Saturday, September 23, 2006

Writing Op - St. Anthony Messenger

Pays 10-49¢/word or $151-750/article
28 W. Liberty St.
Cincinnati OH 45202-6498

Phone: (513)241-5615
Fax: (513)241-0399

Contact: Father Pat McCloskey, O.F.M., editor

About ST. ANTHONY MESSENGER: "St. Anthony Messenger is a Catholic family magazine which aims to help its readers lead more fully human and Christian lives. We publish articles which report on a changing church and world, opinion pieces written from the perspective of Christian faith and values, personality profiles, and fiction which entertains and informs."

Freelance Facts: 55% freelance written
Established: 1893
Circulation: 324,000

Pays on acceptance
Publishes manuscript 1 year after acceptance.
Byline given.

Rights purchased:
# First North American serial rights
# Electronic rights
# first worldwide serial rights.

Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance.

Accepts queries by:
# Mail
# E-mail
# Fax

Does not accept simultaneous submissions
Responds in 3 weeks to queries.
Responds in 2 months to manuscripts.

Sample copy for 9x12 SAE with 4 first-class stamps.
Click here for manuscript guidelines

Nonfiction Needs:
How-To (on psychological and spiritual growth, problems of parenting/better parenting, marriage problems/marriage enrichment)
Opinion (limited use; writer must have special qualifications for topic)
Personal Experience (if pertinent to our purpose)
Photo Feature
informational, social issues

Buys 35-50 manuscripts/year.
Submission method: Query with published clips
Length: 1,500–2,500 words.

Pays 16¢/word.

Sometimes pays the expenses of writers on assignment.

Contact: Father Pat McCloskey, O.F.M., editor

senior citizen/retirement

Does Not Want: "We do not want mawkishly sentimental or preachy fiction. Stories are most often rejected for poor plotting and characterization; bad dialogue--listen to how people talk; inadequate motivation. Many stories say nothing, are 'happenings' rather than stories." No fetal journals, no rewritten Bible stories.

Buys 12 manuscripts/year.
Submission method: Send complete manuscript
Length: 2,000–3,000 words.

Pays 16¢/word maximum and 2 contributor's copies; $1 charge for extras.

Poetry: "Our poetry needs are very limited."

Submit maximum 4-5 poems.
Length: Up to 20-25 lines; the shorter, the better.
Pays $2/line; $20 minimum.

Tips: "The freelancer should consider why his or her proposed article would be appropriate for us, rather than for Redbook or Saturday Review. We treat human problems of all kinds, but from a religious perspective. Articles should reflect Catholic theology, spirituality, and employ a Catholic terminology and vocabulary. We need more articles on prayer, scripture, Catholic worship. Get authoritative information (not merely library research); we want interviews with experts. Write in popular style; use lots of examples, stories, and personal quotes. Word length is an important consideration."

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