Friday, May 06, 2005

Writing Op - Greater Faith Magazine

This is a message I received from Charlotte Stancil, Publisher of Greater Faith Magazine.

Hi, I publish Greater Faith Magazine, which is an on-line magazine for Christian women. The magazine serves as a tool to help women achieve a closer relationship with God. The primary goal of this project is to encourage greater faith in God’s power in our lives as Christians.

Submissions are being accepted in the form of articles, essays and poems. Our Writer's Guidelines explain the areas of focus. Take a look at our website for more information, If you have any questions or comments, please send me an email.

Charlotte Stancil

Contest - Xerox Aspiring Author Contest

Xerox Aspiring Author Contest

Have you written a book? Are you trying to get published? Are you looking to make writing more than a hobby or dreaming of best-seller lists?

Dust off the manuscript that's hiding under your bed and enter the Xerox Aspiring Authors Contest. The company is on a nationwide search for the best work of unpublished fiction to demonstrate the power of digital print-on-demand as a smart alternative to traditional publishing.

The grand-prize winner will receive:
* $5,000
* 100 paperback copies of their novel digitally printed and fully bound

Second and third-prize winners will receive:
* 50 paperback copies of their novel digitally printed and fully bound

Everyone is a winner!
The coolest thing about the Xerox Aspiring Authors Contest is that everyone is a winner. By submitting your fiction manuscript, you will receive one free paperback copy of your novel digitally printed and fully bound.

With digital print technology, “The End” is just the beginning. To facilitate the publishing process, Xerox has enlisted, an online publishing services provider, and ColorCentric, a world-class digital printing organization.


Writing Op - How-To Books

Summersdale Publishers Ltd is a new UK-based publisher specialising in how-to books (including several for budding writers). They are happy to consider proposals from writers, but ask that before contacting them you look at their website at to get an idea of the sort of book they publish. If you have an idea you think would suit their style, they ask you to submit a chapter-by-chapter synopsis along with the first three chapters. Proposals can be attached to an email in the form of a single MS Word document to, but a hard copy is preferred. Their postal address is: Summersdale Publishers Ltd, 46 West Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1RP, UK.

Writing Op - Women Only

Women only for this next one! Keen Publications are looking for stories of "aggressive, creative women who made the first move - and maybe even the second and third - to get the man of their dreams", for a book to be published in early 2006. They are paying $20 for each story they accept that explains how you did something proactive, unique or even outrageous, to get your man. Maximum story length is 500 words, and they say they are only seeking stories of successful first moves made by women that resulted in marriage or a committed relationship. The best stories will be accepted for publication and for payment. You may choose to remain anonymous or you can be credited by name, whichever you prefer. Email your story to mailto: KEENPUBLICATIONS@AOL.COM with GRAB THAT TIGER in the subject line.

Writing Op - Embarrassing Moment

If you have had an embarrassing experience, you could turn it to profit at This website is collecting funny stories about people's most embarrassing moments. They say, "Within the story tell us a little bit about yourself, the type of person you are. The events surrounding the moment, the people involved and what they are like. Describe exactly what happened and tell us what you felt during the event and right after. Also what transpired following the event to yourself and the people involved in the story." A fee of $200 is paid for each story used. To send in your tale, just click on the tab titled 'Submit Story' and follow the on-screen instructions.

Writing Op - Blue Mountain Arts Greeting Cards

Blue Mountain Arts is interested in reviewing writings suitable for publication on greeting cards. They are looking for highly original and creative submissions on friendship, family, special occasions, positive living, and other topics one person might want to share with another. Submissions may also be considered for inclusion in book anthologies. They pay $300 for all rights and $50 if your poem is used only in an anthology.

To request a copy of their writers' guidelines, send a blank email to with "Send Me Guidelines" in the subject line, or write to them at: Blue Mountain Arts, Inc., Editorial Department, Post Office Box 1007, Boulder, CO 80306, USA.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Rev Up Your Writing

Cameo Publications: Transforming Potential Into Success One Word At a Time

I recently participated in a Cameo Publications Teleconference that was advertised through a publicity newsletter put out by The Publicity Hound, Joan Stewart ( It was one of the best investments I've ever made in my book.

Do you wonder why you are not published or why so few of your manuscripts are being accepted? Maybe you just haven't give writing your all. Get serious about being an author. Begin by participating in these FREE writing teleseminars.

This past weekend I received some literature from Cameo Publications, a leading writing-related information source. Cameo also provides editorial services and is a Full-Rights Publishing firm (ie a reputable self-publishing company) for authors and speakers. This is what they had to say.

If your writing projects have sputtered to a halt, then Cameo publications can help. We will kick off our Rev Up Your Writing Monthly Teleseminar Events on Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 1:00 pm EST with a FREE CALL on how to tune up your writing skills.

By calling 1-800-416-4956 and using passcode 54006989# you can get advice from Master Writing Coach Dawn Josephson on how to polish your written pieces. This is a TOLL FREE CALL anywhere in the US.

If you need some help understanding how these teleconferences work, drop me an email or give me a call. I'll walk you through it.

Mark your calendars, there are MORE information-packed Teleseminar Events coming up! Note: The Call is TOLL FREE when you register for the conference call fee.

May 25, 2005, 1:00 pm EST
Self-Editing Techniques that Professional Writers Use to Overcome Their Grammar and Spelling Challenges ($49, includes a CD of the call)

June 8, 2005, 1:00 pm EST
How to Distinguish Reliable from Unreliable Web Sources (FREE)

June 22, 2005, 1:00 pm EST
Elevate Your Message and Your Expertise with Quality Research ($49, includes a CD of the call)

July 13, 2005, 1:00 pm EST
Three Ways to Jumpstart Your Creativity (FREE)

July 27, 2005, 1:00 pm EST
Beat Writer's Block, Once and For All ($49, includes a CD of the call)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Did You Borrow Any of My Books?

This message is specifically for members of the NJCWG.
I love to loan my writing books to members of our group -- the problem is that I have an awful memory when it comes to things like this. If you borrowed my books please drop me an email and tell me which books you have. I am especially looking for the small book entitled Writers Book of Wisdom: 101 of the Best Rules You'll Ever Want to Follow!.

The easiest way to get in touch with me is to drop me an email --

Writing Op - The Word Smith Writer

If you do not already receive the free e-letter put out by The Word Smith Writer (formerly WordSmith Shoppe), you should. If you DO receive it, be sure to check out Peg's sticky notes section. She is now accepting submissions for the newsletter.

To sbscribe to The Word Smith Writer go to:

Peg Writes:

There are two new features I'd like to call to your attention. Read (them and) then please consider submitting something yourself.

Reflections. .... Each issue will have a small devotional, thoughts, or some other quiet moments for your comfort, pleasure or enjoyment.

Special Delivery: This will probably be an occasional feature depending on what comes in, but I will post email messages from you that would benefit others. Keep them short and to the point.


JENKINS SIGNS EXCLUSIVE TYNDALE CONTRACT. Best-selling Left Behind co-author Jerry Jenkins has signed an exclusive 15-book contract with Tyndale House Publishers. Jenkins will write two books a year for the first two years, then three a year. Subject matter and whether the books will be stand-alone or series titles are still to be determined.

JENKINS SIGNS WITH WRITER’S DIGEST BOOKS. Jerry Jenkins signed a one-book deal with Writer’s Digest Books to pen his reflections on writing. Titled Writing for the Soul, the book will be a combination of autobiography, inspiration, and instruction. An aggressive publicity and marketing campaign will accompany the book’s September 2006 release.

REVELL SIGNS LEISHA KELLY. Revell has signed best-selling fiction author Leisha Kelly to a three-book series, “Country Road Chronicles.” The first title, Rorey’s Secret, releases in August.

MEYER TITLE DEBUTS AT NO. 10 ON NY TIMES LIST. Warner Faith’s Approval Addiction by Joyce Meyer landed at No. 10 on the New York Times best-seller list after its first week of sales. Stores in the South and Midwest reported selling more than 500 copies and running out of inventory.

MORE ON MONSTER. An Apr. 18 issue of Entertainment Weekly called Frank Peretti a “Christian publishing phenom.” His Monster debuted at No. 127 on USA Today’s Top 150 list Apr. 21.

WESTBOW WINS BID FOR LAWHEAD. Westbow Press won a three-publisher bid for best-selling ABA author Stephen Lawhead. His first project for WestBow will be a Robin Hood recreation. The first installment, Lord of the Forest, releases Sept. 2006.

FORMER RANDOM HOUSE PUBLISHER NOW LITERARY AGENT: Don Pape the former publisher of WaterBrook Press (a division of Random House) recently announced he is leaving his post in publishing to become a literary Agent with Alive Communications. Alive Communications is considered a premier literary agency representing several New York Times best selling authors and series - including the multi-million seller: The Left Behind series. In a recent interview Mr. Pape was quoted as saying "What I liked best about publishing was being the author's advocate - now I can concentrate on the author, full time". Mr. Pape welcomes submissions of quality. --Don Pape, [Reprinted from Dan Poynter’s Publishing Poynters with permission.]

AMAZON'S FIRST-QUARTER SALES JUMP TO $699 MILLION; 700,000 pre-orders for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince are received. See [Reprinted from Dan Poynter’s Publishing Poynters with permission.]

Writing Op - Diamond Dust Mag

Diamond Dust is a monthly online magazine and e-newsletter for teens and adults, empowering them in their Christian walk.



Editors: Laura & Stephanie Rutlind.

Diamond Dust seeks articles, short fiction, poetry, book reviews, music reviews, devotionals/inspirational pieces, and fillers.

Please read our Writer's Guidelines before submitting.

Complete ms/cover letter or query by email (copied into message). No payment, but includes an author bio with a link to your website and contact information.

Responds within 3 weeks. Submit seasonal 4 months ahead. Guidelines available on website or by email.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

NJCWG Conference - Help Needed

You are the piece of the puzzle that is missing.

NJCWG - A Reason to Write Conference (October 8, 2005)

I've got good news! Members of the NJCWG are being asked to get involved in our conference preparation and become a part of the NJCWG Conference Staff. NOW is the time for YOU to bless others AND receive a double portion of blessing yourself.

If you want to hob-nob with the some of the best in the writing business, if you
want to learn from experienced authors and publicists, if you are serious about publication -- it is time to join the NJCWG Conference Staff.

No experience is required -- I'll let you know what needs to be done. We need willing hands, a tenacious spirit and some serious sweat equity. Are you ready to take the next step in your writing career? Are you ready to spend time with those who are seriously committed to writing? Writing is more than putting words on paper. You must know the industry and spend time working with the experts. Email me today.

Conference Staff will participate in a special dinner hosted for staff memebers only.
Conference Staff will NOT pay to participate in the classes.
Conference Staff will be noted as such in our brouchure.
Conference Staff will add to their writing resume.
Conference Staff will receive blessings untold...

Person to handle the literature table.
Person to handle registration.
Person to handle "give-aways".
Person to handle attendee, information folders.

Louise Bergmann DuMont
Facilitator, NJCWG

Friday, April 29, 2005

Writing Op -

Below I've listed a message from the owner of, a website for writers. It recently went through a renovation because hackers got in and did some serious damage. There is no monetary compensation but it is great exposure. The site receives a large number of hits. To see the website, go to:

"Okay (you can post the request), as long as they know this is not paying, but I will trade advertising, a $50.00 value for an article. Short stories are okay, if they are family oriented.

I am in the process of developing a children's communication (English) program. I would be willing to look at stories for that, of course, impecable Chicago Style of Grammar. We are also building an internet Christian Fiction Writer's Radio Station, and there will be an opportunity for authors to read stories and promote themselves on air (well, on bandwidth.)

Everyone will receive a link back to their website, and we appreaciate one to ours - but this is not necessary. We will upload a picture of their current book.

Thanks for the help.

Writing Op - Chocolate & Coffee Stories

Just a reminder to check out the NJCWG pages on my website, Send your friends and family there to check out the fun coffee/chocolate materail as well.

I am still looking for chocolate & coffee related stories for my Mocha Latte Friends page.

AND I will shortly be adding a Book Review page. If you recently reviewed a good book, please send the review along with a jpg photo of the cover. Clare already sent me a review of my book "Faith-Dipped Chocolate" (THANKS CLARE) and that will be the first review to go up.


All submissions must have something to do with either chocolate or coffee
Accepting: fiction, nonfiction, essays, 'shorts' & some poetry

Fiction, Essays, Nonfiction - 400-800 wds
Shorts - 60-90 wds
Poetry - 4-20 lines

Book Reviews should be in standard review format. For an example of a book review you can go to my review of Raising Dragons on the crosshome website.

I am also considering a Children's Page, IF I get some good chocolate childrens stories and/or fun things for kids to do.

Email queries to:

Louise Bergmann DuMont

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Sharpening the Word Conference

Sharpening the Word
May 21, 2005

8:00 am - 3:00 pm
1 Day Conference
Sponsored by the Indian Valley Christian Writers Fellowship
Cost: $40.00
10% Discount for Teens (Ages 12-18)
Rgistration includes Boxed Lunch

Harleysville Activity Center
312 Alumni Avenue
Harleysville, PA 19438

To Register or for more information call or email:

Main Speaker, Joan Esherick
Author of twenty non-fiction books, part-time freelance writer and the Chief Writer for Lighthouse Network, a non-profit organization specializing in biblical approaches to mental health, substance abuse and life skills issues.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


NJCWG 2005 Conference

October 8, 2005
8:00 - 5:00
Ringwood Baptist Church
30 Carletondale Rd
Ringwood, NJ 07456


Our 2005 conference is fast becoming a reality. I am in the process of putting together the brouchure, the registration form and press releases.


A number of people steped forward when I requested guest rooms for our teachers. The first two individuals (Maude Carolan and Valerie Schermerhorn) who offered will have that priveldge.

Now I need two people who are willing to handle the registration and the literature tables. The individuals in charge of these two tasks will receive free registration (yes you can still to attend the classes) and "staffer" notation at the conference. Both jobs will require a number of hours of work prior to the conference but it is nothing that can't be done over the course of a few weekends.

I will also need one person who is craft oriented. The theme of this year's A REASON TO WRITE conference will have to do with matching an individuals gifts and personality to their their writing genre, style and voice. I have a small gift idea that will cost almost nothing but will take time to make. If you have bent toward "crafts" please let me know and you can own this task.

Please email me if you are interested in joining the NJCWG Conference Staff. BTW, this is not a bad thing to have on your writing resume.

Louise Bergmann DuMont
Author, Speaker & Writing Mentor

Memoir Workshop

June 4, 2005
10:30 a.m.
Telling Our Stories: The Art and Craft of Memoir

Nancy Gerber, the author of Losing a Life: A Daughter's Memoir of Caregiving, will host a Writers' Memoir Workshop at the Ringwood Public Library on June 4. Gerber holds a doctorate in Literature and current teaches Englisha nd Women's Studies at Rutgers University. She will be available to discuss and sign her book after the workshop.

Ringwood Library - Poetry Reading

Valerie Schermerhorn will participate in a Poetry Reading as a member of the Poetry From the Heart group at the Ringwood Public Library this Thursday, April 28 at 7:30 pm. This is a great opportunity to hear and support a fellow NJCWG member. I'm looking forward to it!

Sunday, April 24, 2005


NJCWG Meeting
Monday, April 25, 2005
6:15-7:00 Chat Time
7:00-8:00 Instruction
8:00-9:00 Critiques

Ringwood Baptist Church
30 Carletondale Road
Ringwood, NJ 07456

Saturday, April 23, 2005

More Poetry News

Photo: Walt Whitman

Here's another day to save:
September 24, 2005
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.


Gloria Healey, Monmouth County poet and member of the Writer's Ink poetry group and Kevin Chambers, president of the Ocean Grove Historical Society are chairing the event. Workshops and readings will be held at Thornley Chapel and readings will be scheduled on the lawn next to the Great Auditorium. An art exhibition relating to Whitman and his poetry is being planned, as well as a walking tour of the Grove.

For information, contact Gloria Healey at: