Lost Treasure, Inc.
Post Office Box 451589
Grove, Oklahoma 74345-1589
Phone 918/786-2182
Fax 918/786-2192
Janet Warford-Perry, Managing Editor
http://www.primediabusiness.com/magazines/magweb.asp?page=MagazinesGUIDELINES FOR WRITERS
Lost Treasure, Inc. reviews manuscript submissions for two treasure magazines as follows: 1) Lost Treasure, a monthly publication, accepts lost treasure, folklore, personal adventure stories; legends; and how-to articles for treasure hunters and metal detector users; personal adventure stories when accompanied by a sidebar consisting of a how-to lesson or tips (hunting, research, technique, etc., related to the story); who’s who features (by query only) and miscellaneous how-to tips. 2) Treasure Cache, an annual publication, accepts only documented treasure cache stories with a sidebar from the author telling the reader how-to search for the cache highlighted in the story.
1. Original Stories with photos, maps, and documentation are what we want! No rehashes of well-known treasure stories; no articles that have been submitted or already published in any other treasure hunting forums.
2. Queries are not required for Lost Treasure, but are for Treasure Cache. Queries, one page or less, and may be emailed to the managing editor . Queries are answered as quickly as possible, usually 2-4 weeks.
3. Source Documentation: Lost Treasure and Treasure Cache require source documentation. Personal experiences dealing primarily with how-to information do not require source documentation unless the author makes reference to information outside of the realm of his/her personal experience. Then documentation is required. For source documentation requirements, see Source Documentation, #16.
4. Format, Disk: Manuscripts must be Times New Roman font, 11 pt. single spaced, caps and lower case (not all capital letters), flush left, with only one space after each sentence, no line spacing between paragraphs, and no tab indentions. Manuscripts may be submitted two ways: 1) via email to the managing editor in Microsoft Word or within the body of the email or; 2) via mail to P.O. Box 451589, Grove, OK 74345-1589, on a readable 3-1/2” floppy disk in ASCII or Microsoft Word.
5. Page Identification: Your name, address, email address, telephone number (including area code) and social security number should appear on the first manuscript page in the upper left hand corner.
NOTE: Do not rubber stamp nor write information on the backs of photos, maps, etc., as damage may result making them unusable. TIP: Type information on a sticky back label and affix or, type on a piece of paper and tape to the back of the photo.
6. Word Count: An approximate word count should appear in the upper left hand corner on the first page of your manuscript.
7. Page Numbering: Do not insert the page numbering format.
8. Sequence: Manuscripts should be typed in the following sequence: 1) Photo Captions 2) Article Title 3) Body of Article. 4) Sources
9. Identification - Photos and Captions: Photos should be scanned at 300 dpi and sent in .jpeg or .tiff format. Photos should be assigned an identification number (i.e., 1, 2, 3, etc.) and named the same as the story. Accompanying captions should be typed and numbered to correspond to photo I.D. numbers.
10. All or Nothing: All photos, maps, documentation, other pertinent information should accompany your manuscript at the time of submission.
11. Article Lengths: Lost Treasure-500-1200 words. Treasure Cache- 1,000-1,500 words. Two-part articles are rarely published. These are accepted by query only.
Issue Themes: Lost Treasure articles should coordinate with an issue’s theme (editorial calendar enclosed). Stories deviating from the theme are always considered and used whenever possible. How-To articles are used in each issue. Treasure Cache is documented stories.
13. Caution: Stories should not read like ads for particular products. It is acceptable to name products in your story, but refrain from consistently repeating the detector’s name or the name of other equipment.
14. Returning Manuscripts: A self-addressed, stamped envelope, with sufficient postage must accompany submissions if they are to be returned.
15. SOURCE DOCUMENTATION: At least two sources (preferably more) are required with each submission. Exception: personal experience stories.
Newspapers: List newspaper name, issue date, article title. If newspaper clippings have no identification or date, note this fact in your sources.
Magazines: List magazine title, publication date (month and year), article title, article’s author.
Books: List by author, title, publisher, publication date.
National Archives, Library of Congress, etc.: List title, document number.
Historical Societies, Museum Files, etc.: List organization name, location (city, state), and other identifying information as applicable.
Personal experience stories: Yours--Identify yourself as the source telling this is a personal experience, where it happened and when. Others--Identify whose experience it is, where it happened and when. Tell how you learned of the experience (examples: interview, letters, other). TIP: Write down source information as you work. This insures accuracy and eliminates the necessity of backtracking.
16. PHOTOS: (Remember to identify them.)
Cover Photos: Accepted with or without accompanying story. Only 35 mm color slides (vertical shots) are accepted.
Article Photos: Color photos, scanned in .jpeg or .tiff format at 300 dpi must be included on the disk or within the email. No Polaroid shots. All photos must have sharp focus with good contrast.
17. MAPS: May be hand drawn or copied and should also be scanned per the instructions in #9 above. They should include where the lost treasure is located and contain specific directions to the treasure site(s).
18. PICTURES, BLACK AND WHITE LINE ART (not created by you): May be used only if you have received permission to do so and, credit is given to the source (museum, Library of Congress, illustrator’s name, etc.). Exception: Newspapers - permission is not required but credit must be given to the newspaper if a picture is copied. Must be scanned as per #16 above.
19. CARTOONS: As a rule we do not use cartoons in our magazines. Occasionally a cartoon accompanying a story is used.
20. SAMPLE ISSUE OF OUR MAGAZINE: Available on request. Write to: Managing Editor, Lost Treasure, Inc., P. O. Box 451589, Grove, OK 74345. Enclose SASE with $1.52 postage for the magazine.
21. NON ACCEPTANCE: We do not accept foreign manuscripts. Writers must reside in the U.S.A.
22. CONTRACT: We required a signed contract (U.S. and World Magazine Rights Agreement) from each writer giving us ALL rights to all material used (manuscripts, photos, art, etc.). No exceptions.
23. PAYMENT: Cover shots - $100.00. Articles - 4¢ per word. Photos, hand-drawn maps, artwork - $5.00 is paid for each item used. Payment is made on publication, not acceptance.