Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Writing Op - Dragons, Knights & Angels

Here is market you may not have heard of. Please check their writers guidelines as indicated.

Fiction: 5461 W. 4605 S., West Valley City UT 84120
Family friendly magazine of Christian fantasy and science fiction.
Monthly ezine; 600 hits/mo
80% unsolicited freelance
Petry: Accepts 12/yr
Tips: Submissions are only accepted during designated reading periods listed on the website. Submissions sent at other times will be rejected

Monday, January 30, 2006

NJCWG - Next Meeting

Next Meeting of the NJCWG
Monday, February 13, 2006
Ringwood Baptist Church
6:15-7:00 Chat Time
7:00-8:00 More... help with Show Vs. Tell
9:00-9:00 Critiques

Writing Op - Take-Home-Papers - Courage


Courage is looking for well-written sotries that show the truth about God (related to the weekly Sunday school less) as it comes to bear in the lives of children today. They especially need stories for boys,l or stories that have both boy and girl characters.

At the webite below you can access specific writers guidelines:

Writing Op - Take-Home-Paper for Children - Adventures

6401 The Paseo Blvd.
Kansas City MO 64131-1213
Phone: (816)333-7000
Fax: (816)333-4439

Contact: Andrea Callison
About ADVENTURES: Published by Adventures for children ages 6-8. Correlates to the weekly Sunday school lesson.

Columns & Departments:
75% freelance written
Pays on publication
Publishes manuscript 1 year after acceptance.
Rights purchased: All rights
Accepts queries by: Mail, Fax
Responds in 2 months to queries.
Sample copy for #10 SASE.
Writer's guidelines for #10 SASE.

Columns open to freelancers: Fiction and Nonfiction Stories, 250 words, Pays $25; Rebus Stories, 125-150 words, Pays $25; Interesting Facts/Trivia, 100-125 words, Pays $15; Recipes & Crafts, Pays $15; Activities, Pays $15.
Submission method: Send complete manuscript

Accepts life application stories that show early elementary children dealing with the issues related to the Bible story, Bible Truth, or lesson goals. Children may interact with friends, family, or other individuals in the stories. Make characters and events realistic. Avoid placing characters in a perfect world or depicting spiritually precocious children.
Length: 250 words.
Pays: $25 for fiction.

Short, fun, easy-to-understand, age-appropriate poetry that correlates with the Bible story, Bible Truth, or lesson goals is welcome. "We prefer rhythmic, pattern poems, but will accept free verse if reads smoothly out loud."
Length: 4–8 lines.
25¢/line, min. $2

Writing Op - In Touch Mag

In Touch Magazine

Freelance authors wishing to contribute their work to the In Touch magazine should adhere to our writer’s guidelines. Be sure to study several issues of In Touch magazine to understand our tone, approach, and topics of interest. Archived articles are available at

In Touch magazine strives to inspire, encourage, educate, and change lives by communicating God’s Truth, and connect people to God’s work through In Touch Ministries.

Editorial Content
Effective writing for In Touch magazine presents biblical truth in a practical and approachable manner. We desire to publish articles with take-away value—helpful hints, available resources, or principles our readers can integrate into their lives. Except in rare cases, articles are written in first or third person. Writers should not assume reader’s familiarity with Christian terminology.

Since In Touch is a ministry-affiliated magazine, our readers expect articles to adhere to sound biblical theology and agree with the teachings of Dr. Charles Stanley.

Second Story (1,600 words) A feature article with a Christian principle. A wide range of topics is permissible.

Mighty In Spirit (1,200 words) An exegetical treatment of a Bible character who demonstrates faith in or dependence upon God. Application to today should be clearly made.

By Faith (800 or 1,200 words) An article that showcases inspirational stories of Christians demonstrating God’s influence in their lives.

Solving Problems God’s Way (800 or 1,200 words) These articles identify problems or situations to which most of our readership can relate. Solutions should be both practical and biblically sound.

Family Room (800 words) This category deals with issues affecting children from infancy through college. Parenting and other family issues are appropriate topics. Scriptural principles should be included.

We do not publish news or external source sermons.

Query Submission
In Touch magazine does not accept unsolicited manuscripts for publication. Freelance writers may submit a query of one typed page/400 words which includes:

* the section of the magazine for which the article is intended
* a working title
* a tentative outline or detailed summary
* expected length and proposed completion date
* the author’s qualifications to write the piece

Queries may be submitted to the attention of the Associate Editor by e-mail to or to the following postal address.

In Touch magazine
3836 DeKalb Technology Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30340

Mailed queries must include an SASE for reply. We do not accept simultaneous queries. Please allow 6 – 8 weeks for response.

Query Acceptance
If your query is accepted, we will invite you to submit your article on speculation. A properly formatted manuscript will be

* typed
* double-spaced
* numbered
* printed on only one side of the paper.
* In the top right corner of the first page, please include your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and the word count of the document.

We prefer Bible references from the New American Standard Bible. If using another version, please cite the version with each reference. Re-titling or editing for length or content may be requested of the author or performed by the editors at their discretion. Again, please allow 6 – 8 weeks for a response.

Payment is made only if the manuscript is accepted. Editors reserve the right to reject any manuscript at any stage. The current rate is 30-35 cents per word for first rights. We do not accept reprints at this time.

Picture Book Info

I just found this WONDERFUL website
It has tons of information as well as picture books as examples.
If you have any interest in writing pictures books you MUST check this out !

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Resourses - The Writer Newsletter - FREE

The Writer Newsletter
Register for The Writer's FREE e-mail newsletter. Every other week we'll provide you with valuable information and deliver it right to your inbox.

Newsletter features include:
Highlights from the current issue of The Writer - Find out what's in each issue and preview selected articles
Announcements - Learn about contests, scholarships, grants and writing events in your area
Special Offers - Take advantage of the special offers we provide
Tips and inspirational quotes - Stay motivated with words of wisdom and helpful advice from experienced writers.

What's more, our FREE newsletter is a great way to stay up-to-date on announcements from the magazine. You don't need to subscribe to the magazine to get this FREE bi-weekly newsletter. And your e-mail address is safe with us; we won't sell it, give it away, or otherwise violate your privacy. You'll also have access to the free areas of our forums when you register. You'll be able to create topic discussions, reply to other users, and share your opinion on a variety of writing subjects. The forums provide an interactive way to learn about an array of writing topics from finding time to write to discussions related to the business of freelance writing.

Register for The Writer's FREE bi-weekly newsletter and forums!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

From Maude Carolan

7th Annual Photo, Art & Poetry Exhibition
March 10, 11 & 12, 2006
Sponsored by the St. Catherine of Bologna - Patron of the Arts Assoc.
Place: St. Catherine of Bologna Parish Center, 112 Erskine Road, Ringwood, NJ

For information, applications and guidelines, go to:
or call David J. Nocera, exhibition coordinator at (973) 962-0563

Writing Op - Tahi Mag

This recently came to me from Kimberlie Clark

I am looking for artists, writers, (all genres) poets, illustrators who want to promote their work in the Tahi magazine (Great Exposure) on MSN The Arts Have It.

There will be a Poetry contest coming up for Balentines and I will post more about that later. If interested contact Bella or me


WorkOut - Show, Don't Tell

Using the information presented in my last two blogger posts, try your hand at turning these TELLING phrases into examples of SHOWING.
flying flag
cheap wine
hot chocolate
deadly weapon
old woman
cold weather
Telling: flying flag
Showing: the flag flapped like the wings of sea gull
Rewrite these TELLING paragraphs, using the SHOWING technique..

Use these questions to help you see what you should change.
Do I care about the characters?
What can I do to make my readers know and care about the characters?
What words are too vague?
Are there like/as comparisons that would help me convey the thought better?
Can I use dialogue to enrich the story?
Is this a visual passage?
What needs to be done to create word pictures in the reader’s mind?
George was hot. Sweat poured off his brow and soaked his shirt. Being a farmer is not the life for me, he thought.
The car was traveling about 70 mph when it hit the old oak. The man inside the car miraculously survived, too drunk to even notice that his car was now unrecognizable.
Andrew was mad. Really mad. He was so mad he wanted to hit something – and hit it hard. Unfortunately for him, the next person to enter the room was the police sergeant.
If you would like to share what you've written with me, you can email me (Louise Bergmann DuMont) at I will critique your attempts ONLY if you request that I do so -- but I promise to read them all.
Jehovah-Nissi (The Lord is My Banner) Exodus 17:8-16
Louise Bergmann DuMont
Facilitator, NJCWG

Part 2-Show, Don't Tell Handouts

Here is the first handout from last night's meeting where we discussed the directive:

Show, Don't Tell

I've included instructions and three examples. If you have any questions, drop me an email. As always, I'm available to NJCWG members private discussions. All you need to do is pick up the tab for coffee at the Ringwood Diner (smile).

Please note that these handouts are in preparation for our 2/27/06 Writers' Workshop

Show, Don’t Tell
Workshop Preparation

by Louise Bergmann DuMont

Show the smoke instead of the fire.
New writers try too hard to describe the snap of the twigs, the intense heat, and the color of the flames. Sometimes it pays to take a more subtle approach. Describe the smoke and let the reader determine that it comes from a raging fire. Remember what it is you want the reader to focus on. When you concentrate on a description of the fire you move the focal point off of the protagonist. Better to describe the protagonist choking on the smoke.

TELL to quickly move past something.
SHOW to pause and draw attention to something.
If you want to get your character to a new location, or you need to let your reader know facts pertinent to a coming event – TELL.
If a scene is significant to the plot, is easily portrayed by action or reveals something important about a character – SHOW.

Use comparisons and analogies (like or as) to bring life to dry descriptions.
Instead of Saying: The boy took of his clothes quickly.
Say: The boy shed his clothes like a boy on the banks of the Mississippi in August.
Instead of Saying: There were some shiney coins.
Say: The coins glittered by the light of the slots as if they were the jewels in a queen’s crown.
Instead of Saying: The woman had a beautiful voice.
Say: The woman's voice rose like a lark in love.

Use strong nouns and active verbs.
Instead of Saying: the cloth was rough
Say: the coarse fabric tore at her skin
Instead of Saying: she took a cool drink of water
Say: the cool water brought new life to her parched throat
Instead of Saying: her pretty new clothes
Say: her fashionable silks drew the attention of every woman in the room

Part 1-Show, Don't Tell Handouts

Here is the first handout from last night's meeting where we discussed the directive:
Show, Don't Tell

I've included instructions and three examples. If you have any questions, drop me an email. As always, I'm available to NJCWG members private discussions. All you need to do is pick up the tab for coffee at the Ringwood Diner (smile).

Please note that these handouts are in preparation for our 2/27/06 Writers' Workshop

Show, Don’t Tell
Workshop Preparation

by Louise Bergmann DuMont

One of the first things an agent or editor will tell a new writer is, “You must Show me the action, Don’t Tell me what happens.” But what does Show, Don’t Tell really mean? How do you achieve this? First you must understand what Show, Don’t Tell is – and what it is not.

1. Both SHOW & TELL can be descriptive but SHOWING creates a mental picture in your readers mind. TELLING only gives the reader information. Descriptive TELLING simply gives the reader more information.
2. SHOWING involves your reader in the story. It does this by evoking feelings and by getting them to think for themselves and draw their own conclusions. TELLING gives the reader information about the character’s feelings without drawing the reader in.
3. SHOWING helps the writer avoid preachy writing. You don’t TELL a reader what to think or how to act. You simply SHOW them the events and allow them draw their own conclusion – based on your illustration.
4. SHOWING recognizes that the reader is smart enough to “get the point” that you are trying to make. TELLING conveys that you believe the reader is not smart enough to understand your intent. You ‘bang the reader over the head’ with your text.
5. SHOWING uses strong nouns and active verbs. TELLING is more likely to use adjectives and adverbs.


Turn a ‘telling’ statement into narrative that draws the reader into the story.

Dani was angry – too angry. She feared that her tone and body language would alienate her sister. She took a deep breath and tried to relax before continuing the discussion.

Dani was angry and it showed on her face and in her mannerisms. She found herself waggling a finger in the face of her sister, much the way her mother used to. Dani knew that she had to calm down so she relaxed her stance, and for the moment, tucked both hands into her jean pockets.

As Dani’s words fell from her tongue, she caught a glimpse of herself in the hall mirror. One hand sat firmly on her hip while the other waggled a commanding index finger in her sister’s face. Despite the trim figure and waves of chestnut hair that fell to her shoulders, the reflection she saw was one of an evil witch. She forced the muscles in her face to relax and, for the moment at least, she stuffed both hands into her jean pockets.

Turn a ‘telling’ statement into narrative that allows the reader to know your characters and experience their situations.

The old man’s joints ached terribly as he hurried to meet his grand daughter at the other side of the mall.

The old man’s joints ached as he walked the length of the mall. Each step was evident on his face. He hobbled forward, his steps slow, his movements awkward, but he walked with purpose – eager to hold his grand daughter in his arms once again.

Ancient lines on the old man’s face deepened with each determined step. His bent back forced the weight of his frame onto gnarled white knuckles that clutched an antiquated walking stick. A small child with smooth pink skin escaped the grasp of her mother and scampered across his path like a baby bunny. Anticipation roped his heart as images of his grand daughter played in his mind. The man tried to smile at the pursuant young mother but the event forced his right foot to turn painfully inward. His mouth twisted along with his foot, deflecting the smile and replacing it with an anguished mask. The next step he took was slower but no less determined to meet his grand daughter.

Turn a ‘telling’ statement into dialogue that adds realism, energy and “pop” to your writing.

Dani and her ward, 16-year-old Samantha, fought vehemently regarding Sam’s recent decision to cut class. When Dani told her sister that she was grounded and that she would need to get a tutor to bring up her grades, Samantha was less than appreciative.

Dani didn’t know whether she should be happy or sad that her sister Samantha had been offered only an in-school suspension for cutting class. Since their parents’ death, Dani had taken charge of raising Sam. She loved her sister but it seemed they hardly knew each other anymore. Money was tight and now she would have to hire a tutor to get Sam’s grades up. It was hard to watch her sister spiral ever downward. Dani’s own emotional state didn’t provide the resources her sister needed and now she’d have to watch Sam even more closely. What happened to the young girl Dani remembered? Was there hope for Sam? For their sisterly relationship?

“Sam, you know I love you but…” Dani held back a grimace as ‘that thing’ once again thrashed about in her stomach. “It’s getting harder to trust you. The school said you’ll only get one day of in-school suspension. They’re going to be lenient this time, but the next time...” Her words trailed off. Could she assume there would be a next time? She tried again.
“If it happens again, they’ll have to suspend you.”
Sam’s fingers played with a loose thread that hung from a button on her sweater. Her eyes focused on the task, seemingly fascinated by something no obvious to her older sister.
Forcing her hands deeper in her pockets, Dani chewed nervously on her lip. Was she getting through? She had to get through.
“The school said you can’t make up the test you missed when you cut. Since you’re almost failing that class I’ll have to hire a tutor to make sure the rest of your grades bring up your average. You’re obviously grounded until things turn around and… ”
Dani froze mid sentence. A smile had appeared on Samantha’s face. It was not the innocent childhood smile Dani remembered from years past. This smile reminded her of the wicked witch of the west after she captured poor little Toto. The hair on Dani’s forearms rose and tickled her skin. She yanked her hands out of her pockets, placed them on opposing sides and began rubbing her arms as if to ward off a chill. When Samantha spoke her words fell like ice water on Dani’s burdened shoulders.
“That’s what it’s all about isn’t it. Money. First I can’t have a few bucks to go to the movies with my friends. Now, you’re mad because you have to pay for a tutor.” Ugly bits of spittle flew through the air and burned Dani’s arm with their malice.

Telling can also be described as portraying the character and action from the point of view of the storyteller or omniscient narrator. Telling is the easy way out for the writer but it sidesteps emotion and dramatic tension. Telling takes the story out of scene. Writing in scene is different from describing a scene. Writing in scene combines character and action. This usually includes dialogue and your character’s inner thoughts. The following will help you stay in scene and show instead of tell.
1. Point of view means you are inside your main character’s head, heart and gut—you are seeing the world through the eyes of your character.
2. Dialogue is one of the fastest ways to show a scene. Everyone talks. Everyone can write dialogue.
3. Action can be as simple as a disagreement between two characters.
4. Flashback (used sparingly) can help you find out what makes the character tick. Go back into a scene from the past that informs the present. When you are writing flashback, you are in that moment.
5. Name your characters. Sometimes this takes a while but make sure you get just the right name. Katherine (with a K) may become the character that Catherine (with a C) or Katie or Cathy could never become. Knowing who your character is will help you and your reader become a part of the story.

Contest - First Novel

FROM: Jennifer Cardine

I came across this contest and thought you might be interested for your blog. It's the second one listed, the Paul Zindel First Novel Award.

From the website: Hyperion Books for Children and Jump at the Sun are proud to announce the fifth annual Paul Zindel First Novel Award. The award is given annually to the winner(s) of a competition for a work of contemporary fiction set in the United States that reflects the diverse ethnic and cultural heritage of our country. The prize is a book contract on the publisher's standard form, covering world rights including but not limited to hardcover, paperback, e-book and audio book editions with an advance against royalties of $7500 and a $1500 cash prize. The prize is not redeemable for cash or transferable; and no substitution is allowed.

Monday, January 23, 2006


Tonight's Meeting is ON

The weather report says that it should clear up later today. If anything, there will be rain, not snow or ice. So... the NJCWG meeting for tonight is ON.

North Jersey Christian Writers' Group Meeting
TONIGHT - 1/23/05

6:15-7:00 Chat Time - If you have specific writing questions, this is where you get answers. If you have a new project and you need a listening ear to work out the details, ask your fellow writers during Chat Time. If you received your first check, submitted your first manuscript or received your first rejection -- Chat Time is where you can go to brainstorm, brag, beg or breakdown - so long as it is writing related, we'll listen.
7:00-8:00 TeachingTopic: SHOW, DON'T TELL
Critiques - We have a number of critiques to go through tonight.

Show, Don't Tell
On Monday, 1/23/06 (tonight) we will offer the first of a two part lesson (Part 2 takes place on 2/13/06). Use the skills you learn here to prepare for our first 2006 NJCWG Workshop Session.

IMPORTANT NOTE: No matter how many times you've been published or how skilled you've become with words you still need to refine the skills you've acquired. You won't want to miss the Show Vs Tell lessons and our upcoming workshop session.

I've narrowed down the topics for Cecil Murphey's one day writers' workshop (May 13, 2006) -- but I still want to hear your opinions. Tonight will be your last chance to let me know what classes you want him to offer.

NJCWG Workshop Session
Monday, 2/27/05
Ringwood Baptist Church
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
(No chat time, No critques)
Bring paper, writing implements, any notes you feel would be helpful and a good imagination.

Louise Bergmann DuMont
Facilitator, NJCWG

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Meeting - 1/23/05

Regarding our meeting of 1/23/05 - the weather is supposed to be pretty bad tonight and tomorrow. Please check this blog again tomorrow to see if the meeting is canceled.
I ALWAYS post cancellations on the blog.

IF the meeting is cancelled, the topic of discussion (show vs tell) will be taken up at our first meeting in February.

Louise Bergmann DuMont
Facilitator, NJCWG

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Writing Op - Lost Treasure Magazine

Lost Treasure, Inc.
Post Office Box 451589
Grove, Oklahoma 74345-1589
Phone 918/786-2182
Fax 918/786-2192
Janet Warford-Perry, Managing Editor

Lost Treasure, Inc. reviews manuscript submissions for two treasure magazines as follows: 1) Lost Treasure, a monthly publication, accepts lost treasure, folklore, personal adventure stories; legends; and how-to articles for treasure hunters and metal detector users; personal adventure stories when accompanied by a sidebar consisting of a how-to lesson or tips (hunting, research, technique, etc., related to the story); who’s who features (by query only) and miscellaneous how-to tips. 2) Treasure Cache, an annual publication, accepts only documented treasure cache stories with a sidebar from the author telling the reader how-to search for the cache highlighted in the story.

1. Original Stories with photos, maps, and documentation are what we want! No rehashes of well-known treasure stories; no articles that have been submitted or already published in any other treasure hunting forums.
2. Queries are not required for Lost Treasure, but are for Treasure Cache. Queries, one page or less, and may be emailed to the managing editor . Queries are answered as quickly as possible, usually 2-4 weeks.
3. Source Documentation: Lost Treasure and Treasure Cache require source documentation. Personal experiences dealing primarily with how-to information do not require source documentation unless the author makes reference to information outside of the realm of his/her personal experience. Then documentation is required. For source documentation requirements, see Source Documentation, #16.
4. Format, Disk: Manuscripts must be Times New Roman font, 11 pt. single spaced, caps and lower case (not all capital letters), flush left, with only one space after each sentence, no line spacing between paragraphs, and no tab indentions. Manuscripts may be submitted two ways: 1) via email to the managing editor in Microsoft Word or within the body of the email or; 2) via mail to P.O. Box 451589, Grove, OK 74345-1589, on a readable 3-1/2” floppy disk in ASCII or Microsoft Word.
5. Page Identification: Your name, address, email address, telephone number (including area code) and social security number should appear on the first manuscript page in the upper left hand corner.
NOTE: Do not rubber stamp nor write information on the backs of photos, maps, etc., as damage may result making them unusable. TIP: Type information on a sticky back label and affix or, type on a piece of paper and tape to the back of the photo.
6. Word Count: An approximate word count should appear in the upper left hand corner on the first page of your manuscript.
7. Page Numbering: Do not insert the page numbering format.
8. Sequence: Manuscripts should be typed in the following sequence: 1) Photo Captions 2) Article Title 3) Body of Article. 4) Sources
9. Identification - Photos and Captions: Photos should be scanned at 300 dpi and sent in .jpeg or .tiff format. Photos should be assigned an identification number (i.e., 1, 2, 3, etc.) and named the same as the story. Accompanying captions should be typed and numbered to correspond to photo I.D. numbers.
10. All or Nothing: All photos, maps, documentation, other pertinent information should accompany your manuscript at the time of submission.
11. Article Lengths: Lost Treasure-500-1200 words. Treasure Cache- 1,000-1,500 words. Two-part articles are rarely published. These are accepted by query only.
Issue Themes: Lost Treasure articles should coordinate with an issue’s theme (editorial calendar enclosed). Stories deviating from the theme are always considered and used whenever possible. How-To articles are used in each issue. Treasure Cache is documented stories.
13. Caution: Stories should not read like ads for particular products. It is acceptable to name products in your story, but refrain from consistently repeating the detector’s name or the name of other equipment.
14. Returning Manuscripts: A self-addressed, stamped envelope, with sufficient postage must accompany submissions if they are to be returned.
15. SOURCE DOCUMENTATION: At least two sources (preferably more) are required with each submission. Exception: personal experience stories.
Newspapers: List newspaper name, issue date, article title. If newspaper clippings have no identification or date, note this fact in your sources.
Magazines: List magazine title, publication date (month and year), article title, article’s author.
Books: List by author, title, publisher, publication date.
National Archives, Library of Congress, etc.: List title, document number.
Historical Societies, Museum Files, etc.: List organization name, location (city, state), and other identifying information as applicable.
Personal experience stories: Yours--Identify yourself as the source telling this is a personal experience, where it happened and when. Others--Identify whose experience it is, where it happened and when. Tell how you learned of the experience (examples: interview, letters, other). TIP: Write down source information as you work. This insures accuracy and eliminates the necessity of backtracking.
16. PHOTOS: (Remember to identify them.)
Cover Photos: Accepted with or without accompanying story. Only 35 mm color slides (vertical shots) are accepted.
Article Photos: Color photos, scanned in .jpeg or .tiff format at 300 dpi must be included on the disk or within the email. No Polaroid shots. All photos must have sharp focus with good contrast.
17. MAPS: May be hand drawn or copied and should also be scanned per the instructions in #9 above. They should include where the lost treasure is located and contain specific directions to the treasure site(s).
18. PICTURES, BLACK AND WHITE LINE ART (not created by you): May be used only if you have received permission to do so and, credit is given to the source (museum, Library of Congress, illustrator’s name, etc.). Exception: Newspapers - permission is not required but credit must be given to the newspaper if a picture is copied. Must be scanned as per #16 above.
19. CARTOONS: As a rule we do not use cartoons in our magazines. Occasionally a cartoon accompanying a story is used.
20. SAMPLE ISSUE OF OUR MAGAZINE: Available on request. Write to: Managing Editor, Lost Treasure, Inc., P. O. Box 451589, Grove, OK 74345. Enclose SASE with $1.52 postage for the magazine.
21. NON ACCEPTANCE: We do not accept foreign manuscripts. Writers must reside in the U.S.A.
22. CONTRACT: We required a signed contract (U.S. and World Magazine Rights Agreement) from each writer giving us ALL rights to all material used (manuscripts, photos, art, etc.). No exceptions.
23. PAYMENT: Cover shots - $100.00. Articles - 4¢ per word. Photos, hand-drawn maps, artwork - $5.00 is paid for each item used. Payment is made on publication, not acceptance.

Writing Op - Scouting Magazine


The magazine is published by the Boy Scouts of America six times a year. Issues are: January-February, March-April, May-June, September, October, and November-December. It is mailed to about one million adult volunteer and professional Scout leaders (Scouters). Subscription is included as part of each Scouter's annual registration fee.

Scouting magazine articles are mainly about successful program activities conducted by or for Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, and Venturing crews. We also include features on winning leadership techniques and styles, profiles of outstanding individual leaders, and inspirational accounts (usually first person) of Scouting's impact on an individual, either as a youth or while serving as a volunteer adult leader.

Because most volunteer Scout leaders are also parents of children of Scout age, Scouting is also considered a family magazine. We published material we feel will help parents in strengthening families. (Because they often deal with communicating and interacting with young people, many of these features are useful to a reader in both roles as parent and Scout leader).

We also feature an occasional general-interest article geared to our adult audience. These include subjects such as nature, social issues and trends, historical topics, and humor.

Many of our best article ideas come from volunteer and professional Scouters, but most stories are written by staff members or professional writers assigned by us. We seldom publish unsolicited manuscripts (the exception being inspirational accounts or successful program ideas by individual Scouters). We rely heavily on regional writers to cover an event or activity in a particular part of the country.

A query with a synopsis or outline of a proposed story is essential. Include a stamped, self-addressed envelope to insure a reply. We respond to queries within three weeks. We buy short features of 500 to 700 words; some longer features, up to 1,200 words, usually the result of a definite assignment to a professional writer. We do not buy fiction or poetry.

We pay on acceptance. We purchase first rights unless otherwise specified (purchase does not necessarily guarantee publication). Photos, if of acceptable quality, are usually included in payment for certain assignments. (We normall assign a professional photographers to take photographs for major story assignments.) Payment rates depend on the professional quality the of an article. Payment is from $300 to $500 for a short feature, $650 to $800 for a major article, and more for quality articles by frequent contributors.

Writers or photographers should be familiar with the Scouting program and Scouting magazine. A sample copy will be sent if you provide a stamped, self-addressed 9 x 12 envelope and $2.50.

Our address is:

Scouting Magazine
1325 W. Walnut Hill Lane
P.O. Box 152079
Irving TX 75015-2079
Phone: (972)580-2367
Web site:

Writing Op - American Profile Magainze

Home Page:
Writers Guidelines
American Profile’s audience lives in communities with an average population of 7,000. Our articles are useful, informative, human, and concise; full of detail and color, writing and reporting at its best. Our readers are intelligent and discriminating, our standards are high. This is not a market for beginners; send only your most professional work. No fiction, nostalgia, or poetry. Coverage of people and places must be enlightening and instructional, and have a broad regional or national relevance. We also cover health, food, gardening, home projects, nature, and finances. Articles should be topical, but have a long shelf life. Length varies from 450 to 1,200 words. Payment within 45 days of acceptance. Fees are competitive but vary widely. Byline and one-sentence bio given. Mostly freelance written. No reprints. Buys exclusive first-time print rights and all electronic rights to unpublished pieces for six months, non-exclusive rights thereafter.
Queries: Send a one-paragraph query with clips and SASE. No phone, fax, or e-mail submissions.

Mailing Address:

    American Profile
    341 Cool Springs Blvd., Ste. 400
    Franklin, TN 37067

Phone & FAX:

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Understanding Rights and Copyright

Here is an excellent article that explains both the rights that may be purchased by a publisher and copyright law. This is worth reading even if you "think" you already know what these mean.

The author of this article, Moira Allen, is the editor and publisher of, and the author of more than 300 articles and columns. Her books on writing include Starting Your Career as a Freelance Writer, The Writer's Guide to Queries, Pitches and Proposals, and Creative Internet Strategies to Advance Your Writing Career. Allen is a contributing editor (and former columnist) for The Writer and a frequent contributor to other writing publications. She has been writing and editing professionally for more than 25 years, and has also taught freelance and creative writing at several community colleges. Allen has recently launched a new travel website,

Writng for Trade Magazines

Prism Business Media publishes a large number of trade magazines. For information about these magazines you can go to:
Click on the individual magazine you are interested in and it will take you that website. Trade magazines are good break-in markets.