Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Quotable Quotes

"Take solace from this: Every good writer writes junk. Every great writer writes junk. The difference between them and you is they recognize what needs to be tossed and what can be salvaged with re-writes. That takes practice; which is where the craft part comes in."
~ Frank Baron

"Expert wordsmithing is when the skillful writer retrieves a white hot idea from the furnace of creativity, and with each carefully directed blow of the literary hammer, shapes the still malleable idea against the anvil of proper language convention to forge a fitting vessel of creative communication."
~ Glen B. Cook

"Tenacity is one of a writer's greatest gifts."
~ Louise Bergmann DuMont

"I tell you that on the day of judgment people will have to account for every careless word they speak"
~The Bible -- Matthew 12:36

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