Thursday, October 19, 2006

SpiritLedWriter - Pls Read

The SpiritLed Writer has been having a few electronic problems. If you submitted to this publication, please read the message below.

Hi all,

When your publication works solely by email, an ISP problem is a big deal. SO...

Just a quick note to say that due to a problem with the host for the magazine:

1) we've lost all emails in my inbox from July, including submissions and requested manuscripts (unfortunately, we didn't realize this until last month when we noticed no emails coming in, and when the inbox was wiped out).

**Our webmaster is trying to figure all this out, but in the meantime we have issues to get out...

2) we are experiencing problems receiving email (including responses to our feedback buttons, etc.). If you received a "blocked" email from the site this explains why.So, I'd appreciate any help with the following.

Please respond to me at

1) you have sent a manuscript, please resend (I responded positively to several subs last month, and have not received the manuscript -- I expect these were blocked) -- at

2) if you have a reprint to offer, please submit it at

3) please continue to pray for the ministry of SPIRIT-LED WRITER, we so appreciate it.

Lisa, Publisher

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