene Dunlap is a co-author of 6 books in the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series and is now in production with True Volume 2, Who's this God Guy?, the follow-up book to her Zondervan anthology, True: Real Stories about God showing up in the Lives of Teens.

The mission of TRUE is to bring a higher understanding of God's character to teens and young adults.

A wide array of issues are covered in the stories in TRUE Volume 1, including sexual temptations and pregnancy, pressures to drink and do drugs, as well as true experiences depicting how God worked in various life situations in the lives of teens and young adults.

For writing guidelines as well as general information regarding TRUE Volume 2, go to: and click on the book icon for TRUE Vol. 2.

Please send all submissions to May 15, 2006.

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