Thursday, March 08, 2007
Lenten Poetry
I thought many of you might enjoy this message (and poetry) from fellow auther, Latayne C. Scott. Latayne. She is an award-winning author and poet who lives New Mexico and I've created a link to the site where you can read her poetry.
Since the Lenten season is one in which many people devote themselves to an even deepercommunion with the Lord, I'd like to offer my help through verse. Every couple of days I am posting on my website ( )a new poem and devotional thought to anchor (and incite) our minds as we approach Good Friday and Easter.
Today's, for instance, builds on a little-known item from first-century history: the fact that when the Passover lambs were sacrificed in the temple, their blood flowed down a drain that emptied into the Kidron River, over which Jesus passed on His final visit to the Mt. of Olives.
Latayne C. Scott
Thursday, March 01, 2007
New Jersey News
North Jersey Christian Writers Group (NJCWG) member Chris Sagona just happens to be the Assignment Editor for News 12. She is looking for any leads you might have for New Jersey stories.
In her words - "let people know that if they have ideas for features or better yet, for breaking news to please call or email me!"
Chris Sagona
Assignment Editor
News 12
732-346-3270 office
201-755-4149 cell
Next Meeting
SATURDAY, March 3, 2007
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
ANSWER #1 - Too Much Clutter
Over the next few weeks author Kathryn Porter going to answer many of your questions about clutter. The first question comes from a North Jersey Christian Writers Group member, Barbara.
Barbara is also the first winner of Kathryn's book TOO MUCH STUFF.
How do I organize my ideas for writing/speaking? I get great ideas, write them "someplace" & "everyplace". Even if I put them in the same place how can I find what I want? Should I file them by topic? Alphabetical? By Audience? Can it be cross referenced?
The thing to remember is that there is no one-size fits all when it comes to organizing. File them under a system that makes sense for you.
When you get into cross-referencing, you make more work for yourself. Keep it simple.
I file my ideas by using three subject notebooks. I like them because they easily travel anywhere. I don’t keep my notebooks forever. If I don’t use those ideas within a month after I fill the notebook, I toss the notebook and start a new one. If the idea is that good or if I’m that passionate about it, I create an outline on my computer for an article or book chapter. If the idea just sits in the notebook, it’s clutter.
I can picture some individuals gasping at the notion of tossing ideas in the trash. I’m hard core when it comes to de-cluttering. I don’t want to live in mediocrity surrounded by an ocean of ideas. I prefer to work with laser like precision by focusing on one project and completing it. In fact, I find that most of my ideas are directly related to whatever project I happen to be working on at the time. This is something that may come more naturally to you as you discover your bend as a writer.
For speaking, I have a different system. I write summaries and outlines for all my workshops and keep them in a folder on my computer. From time to time, I’ll open those folders, refine those workshops, and maybe swap them out on some of my promotional materials to keep things fresh.
There’s also software available to organize writing and speaking ideas. It will take time to input everything into the computer, but then you should be able to do searches by word or topic, depending on the software you choose. The only organizing software I recommend is the Paper Tiger. It’s not specific to writing, but it’s the best out there. For more information, please visit
Also, beware of working so much on ideas that you never actually pick a project and follow it through. That’s why I’m not that big on filing ideas—we just have so many of them that keeping track of them can be more of a project than we bargained for.
Sad News - Prayers Requested
This is a message I recently received from Deidre Knight (Cecil Murphy's agent).
Dear Friends
As many of you know, Cec Murphey's home burned to the ground yesterday morning, and his son-in-law was killed in the fire. Cec is loved by so many within the writing and publishing community, known as a mentor, friend, sponsor and prayer warrior. In the past twenty-four hours, the outpouring of love toward Cec and his family has been overwhelming and he is deeply touched by all the expressions of encouragement and support.
Stan and Carol Cottrell will be sharing their home with Cec and Shirley, beginning today. Stan and Carol live 1.5 miles from the former Murphey residence. They have a spare bedroom, private bath, and a room that is now designated as Cec's working office. This wonderful couple will keep the doors of their home open to Shirley and Cec for the short and long-term. Shirley and Cec will have free use of laundry and kitchen facilities as well as an open door to come and go as needed.
Today Carol will take Shirley shopping for personal items and clothing. Stan is taking Cec shopping for personal items, clothing, a new computer, a printer, and office supplies. Thank you for your contributions.
We are still working on funds to cover the following needs, and other needs that will arise.
· Desk and chair
· Book shelf· Lamp
· File folders, paper, dictionary, reference books
· Brief case
· Suit case for travels
· Desk clock
· Stereo system for office
· CDs (instrumental)
· Desk calendar
· Memory book (for cards and notes from friends)
If you would like to make a contribution, please mail check to Deidre:
Deidre Knight
The Knight Agency
577 South Main Street
Madison, GA 30650
Cards and letters may be sent to:
Cec and Shirley Murphey
c/o Stan Cottrell
4619 West Hampton Drive
Tucker, GA 30084
Funeral arrangements for Cec's son-in-law have not been made yet. The cause of the fire has not been determined. Deidre Knight and I will try to keep you updated. In the meantime, we ask that you direct inquiries to: deidre.knight@knightagency or
Cec and Shirley need some quiet time without the cell phone ringing constantly to sort things out, grieve, and make necessary business and personal decisions.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support for Cec and his family.
In Him,
Saturday, February 24, 2007
St. Catherine's Poetry/Art Exhbit
Next Weekend!
St. Catherine's
Photo, Art & Poetry Exhibition
March 2-4, 2007
March 2, 7:00-11:00
March 3, 6:00-11:00
March 4, 10:00-4:00
NJCWG member, Maude, has once again been invited to read her poetry and this year, Marilyn's grand-daughter (Carina) will have art work exhibited as well.
Friday, February 09, 2007
50% Disc - Delaware Christian Writers Conference
**Delaware Christian
Writers Conference**
April 19-21
University of Delaware
Newark, DE
24 Workshops
Writing Contests with cash prizes
Editorial appointments
To sign up email
for those of you who subscribe to SPIRIT-LED WRITER magazine there is a special (truly fantastic) deal!
**Special offer!**
Save 50% on the registration fee till Feb. 28.
**Pay only $295**
To Subscribe (its FREE) to the Spirit-Led Writer go their website and put your info in the subscription box.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Espresso For The Heart
My latest Espresso for the Heart column is now online at the Comfort Cafe.
Go to:
Louise Bergmann DuMont
Author & Speaker
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Over Used Modifiers
Overused Modifiers & Phrases
Presented to the NJCWG
Here are modifiers & phrases that can often be eliminated. Tossing these will tighten your work.
Using Conflict to Create Drama
As usual, the February meeting of the NJCWG was packed with info for every writer. I am posting one of the handouts here.
Presented to the NJCWG 2/3/07
by Louise Bergmann DuMont
A: Without conflict there is no story. Life without conflict is not 'real.'
Q: I have lots of action in my novel but I was told that there isn't enough conflict. Aren't conflict and action the same thing?
A: New writers often mistake the two. Conflict is not action but conflict is the reason most action occurs. Meaningless action scenes are not enough to carry a story.
Imagine a scene where one car chases another up and down the narrow San Francisco streets … but you (the reader) have no idea why they are doing this or who is in the two cars. Do you care about the chase? Now imagine a scene where a young child has been kidnapped. The father sees the child being abducted and initiates a chase through the same streets. All through the chase he must balance keeping up with the evasive car in front of him, with the safety of pedestrians, the safety of other drivers on the road, and the safety of the car that holds the kidnappers (because his child inside that car).
An action scene has no point and holds no interest without the insertion of conflict.
Q: If conflict is not the same as action, what IS conflict?
A: Conflict is when two forces are in opposition to each other. These forces can be emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, sociological, or elemental
Q: I've heard of Internal Conflict and Personal Conflict, but what are they and are there other kinds of conflict?
A: There are many kinds of conflict and they can be called many things. Below are a few kinds of conflict that have been grouped for the sake of explanation:
Conflict with oneself. Inner turmoil. Moral dilemmas. Overcoming trauma. Psychological problems. Internal Conflict is not with other characters, though it can affect other characters. Internal Conflict comes across best when the reader feels they are in the mind of the character. This is because the reader can visualize the situation and they feel as if it was occurring to them..
This is about inter-personal relations - conflict between two or more individuals. It is often between the hero and his friends or the hero and his lover(s). It does not involve larger issues like peer pressure or the rules of society, but rather, the problems the characters have relating one to another.
Note: this is the conflict of choice.
Social Conflict can be between a parent and a child, between a doctor and a patient, between a hero and society, etc. Social Conflict occurs when you are dealing with issues that are larger than one-on-one relationships. Stories that deal with concepts like authority, injustice, persecution and assimilation are in the domain of the Social Conflict.
Elemental Conflict is between man and his environment. The hero deals with a non-personal, elemental force of nature. It could be anything from a long dormant volcano (now spewing lava) threatening a troop of hiking boy scouts to a pack of run-amuck butterflies overtaking a mid-western state.
Q: What is the nature of conflict? Isn't a story about the characters?
A: Conflict is impersonal but a story's characters should not be. For example, people understand the concept of war, but they don’t see what it has to do with them unless your main characters convey their feelings and situation to the reader. That is when it becomes tangible.
Your reader must "feel" something when they read a scene. Lets take that war story scenario. People may be dying on every page of your manuscript but the war will seem abstract to your reader. All that changes when the reader "sees" the war through the eyes of the main character. When they watch a child die in the arms of the hero (as seen through the eyes of his fiancée) the reader is touched. They fee the pain the woman feels, they see the remorse she sees in the eyes of her hero, and they share the conflict that occurs when the nurse's peaceful ideals and the hero's duty to his country collide. Conflict becomes real when our characters bring us into the story's world through their conflicts.
Conflict needs meaning to be powerful. So the issues of the conflict must be important to the characters. When the characters are emotionally involved, the reader is emotionally involved. This happens if (and only if) the reader cares about the characters. How does an author make the reader care? By using universal truths to touch the reader.
When you’re writing a story about personal and/or social conflicts, you’re really pitting the will of your characters against each other. And through that use of will, the reader learns who they are and what they’re made of. In an internal conflict, the character's will is pitted against his or her innate nature. They may have a fear of heights and yet they go to the 81st floor of a building for job interview that will allow them to feed their family after being out of work for more than a year. In this case, the character battles their own nature to do something for the greater good.
Lack of internal conflict limits a character’s dimension. Single minded individuals are only common in bad fiction -- not in life. If you are human, you have conflict. According to scientists, reason and emotion are completely intertwined. When someone suffers brain damage to the emotion centers of the brain, they lose the ability to make logical decisions. We learn by our mistakes. If we did not fear negative repercussions, we would have no reason to restrain or re-train ourselves.
Q: So how do I do this? How do I create "good" conflict? Conflict where the reader cares about the characters?
A: To write a good story you need to know your character's fears, their needs and desires. Discover their emotional hot buttons and use other characters to push those conflict buttons. Conflict does not necessarily mean a grumbling hero, a glowering child or a defiant teen. Real conflict meant taking the hero’s (or heroine’s) worst fear, twisting it around, and then throwing it back at them at the worst possible moment and saying, “Think fast!”
Make your characters face their flaws and fears. Toss out pages filled with quiet stay-at-home evenings, long candle lit dinners, shopping, and sweet kisses. Fill your pages their worst fears come true and how they over came those fears. Confront your characters with hard choices - make them chose between good and evil. And for the sake of your reader, have them mess up occasionally before they triumph over the "big bad."
Thursday, February 01, 2007
The latest issue of the SpiritLed Writer is on the web.
Writing From Heartache: 7 Tips for Sharing Your Grief with Others
Down From the Mountain: 6 After-Conference Strategies That Work
Poetry Potpourri
The Pitfall of Preachy Prose
Nuggets for Personal Journaling
Polishing Your Prose
Conference Review: Online Writing Conference
Analyzing a Magazine
Inspired Romance
And so... so... SO... much more
Check it out today!
Terry Whalin - Places to Visit
Terry Whalin has written more than 60 nonfiction books and has published in more than 50 magazines. He's been both an acquisitions editor and literary agent so he knows both sides of the story writing life. One of best works (in my opinion) is Book Proposals That $ell,
21 Secrets to Speed Your Success. Here are a few great places where you can soak up Terry Whalin's expert advice.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
2007 Christian Writers' Market Guide Available
Christian Writers' Market Guide 2007
I will have 10 copies of the 2007 Christian Writers' Market Guide for sale at our February meeting. You may purchase it for only $22.00 on a first come - first serve basis. The reason I get these at such a good price is because I've had a standing order with Sally Stuart for quite a number of years. I only ten copies to make sure to get yours right away. Even the Amazon ($23.99) and CBD ($24.99) prices are higher than this - and with them you have to pay shipping.
If you want to be a published writer this year, you need the 2007 Christian Writers' Market Guide.
If you only have the money to buy one writing book this year - you need the 2007 Christian Writers' Market Guide.
If God is calling you out of your comfort zone to write for HIM this year - you need the 2007 Christian Writers' Market Guide.
List Price $34.99
YOUR PRICE - $22.00
NJCWG Meeting
The NJCWG has loads of things to look forward to in 2007. The first item on our list is Kathryn Porter's blog tour. Kathryn is looking for "how do I declutter my writing life" questions. The five best questions will be answered on the blog. One name will be drawn from those among those who submitted questions. The winner will receive a copy of her latest book. Please get those questions in now. (See previous blog posts on how to enter your questions.)
A second book will be offered to one person attending February's meeting (see below) -- so you have two chances to win!
The topic of this month's teaching - Using Conflict to Create Drama
Saturday, February 3, 2007
2:30-4:30 p.m.
Ringwood Baptist Church
30 Carletondale Road
Ringwood, NJ 07456
Monday, January 29, 2007
Blog Tour - Kathryn Porter
Today is the day we start our blog tour with author, speaker and Declutter Queen, Kathryn Porter.
We could use a few more questions from members of our group. If you have any questions on decluttering your writer's life - send them to me ( ASAP. We'll take the last questions on February 9 and I will post them along the way.
Louise Bergmann DuMont
Author & Speaker
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Contest - Decluttering Your Life
I just spoke to Declutter Queen, Kathyrn Porter, and she has generously offered TWO free copies of her book in relation to her upcoming blog/web tour.
Blog Tour coming to on 1/29/07
Here's how it will work.
Send me your best how-to-get-organized-and-decluttered questions. Since most writers know that everything in your life affects your writing, these questions can be directly writing related or just general organize/declutter questions.
Email your questions to me, Louise Bergmann DuMont, at:
The best question (chosen by Kathyrn) will win a copy of Too Much Stuff: De-cluttering Your Heart And Home by Kathryn Porter
Attend the next NJCWG meeting (2/3/07) and your name will automatically be placed in a drawing for a copy of Too Much Stuff: De-cluttering Your Heart And Home. The winner at the meeting will also receive a copy (your choice) of one of my books -- Faith-Dipped Chocolate: Rich Encouragement to Sweeten Your Day or Grace by the Cup: A Break From the Daily Grind
Get those questions to me right away!
Special Event - January 29, 2007
The NJCWG Blog will be hosting the decluttering queen and professional organizer, Kathryn Porter, as a part of her month long Blog/Web Tour. Kathryn's lastest book Too Much Stuff: Decluttering Your Heart and Your Home is one of the best I've read on the subject. As a part of her web/blog tour she will offer specific advice to the writter on how to organize your writing area and generally declutter your life so you have more time for writing. Be sure to check out the NJCWG blog on Monday, JANUARY 29, 2007. You won't want to miss this info!
ALSO... when you attend our February meeting (2/3/07) you will be entered into a drawing for a free copy of her book - Too Much Stuff: Decluttering Your Heart and Your Home.
Looking Back & Looking Forward
For those of you who could not make the first NJCWG meeting of 2007, here are the hand-outs that came with our lesson.
Presented by Louise Bergmann DuMont
North Jersey Christian Writers Group – 1/6/07
Writers, like actors, are only as good as their last work. Writers must stay on top of the current market, foresee trends and always, always, ALWAYS be sensitive to the changing mood of their audience. By examining what works for us as an individual (and what doesn’t work) we are better able to hone the skills God gave us, develop new areas of expertise and provide fresh material to editors and publishers who need our competence.
Here are few questions that will increase your publication opportunities as they help you look back and forward.
1. What did I write that brought forth a positive response?
2. In what genre did I write most often?
3. In what genre was I most often published?
4. How did respond to my rejections?
5. What did I learn from my rejections?
6. What person most influenced my writing in 2006?
7. What editor, publisher or author provided me with the most constructive feedback?
8. What new writing related contacts did I make?
9. How did I put to good use the writing contacts I made?
10. What new market(s) did I explore?
11. What motivated me to write?
12. What kept me from writing?
13. What changes did I make to my writing routine that made me a better writer?
14. What changes occurred that impacted my writing in a negative way?
15. Who observed a change for the better in my writing?
16. Who was least supportive of my writing?
17. Who was most supportive of my writing?
18. What book or article most influenced you this past year?
19. How much of your writing was committed to God?
20. How often did you pray about your writing?
1. Why do I want to continue to write?
2. What new genre do I want to explore?
3. How will I respond to rejections differently than I have in the past?
4. How will I use rejections to make me a better writer?
5. How will I use the influencers in my life?
6. How will do I intend to stay connected with the editors, publishers and authors that God placed in my path?
7. What new writing related contacts do I want to make?
8. In what area of writing do I need the most work?
9. What new market(s) will I explore?
10. How will I best use those things that motivate me to write?
11. How will I avoid those things that keep me from writing?
12. What changes will I make to my writing routine?
13. Who will you consider as your writing prayer partner?
14. What online writers groups will you join or recommit to?
15. What kind of commitment will you make to your local writers group?
16. Which writer’s conference, workshop or seminar will you strive to attend?
17. What writing books do you plan to read?
18. What writing magazines do you plan to read regularly?
19. Are you willing to make a commitment to pray about your writing?
20. Have you committed all of your life (including your writing) to God?
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Writing Op - Group Magazine
GROUP Magazine
P.O. Box 481
Loveland, CO 80539-0481
Group Magazine is a magazine for individuals in youth ministry.
Writer’s Guidelines
Best Way to Get Your Foot in the Door:Group Magazine is always looking for submissions for short, novel, practical ideas that have worked in actual youth ministry settings. It's best to familiarize yourself with Group Magazine before sending in ideas for the following departments...
“Try This One” section needs short ideas (100-250 words) for youth group use. These include games, fund-raisers, crowdbreakers, Bible studies, helpful hints, outreach ideas, and discussion starters. Payment $40.00
“Hands-on Help” section needs mini-articles (100-350 words) that feature practical tips for youth leaders on working with students, adult leaders, and parents. Payment $40.00
Manuscripts should be typewritten or printed from a computer, double-spaced, on one side of the paper. Please include a brief cover letter with information about the author and article. Your name, address, phone number, email address and Social Security Number should appear on the cover letter and the upper right corner of first page. Each page should be numbered and include title or your name. Include stamped, self-addressed envelope for return of unaccepted manuscript. Our normal response time to manuscript submissions is eight to ten weeks.
Group works nine to ten months ahead of distribution. Please keep that in mind if you are submitting dated or seasonal material.
Payment on acceptance.
Buys all rights.
Delaware Christian Writers Conference
Louise Bergmann DuMont
Author & Speaker