Sunday, July 23, 2006

Monday's Meeting

Next meeting - Monday, July 24, 2006

6:15-7:00 Chat Time
7:00-8:00 Discussion - Pitching Your Project
8:00-9:00 Critiques

Ringwood Baptist Church
30 Carletondale Road
Ringwood, NJ 07456

Discussion Time - Pitching Your Project
What is an "elevator pitch"?
What will get a publisher's positive reaction?
What will get a publisher's negative reaction?
How do you find a F-R-E-S-H angle?

On July 24 we'll begin this discussion and we will continue it on August 14, 2006.

BRING: One project idea that you would like to have published. As a group, we'll fine tune that idea until it POPS! This should not be an article or book chapter (something you've already written). It should be only an IDEA for an article (or book) that you would like to write.

ALSO: Be prepared to briefly tell the group what you've been working on. I will share the progress of my latest research trip to Michigan for my book If a Tux Could Talk: The Men Who Help Plan Their Weddings, and the Women Who Love Them For it.

Get ready - this is going to be a H-O-T summer for getting published!

Louise Bergmann DuMont
Facilitaor, NJCWG

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Writing Op - Medical

Post Looking for Vet, Medical, and Home Emergency Writers

Greetings, folks -
I'm the Director of Content and Architecture for Informed Publishing -- we have been publishing helping profession field guides for over 20 years. I am currently looking for freelance writers with experience in developing, contributing, and/or editing material for Veterinary and Medical guides, as well as for a Home Emergency Guide. You can see our current titles at

Writers should have either practical experience in the field for which they write, or should have previous experience writing on this subject. Pay scale is commesurate with experience, between $35-$50 an hour, with a flat NTE.

You can contact me directly at Serious and qualified inquiries only, thanks.

Writing Op - Soap Opera Website

Writer needed for Soap Opera website

We are hiring for and are in need of someone to write daily recaps for three soap operas. This job is a part-time paying job and we are legitamite! If you are seriously interested, please email me at soaps2006 at, or use the contact text on the site to contact me. My name is Chrissi.

Here are the details thusfar:

Daily Soap Opera Updates/News Writer/Website Manager

Job Description:
As the Daily Soap Opera Updates/News Writer and Website Manager, you will view or listen to daily soap opera program(s) and write the daily recap of the show. You will also write news about the show and manage the content of your assigned website. In addition, you will have to create and edit polls, find pictures over the Internet/post them on the website, and manage content priority. Forum moderation is another one of the tasks you will oversee.
You will have an on-line interface that will be easy to work with and displays all of the information you will need to research each individual actor/actress.

Skills, Experience, & Ability:
Internet experience is necessary for this position, however, we are also looking for several required skills and abilities that we feel are very important to success in this position. These are:
Being Internet savvy (including having the ability to utilize the Internet or other resources for research and finding information, and the ability to use forms and manage content).
Possessing strong writing skills.
Having Photoshop experience (or experience with any other image-editing software) is mandatory.
Being creative, reliable, and dedicated.

Job Status:

Part-time (2-4 hours a day)

For two of the soaps, you may have to start ASAP, as we will require someone to complete actor profiles.

Actor/Actress Profile Manager

Job Description:
As the Actor/Actress Profile Manager, you will create, edit, and manage the list of actors and actresses associated with each and every active running soap opera. This will entail researching and inputting relative information on each individual actor/actress including, but not limited to: birth date, birthplace, marital status, biography, current role in soap opera, career highlights, and any other pertinent information.
You will have an on-line interface that will be easy to work with and displays all of the information you need in order to research each individual actor/actress.

Skills, Experience, & Ability:

Minimal experience is necessary for this job. There are, however, several required skills and abilities that we feel are very important to succeed as an Actor/Actress Profile Manager. These include:
Being Internet savvy (having the ability to utilize the Internet or other resources for researching and finding information).
Having strong writing skills.
Possessing creativity, reliability, and dedication.

Job Status:
Part-time (2-4 hours a day)

The site is

Writing Op - NonChristian Paying Market

Opinions & Con reports Wanted

Looking for rants, musings, and enthusiastic praise on topics of interest to science fiction fandom. Got something you think fandom should know about, good or bad? Wantyour opinion heard? I'm starting an Opinions section at Firefox News,

I'm paying $20 per "opinion" piece. I pay promptly after acceptance, and my current TAT for responding to slush pile submissions is one to two weeks.

I am also looking for con reports. I'm particularly interested in con reports from Comic-Con (and WorldCon, upcoming) but will look at submissions for ANY con. I pay $10 per thousand words for con reports and I'm basically looking for a review of the con -- what was good, what wasn't, comments on the hotel, on the program, who you saw that was notable, interesting previews, etc.

E-mail submissions to


The Benjamin Franklin Award

The Benjamin Franklin Awards™ for excellence in publishing have named "Scared Poopless: The Straight Scoop on Dog Care" as the 2006 Winner for Best Health Book. The Ben Franklin is awarded by PMA, the Independent Book Publishers Association. Books are judged for both editorial and design excellence by reviewers, editors, designers, artists, acquisition librarians, bookstore buyers, wholesalers and distributor.
For the full story go to:

For information about the 2007 awards go to:

Friday, July 21, 2006

Hot Ideas!


Next meeting -- Monday, July 24, 2006

Our July 24 discussion is one you won't want to miss. We'll talk about pitching your project in a way that will get you published.

It does not matter if this is your first article or if you are a multi-published novelist - everyone needs a G-R-E-A-T pitch and F-R-E-S-H angle. On Monday, July 24, 2006 (continuing on Monday, August 14) we will discuss the hows and whys of getting published -- and rejected. We'll dig into a bag of resources that will make your story "different" from the thousand others that authors are tossing out to editors.

IMPORTANT: Bring to these meetings one project idea that you would like to have published. As a group, we'll fine tune that idea until it POPS! This should NOT be an article you've already written. It SHOULD be only an idea for an article (or book) that you want to write.

ALSO: Be prepared to briefly tell the group what you've been working on. I will share the progress of my latest research trip to Michigan for my book If a Tux Could Talk: The Men Who Help Plan Their Weddings, and the Women Who Love Them For it.

Get ready - this is going to be a H-O-T summer for getting published!

Louise Bergmann DuMont
Facilitaor, NJCWG

ICRS 2006

The International Christian Retailers Show (ICRS) formerly known as the Christian Booksellers Association (CBA) was held July 9-13, 2006 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, CO

Here are a few things that came from that convention.


Big announcements (editors moving to new publishing houses, new titles that will cause a stir, etc) are often made shortly before the ICRS. This year, two items came to light.

1) Warner Faith changed its name to Faith Words. They are no longer are a part of Time Warner but are now associated with Warner Books. All of its entities were bought by Hachette Livre, the third largest publisher in the world.
2) Multnomah announced that it was purchased by another publishing house but for legal reasons the identity of that publisher hasn't been disclosed yet. An announcement is expected July 31.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Max Elliot Anderson Interview

This month I have an interview, about my children's mysteries & adventures, by the Chicago Writers Association.

You can find it at

Max Elliot Anderson

Adventure books for readers 8 and up

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Organized Writer

Do you need to get your writing organized? Check out this website:

The Organized Writer has some great free writing articles as well. Just click the FREE ARTICLES tab once you get to the website.


* Learn the Four-Step Secret to a Perfect Manuscript
Tired of proofreading for hours? Moving from first draft to perfect manuscript can be a slow and tedious exercise even for the most experienced writers. But you can create a perfect manuscript with just four simple steps....

* Personality Traits of a Real Writer
All writers are creative types, with cluttered desks, and messy piles, right? To be a good writer, one lives on coffee and stale potato chips only coming up for air when the book's done, right? Maybe. Or maybe we as writers have convinced ourselves that this is how a "real" writer acts....

*Sell Your Book with Pennies
Imagine you share a huge penny jar with each of your potential readers. Every interaction with a reader either adds or subtracts pennies from the jar. When readers need your info (non-fiction) or entertainment (fiction), they will trade the jar for your book, but only if the jar is full. Overflow the penny jar, and your reader will buy nearly everything you write.

Writing Op - Firefox News (not really news)

Please also see the general submission guidelines:

I am looking for fiction submissions on the themes below. Payment is on acceptance; submission response time is currently 1 to 2 weeks. I reserve the right to occasionally exceed this timeframe but I really try to respond quickly!

Pay rate is $.01/word up to $100.

Submit stories to

Themes have a deadline, however, themes may be closed to submissions early if I feel like I have accepted enough stories!

Without further ado, here's the first six themes I'm looking for material on:

It's the End of the World As We Know It
Stories about cataclysms, pandemics, disasters, alien invasions, and other angsty and grim subjects. Should be strongly character driven, and the stories may take place during or after the disaster. Note that you may submit comedy as well as dark stories and I'm open to unusual methods of ending the world!
Deadline: September 1st, 2006

Magic in the Modern World
Stories about magic coexisting with the modern world. Funny, romantic, silly, serious -- but with a strong underlying fantasy element.
Deadline: October 1st, 2006

Stories about protagonists who save the day. May be fantasy or science fiction, and may be about anything from a reluctant hero to a superhero. No Mary Sues!
Deadline: November 1st, 2006

Beauty and the Beast
I don't want to see stories that are a rehash of the fairytale. What I'm looking for are romances where one of the characters is physically unappealing to the other protagonist -- for any reason you can think of. One of the heroes, for example, may be disfigured, may belong to a fantasy or alien race, or, as in the original fairy tale, may be magically cursed. You may also come up with other reasons ... Stories can be fantasy or science fiction. Note: No Bestiality. I shouldn't have to say this, except, apparently, I do. If the story makes me go, "Ewwww!" I'm not going to buy it! There's a fine line that shouldn't be pushed, here ... also, please note the site's "PG" rating!
Deadline: January 1st, 2007

Bad Guys
Submissions should be about rogues, renegades, mercenaries, pirates and others of a questionable moral persuasion. The protagonist should be likeable even if his actions aren't.
Deadline: February 1st, 2007

The only requirement for this theme is that one of the characters must be an alien. Authors may really run with this one; I'm curious to see what sorts of submissions I get.
Deadline: March 1st, 2006

More Info:

Please note that Firefox News is not affiliated with The Mozilla Foundation or the browser Firefox. Although we highly recommend the browser, we cannot help you with any issues pertaining to it. Please contact for assistance with your browser.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Sandy Cove Christian Writers' Conference

Sandy Cove Christian Writers' Conference
October 1-4, 2006

Refine your writing and speaking skills• Be mentored by editors and professional writers• Network with editors and professional writers• Expand your vision of how God can use you• Enjoy His presence on the headwaters of the Chesapeake Bay in Northeast, Maryland.

Editors and Publishers
Join us for four days of seminars and workshops with editors from these publishers . . . (other are being confirmed at this point)
ACW Press Jim Watkins
Beacon Hill Publishing Judi Perry
Big Idea Cindy Kenney
Byline Iris Dowling
Focus on the Family Lissa Halls Johnson
The Free Lance-Star Linda White
Gospel Communications
Peggie Bohanon
Group Publishing, Rev. Lee Sparks
Harvest House * Terry Glaspey
Howard Publishing * Denny Boultinghouse
Light and Life Doug Newton
River Oak (Cook Communication's Fiction Line) Jeff Dunn
Standard Publishing Robin Stanley
Pleasant Word * and WinePress * Athena Dean and Carla Williams
The Upper Room * Susan KingWesleyan Publishing House * Larry Wilson
Write the Vision Maurice Gray

Other faculty members include:
Books & Such Literary Agency Wendy Lawton
Christian Writers Guild * Andy Scheer
XarisCom Editorial Services Jim Watkins director of conference
Bonnie Brechbill professional writer
Sharon Norris Elliott, director of AuthorizeMe, professional writer
Roger Palms, former editor of Decision magazine
Claudia Tynes professional writer

Registration, Etc.
Overnight Costs
Deluxe/Family/Handicap Rooms: $488 per adult, single occupancy / $398 per adult, double occupancy
Add $15 per night, per room for bay view rooms. Rates are per person and include lodging, meals, materials, seminars, plenary sessions, continuing workshops and two free manuscript evaluations as well as two private appointments with an editor or professional writer.
Call for upgraded room rates.
Day guest cost
Just $308.00 includes meals, materials, seminars, plenary sessions, continuing workshops and two free manuscript evaluations as well as two private appointments with an editor or professional writer, but no overnight accommodations.
Payment policy: A $100 deposit per room is required at time of reservation. Full payment is due by September 1, 2006. If you register after September 1, you will be asked for full payment at that time.
Call 800.234.2683 to register!
Need a same-sex roommate for the conference? Visit the Sandy Cove Writers/Speakers Forum to see if someone with similar interests needs a roommate to defray costs. Click here to join the forum.

Sandy Cove offers scholarships. Click here for details.
The writers conference has a vision of underwriting all transportation and conference expenses of at least one conferee from a developing country each year. However, our funds are currently depleted. If you would like to contribute to bringing students from overseas, your tax deductable donation can be made to "Sandy Cove Ministries" and earmarked "Writers Conference International Scholarships."

Special needsThe entire Sandy Cove Conference Center is under one roof and completely handicap accessible. Special dietary needs can be accomodated by the chef. (All meals are served buffet style.)

TransportationVisit the Sandy Cove Writers/Speakers Forum to carpool with someone from your area. Click here to join the forum. To schedule shuttle service from the Baltimore or Philadelphia airports to Sandy Cove, call About Town Limosine Service of North East, Maryland, at 1-410-287-6400 (the cost is approximately $20 each way per person for groups).
We do not recommend using the Aberdeen, Maryland, Amtrak station.

Email Jim Watkins, the directorOr call him at 1-765-618-7913.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Max Elliot Anderson

This interview with Max Elliot Anderson was just posted about writing adventures and mysteries for readers 8 and up.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Writing Op -

Here is a note I received from Kevin Lucia

Hi folks,

My friends and I are creating an ezine off the foundation of our small and humble writer's forum, Emerging Christian Writers.

We're looking for the following:

Fiction & Non-fiction - non-fiction about ANY aspect on faith or writing book & movie reviews
articles concerning the arts & entertainment: movies, video games, comic books, cartoons, sci fi/fantasy, music, faith artwork & poetry

This publication is created from a broad Christian world-view, but it is not an evangelizing publication. Non-Christians are more than welcome to submit, just make sure you fly right by the submission guidelines. Pardon our dust as we get up and running, and eventually we're going to be hosted at, but right now it's on my server space.

Sadly, I cannot pay at this time. However, if we get a lot of people involved in this, perhaps we can publish an annual through Lulu or something!

Oh, and the email I'm using for submissions is: Submissions can be sent in Word, Open Office...any of the regulars.


Kevin Lucia - Editor

Monday, July 03, 2006

Website Update

Well, I had the day off from work today so I spent it updating my website. If you know of any grooms-to-be or any newlyweds, I created a Groom's Survey for your convenience. It is now up on the website as well. (just click on the grooms survey button).

Wishing you all a blessed July 4th.

Louise Bergmann DuMont
Faciliator, NJCWG

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Press Release - If a Tux Could Talk

Timothy R. DuMont & Amanda Lillis
after a recent performance at Carnegie Hall

This press release is also available on my website - click the NEW Work in Progress button.


July 3, 2006

Contact Info:
Louise Bergmann DuMont
Cell 551-427-3794

AUTHORS SEEK soon-to-be wed grooms,
brides, newlyweds, clerics & wedding professionals

If a Tux Could Talk:
The Men Who Help Plan Their Weddings,
and the Women Who Love Them For It

Today's groom is not afraid to order quiche tartlets for his reception or display a daisy boutonniere on his tux. Since most couples are footing more than a third of their wedding costs, grooms are participating in the decision-making more than ever before. If a Tux Could Talk: The Men Who Help Plan Their Weddings, and the Women Who Love Them For It is not simply an other how-to manual. It reflects the changing role of a groom with both candor and comedy while it addresses the spiritual issue of leadership and offers specific ways for a couple to value the talents and strengths of each partner.

Tim R. DuMont is currently preparing for his wedding to the gifted and beautiful Amanda Lillis. Tim's mother, author and speaker Louise Bergmann DuMont, has been happily married to Tim's father (John DuMont) for over 30 years. Together this mother-son team hope to share both the fun and the folly of wedding planning with brides and grooms in the midst of their nuptial preparations.

Author, Louise Bergmann DuMont says,
“Tim and I are eager to get our latest book, If a Tux Could Talk: The Men Who Help Plan Their Weddings, and the Women Who Love Them For It ready for publication. We are looking for grooms, brides, newlyweds, clerics, wedding coordinators, and other wedding professionals willing to share their experiences. If you are interested in participating in this project, you can contact us as –”

“We are especially looking for 1) chuckle-until-your-face-hurts anecdotes 2) ‘uniquely his’ wedding ideas 3) romantic groom stories 4) unusual family, ethnic or religious traditions that were incorporated into a wedding 5) individuals who invented new traditions 6) spiritual lessons learned as a result of wedding preparations and 6) last but not least, any wedding related event that was extraordinary, distinctive or atypical.”
To schedule a speaking engagement, or a book signing you can contact Louise and/or Tim at Additional information about Louise, her books and the programs she offers are found at her website:


New Column for Author Louise Bergmann DuMont

I have new column (Espresso for the Heart) that appears on The Comfort Cafe. The story is a rewrite of one I did for my book, Grace by the Cup: A Break From the Daily Grind. You can read the story at:

Louise Bergmann DuMont

Writing Op - Comfort Cafe

The Comfort Cafe - an exceptional website for those seeking encouragment, comfort or Christian instruction -- is looking for new writers. Currently unpublished writers have the opportunity to garner some clips and established writers can tithe their writing to a great website. The Comfort Cafe does not pay, but it certainly is worth a look.

A Note From Ruth Wood, Editor

We Are Looking for Writers

Our Help for the Hurting page lists all the topics we hope to address in the future. If you have a story or article that relates to one of these areas, I’d love to hear from you. Review our writer’s guidelines, then send submissions to


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Marketing Columnist Wanted

Marketing Columnist Wanted
Can you help small businesses market their businesses online and offline? We're in need of one columnist willing to write original 350 to 500 word articles, for our e-zine--not website, once a month for $10 per column, per issue. 30 days after publication, you'll be able to sell your column as a reprint to other publications. The key is to offer advice not found on the Internet. Send us three sample columns along with your credentials. Deadline is August 1, 2006. We'll make our
final decision August 15, 2006. And the new marketing columnist will begin writing his/her first column in September, 2006.

3 Scholarships - Phlly Writers Conference

A Note From the Facilitator of the NJCWG
For years I've talked about three important networking tools available to writers
1. Local writers groups
2. Online writers groups
3. Writers Conferences

If you've heeded my advice and joined CWG (Christian Writers Group) online, you may be eligible to take advantage of a scholarship to one of the best Christian writers conferences on the east coast - The Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference.

Louise Bergmann DuMont


The Cecil Murphey Scholarship


CWG member Cecil (Cec) Murphey has once again demonstrated his heart for fellow writers in a tangible way by offering scholarships to a writing conference. This round of scholarships offers the full registration fee and housing for two members of CWG to attend the Greater Philadelphia
Christian Writers Conference on August 10-12.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Writing Op - Screenwriters

Here’s an opportunity for screenwriters - a production company with a studio first look deal is seeking a screenplay to produce – details are below.


We are seeking scripts to go into production with ASAP. We have funding and a first look deal with a major studio!!!

Here's what we're looking for:

Genre: Smart Horror, Noir, Thriller, Suspense
Budget: 500K - 1M
Other Details: Prefer a young cast, Limited Locations, and hopefully a good role for a female in her 20's.

We're looking for something that can have commercial appeal but we're open to all scripts we find appealing.

Be sure to mention you were referred by Jeff Gund, and email any questions, or logline,
synopsis, and writing sample if you have it to:

If we are interested we will request the full script.

Alexander Moore
Zoetic Entertainment, LLC