Writer needed for Soap Opera website
We are hiring for Soaps.com and are in need of someone to write daily recaps for three soap operas. This job is a part-time paying job and we are legitamite! If you are seriously interested, please email me at soaps2006 at gmail.com, or use the contact text on the site to contact me. My name is Chrissi.
Here are the details thusfar:Daily Soap Opera Updates/News Writer/Website ManagerJob Description:As the Daily Soap Opera Updates/News Writer and Website Manager, you will view or listen to daily soap opera program(s) and write the daily recap of the show. You will also write news about the show and manage the content of your assigned website. In addition, you will have to create and edit polls, find pictures over the Internet/post them on the website, and manage content priority. Forum moderation is another one of the tasks you will oversee.
You will have an on-line interface that will be easy to work with and displays all of the information you will need to research each individual actor/actress.
Skills, Experience, & Ability:Internet experience is necessary for this position, however, we are also looking for several required skills and abilities that we feel are very important to success in this position. These are:
Being Internet savvy (including having the ability to utilize the Internet or other resources for research and finding information, and the ability to use forms and manage content).
Possessing strong writing skills.
Having Photoshop experience (or experience with any other image-editing software) is mandatory.
Being creative, reliable, and dedicated.
Job Status:Part-time (2-4 hours a day)
For two of the soaps, you may have to start ASAP, as we will require someone to complete actor profiles.
Actor/Actress Profile ManagerJob Description:As the Actor/Actress Profile Manager, you will create, edit, and manage the list of actors and actresses associated with each and every active running soap opera. This will entail researching and inputting relative information on each individual actor/actress including, but not limited to: birth date, birthplace, marital status, biography, current role in soap opera, career highlights, and any other pertinent information.
You will have an on-line interface that will be easy to work with and displays all of the information you need in order to research each individual actor/actress.
Skills, Experience, & Ability:Minimal experience is necessary for this job. There are, however, several required skills and abilities that we feel are very important to succeed as an Actor/Actress Profile Manager. These include:
Being Internet savvy (having the ability to utilize the Internet or other resources for researching and finding information).
Having strong writing skills.
Possessing creativity, reliability, and dedication.
Job Status:Part-time (2-4 hours a day)
The site is