Launched last month, Amazon Connect started offering authors their own blogs and extended personal profile pages on the company's online bookstore site to help enhance connections between authors and their fans. So far, Amazon has recruited a group of about a dozen authors. "The program gives people who are interested in a particular author a way to get new insights into them, and gives the authors a way to develop more of a one-on-one relationship with readers." Source: nytimes.com
"The offices of the 'bug' magazines are moving from Peru, IL, to Chicago as of January, and existing staff were given the choice of moving or leaving. So far, I understand that those who leaving the staff include Executive Editor Deborah Vetter, Executive Editor Paula Morrow, Senior Art Director Ron McCutchan, and Associate Editor Heather Delabre." Cricket, Ladybug, Babybug, Spider, and Cicada will continue to be published without interruption. Source: underdown.org
Penny Edman has been named editor of the independent weekly Online Catholics. Source: cathnews.com
"A report from Audit Bureau of Circulations, released just as the media world went into its annual Christmastime hibernation, found that Forbes incorrectly classified some circulation as paid and missed delivering the circulation it guarantees advertisers." Source: businessweek.com
Effective January 8th, the single-piece rate for First-Class Mail will increase from 37 cents to 39 cents, and the postcard rate will increase by one cent to 24 cents. For other rate changes, see USPS.com.
Jim Louderback has been promoted to editor-in-chief of PC Magazine and editorial director of Consumer Technology Group. Source: mediabistro.com
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